Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 328 The Preliminary Competition Begins

Chapter 328 The Preliminary Competition Begins

Holy City, the headquarters of the Temple Alliance!

Finally coming here also symbolizes that the six of them are about to return to their respective temples to participate in the preliminary round!

"Xiao Lu, remember to come and find me!"

At the time of parting, Bing Xin smiled at her Queen's female magician, although her ice armor can be released, but the revolution has not yet succeeded, and the cold will take a day or two to stabilize!

"Got it, my little Bingbing!"

Lin Jialu looked back and smiled, and went to her temple to report.A ninth-level great magician, she dared not imagine that by the end of the finals, she would be able to break through to the fifth-level profession and become a magician!

A simple farewell, the Chen brothers obviously knew their own results, Bing Xin followed Ye Hua and Li Xin to report.

After the report was over, Bing Xin knew that with her fifth-level strength, she had a bye in the first two rounds, and if she won the third round, she would directly enter the top ten.

"The competition this time is very fierce. There are as many as one hundred people participating this time. You have to be mentally prepared. Among them, there are already three Earth Knights, including Bing Xin, which counts as four. I hope You won't meet."

After the report was over, Ye Hua took the three of them to his room and educated them. There are more than 100 people, and only ten will be selected. One can imagine the cruelty of this competition.


When Li Xin heard it, she cried out, because the news was too scary.Afterwards, Ye Hua educated her on love.

"You don't need to use your hands, that's great!"

Bing Xin smiled, he can't help this big sister now, and according to the original track, she can still join the line.

"Sister, come on!"

Bing Xin blinked her small eyes, and after walking out with Li Xin, she said with a smile.

"Well, Xiaobing, why don't I come to sleep with you too? Seeing Xiaolu's arrogant appearance, how can you not help my sister!"

Li Xin said, she looked like pear blossoms with rain, facing Bing Xin's open heart, and trampled Bing Xin severely, and Bing Xin also saw what it means to be tolerant!

Saying goodbye to Li Xin, Bing Xin searched for the signs of the magic temple. The six temples all have their own signs, which are easy to identify.

"Hey, Xiaobing, I knew you would come to me."

Then, a blue-haired magical girl with a smile walked over, staring at Bing Xin as if she couldn't leave him.

"Hmph, Xiaolu, you didn't even come to look for me, I'm going back!" Bing Xin pretended to be angry, and turned to leave.

Lin Jialu hurried up to stop her!

"Okay, my little Bingbing, sister is wrong, let's do it!" Lin Jialu laughed.If she knew that Bing Xin was a man, she would be happy to play with him like this.

"Okay! I've had a bye in the first two rounds. For a couple of days, Xiao Lu, just treat me to dinner!"

Bing Xin smiled, as if I forgive you, and then, the magical girl took his hand and went to her boudoir.

Lin Jialu is different from him, she still needs to go through a cruel elimination round, this time, Bing Xin didn't practice with her too late!
"Xiao Lu, good night!"

Bing Xin hugged her very enjoyingly, and buried her head in her tenderness.

"Well, my little Bingbing! Good night!"

The magical girl naturally kissed Bing Xin on the forehead and said.The more I look at him, the more I like him. Although I can't see through his strength or his heart, I am really happy to be with him.

On the second day, this grand event began!

The competition area of ​​the magic temple!
"Haha, Xiaobing, if Li Xin finds out that you came to watch my competition, she will definitely die of anger!"

Lin Jialu held Bing Xin, who looked at most 15 years old, and said with a bright smile.

"My sister is my sister, but you are my Xiaolu. Let me come and see you show your might. I can kill them all without leaving them alone!" Bing Xin said, her face full of confidence!

When Bing Xin asked her to summon the armor of ice, she was full of inconceivable, Bing Xin, how did he do it? After testing the hardness of the armor, she could only confidently say: I want to stand directly with the staff , Just knock them out!

In the Knights Temple competition area, the five Earth Knights were very mysterious and were not present, but this did not affect the start of the preliminary round. In the first round, Long Haochen was called.

Looking back at the Magic Temple, Lin Jialu from No. 66 entered the stage, casting a confident look at Bing Xin.

Her first opponent was a sixth-level great magician. Even without his help, Lin Jialu could have won the first round smoothly, because the fifth-level magicians named Lin Xin also had their byes.

The moment the cone of ice was released, the great magician lost.

"How is it? It's amazing!"

The magical girl said proudly when she came back victorious.

"It's okay, Xiaolu, how dare you show off by playing a great magician who is three levels lower than you?"

Bing Xin's face was flat, and she didn't want to hurt this magical girl, so she had to tell the truth of the matter in a down-to-earth manner, knight, you must abide by the integrity of the knight's code!

"Ah! Ask for a fight!"

Lin Jialu looked like she was about to pounce, baring her teeth and waving her claws.

After two days, she still won without any pressure. As for the Chen brothers, they were already defeated!

On this day, after a simple meal, the two beauties, one big and one small, were ready to leave!
"Xiaolu, keep going!"

"Call my sister, see if I don't hit..."


The two like to play, Lin Jialu looked at the charming figure who was leaving, and suddenly lost her mind.

Familiar with the road, Bing Xin quickly returned to her room that had been vacant for two days, and she really hoped to play with them like this every day!
"Xian'er, Zhuqing, Nini, in ten days or so, you men will go back to visit you and bring you some sisters, haha!" Bing Xin smiled.

Another day begins!

"Hmph! Xiaobing, you still know how to come back!"

When Li Xin and Long Haochen saw Bing Xin finally appearing, they said with some resentment, Bing Xin was really cool.The Earth Knight, who had a two-round bye, was much better than them.

"Sister, isn't it coming to me!"

Bing Xin replied with a smile, indeed it was his turn to play.

"Let's go!" Ye Hua said flatly!Although Bing Xin is so slack, but he has his capital, a ninth-level monster, and everyone can expand.

Afterwards, the three of them followed Ye Hua to the competition area, waiting for the referee to announce the match!
Game five!
"No. 17, NO.[-], enter the competition!"

Finally, Bing Xin breathed a sigh of relief!
"Just play as usual!"

Ye Hua thought Bing Xin was nervous, so she said in a comforting tone.

"Come on, sister Xiaobing!"

"Come on, sister Bing Xin!"

Li Xin and Long Haochen also encouraged, even though Bing Xin was away for two days, she was still a part of their Haoyue branch hall.


Bing Xin responded with a smile to the three of them, she had waited for a long time, she was not nervous, she could finally pretend.


When No. [-] Bing Xin entered the field, the high-level area and other players couldn't help but let out a sigh.Because number five is too young, and also an earth knight, and looks so charming!
After both parties saluted, the referee announced:
"Game start!"

(End of this chapter)

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