Chapter 536

Not only her, but all the new students fell into a pool of blood. In the face of a sudden attack, even the fighters might fall. Let's fight together.

Facing the strong fighting spirit of the Great Fighter, these bows and crossbows are useless. Of course, these people's purpose has been achieved, reducing the new blood of Canaan Academy.

"Elder Mu, I will leave the students to you. The black mosquito taught these poisonous insects and successfully angered me!"

The old man in Tsing Yi said coldly, several fierce winds around his body instantly condensed and slapped out with one palm, and those masked men riding black mosquito carvings, those who were weak, were all smashed into powder.

The old man in the green robe nodded, with Elder Bing and Elder Qing present, the enemies on the opposite side were no longer intimidating.

Elder Mu waved his hand, and a burst of green and strong battle energy radiated out, like raindrops, and landed on those injured students. As for the students who had already been injured and died, he could do nothing.

"Hei Ling, Hei Qing, you will pay a heavy price for today's actions!"

A monstrous cold air emanated from a Dou Wang powerhouse, which seemed to be able to freeze a person's speed by a few points.


After several fights, it was obvious that there were also two fighting kings on the opposite side, and the three elders seemed to know these people.

"Hehe, you can find out our headquarters first at Canaan College. This time, many people in the Black Corner Region have paid for it. Moreover, our leader is not something you can compete with."

One of the two masked men said with a sinister smile, also full of confidence in the forces behind him.

What's more, when they started to do it now, the Canaan Academy's support did not show up. It was obvious that they had been planning for a long time.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's on the Necromancer tree. Your leader is indispensable, and you come out to make trouble every time!" The old man in Tsing Yi said fiercely.

After finishing speaking, a sharp wind palm struck out, and the masked man turned into a black mist to escape, and when he reappeared, it was another place.

"Kill!" Finally, the fighting king named Hei Ling ordered.

I saw the subordinates they brought, with expressionless faces, rushing forward without fear of death, almost all of them were above the strength of the fighters, fighting desperately, a few fighters besieged the instructors of the big fighters, and gained the upper hand .

Soon, six masked men in black rushed over to Teacher Ruolin's side.

"Be careful, everyone, these are dead men!"

Instructor Ruolin's face was full of seriousness, and one of them was a big fighter, adding up several fighters, even a big fighter couldn't guarantee to defeat them all.

"I can hold one!"

Then, the indifferent Xiao Xun'er spoke.

"Rob, you and I will join hands and help Teacher Ruolin share one." Lin Nan, who is a seven-star fighter, said to the young Rob.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xiao Xun'er and Xian Ling'er inexplicably from the corner of his eyes.

There are other outstanding students who have joined, and one is also shared. At this moment, mentor Ruolin is going to fight a big fighter and two dead fighters at the fighter level.

"Mysterious Intermediate Fighting Skill: Water Mandala!"

Fighting against the three dead men, Instructor Ruolin brandished a long blue whip, and a thick water snake ferociously attacked the three dead men.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

Instructor Ruolin's blow knocked back the dead fighter at the level of a fighter by a step, and injured two dead fighters at the fighter level. The situation can still be stabilized.

On Lin Nan's side, he had already been suppressed and beaten, but he was not completely powerless to resist. Elder Mu wanted to make a move at this time, but was blocked by three strong men of fighting spirit level.

The Black Mosquito Sect dispatched two Fighting Kings, three Fighting Spirits and so many dead fighters of the Fighting Masters, which shows that the Canaan Academy attaches great importance to it.

The battle entered a stalemate. On the other side of the academy, there was no help for a long time. After a while, a red firework was seen blooming perfectly in the sky. They all knew that the academy's helping hand was also blocked.

Now, they can only persevere and protect these freshmen, because the target of their attack this time is the freshmen recruited by the academy.

On top of the rest of the griffins, six or seven dead soldiers also jumped into it. Up to now, some mentors have died...

The students also actively resisted. Of course, most of them are old students. Among the freshmen, those who have reached the level of fighters are pitifully few.

"Yijia, be careful..."

Xue Ni looked behind Yijia, and suddenly jumped into a masked man in black and shouted.Now, she can't do anything, that's a Dou Shi.

With this shout, Instructor Ruolin was distracted, and wanted to come over to save her student, but... was blocked by the big Doushi and Doushi, and suffered serious injuries for this.

Behind Yijia, the masked man raised his cold knife and swung it down at Yijia.

"Ah..." Faced with death, Yijia screamed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to die, and no one wanted to die.

Feeling powerless, he closed his eyes and faced the ruthless dead soldiers.

"Dang!" Suddenly, there was a sound of metal colliding, it was so crisp, it was transmitted to everyone's ears, at this moment, the elegant Xiao Xun'er was slightly surprised to watch this scene for a second longer.

Yijia, who had almost disappeared, was blocked from her crisis by a white figure, and that person was Xian Ling'er.

At this moment, Xian Ling'er's arm, under the sharp steel knife, did not even have a trace of sleeves, but everyone was shocked.

"Those who dare to hurt me, die!"

Xian Ling'er frowned, grasped her right hand, and a three-foot colored and psychedelic long sword suddenly appeared in her hand.

The thumb pressed a colorful bead at the junction of the sword body and the hilt, and the index finger slightly turned the bead. The one facing the front was the golden-red side of the bead.


Without blinking, Xian Ling'er's long sword ruthlessly pierced into the abdomen of the masked dead man.

"Boom!" Afterwards, a golden-red flame burned a fighter-level fighter into ashes in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Xian Ling'er embraced Yijia's delicate willow waist, her eyes became strange, and she said, "It's all right."

He didn't let go of Yijia's slender waist, and turned to Lin Nanluobu, who was almost defeated. They didn't have time to watch Xian Linger's terrifying attack.

Xian Ling'er raised the psychedelic colored long sword, facing the two dead men on both sides of Lin Nan and Xiao Xun'er, and saw him let go, and the long sword floated in front of him.

"go with!"


I saw the sound of Xian Ling'er falling, and the fairy sword made a sound of breaking through the air as if it understood it. Afterwards, the two dead men fell on the deck in the blink of an eye, turning into ashes.

This move attracted Xiao Xun'er's attention, and everyone else looked at Xian Ling'er in shock.

Suddenly, Xian Ling'er felt dizzy, and Yijia, who was in his arms, supported his crumbling body in turn.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, Xian Ling'er's beautiful eyes saw the three strong fighting spirits who were closest to them, and the green robed elder, clenched their jade teeth, raised her hand and pushed hard.

The colorful long sword crossed the sky, passing by Tutor Ruolin, directly burned the big fighter to ashes, and stabbed at the three fighting spirits.

"Puff!" With two piercing voices, the two strong fighting spirits fell, and Xian Ling'er finally closed his eyes. At this moment, his fighting spirit was completely drained.

(End of this chapter)

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