Chapter 543

Seeing the dawn, Xian Ling'er opened his eyes. This time, it seemed that the fighting spirit in his body could no longer be suppressed. What he lacked in the distance breakthrough was an opportunity.

"Phew, I think sister Xueni should also be a five-star fighter. As for sister Yijia, she still needs some time."

Withdrawing her breath, Xian Ling'er began to think of the two big sisters who were stimulated by her. Their talents are considered above average in Canaan College.

Afterwards, putting his hands on the back of his head, Xian Ling'er didn't continue to practice, but lay down quietly. He didn't think much, just wanted to take a nap for a while, and soon fell asleep.

This dream is very unreal, he is in a sea of ​​golden red flames.

When the flame saw him, like a respectful servant, it slowly approached and wrapped around him, as if putting a golden red dress on him.

Everything happened naturally, the golden red flame spread all over his body, and Xian Linger didn't wake up.

For this sudden dream, Xian Ling'er didn't know why, but when she checked the cyclone in her body, it seemed to be condensed again, more mellow, and the wisps of psychic liquid became more and more obvious.

Xian Ling'er looked at all this, and said with a wry smile: "Could it be that you have broken through again?"

He listened to Ruolin's teacher's teaching, but suppressed his fighting spirit, and would not let it break through easily. If he wanted to break through, it would be an uncontrollable breakthrough, and he broke through to two stars not long ago. Right now, just sleep for a while and break through It's eight stars, it seems that there is still an energy to go straight to Dou Shi.

"Forget it, let it go!" In the end, Xian Ling'er didn't think much about it, she flipped her right hand, thinking about the colorful long sword that appeared that day.

He thought it was an illusion, and after concentrating on it for a while, he began to hope that those were not illusions. He liked this kind of long sword very much in his heart, and also liked the power to pierce thousands. Suddenly, a trace of weight appeared on his right hand.

He hurriedly opened his eyes, and after a burst of joy, the colorful long sword suddenly disappeared again. Xian Ling'er had already confirmed that the sword hadn't disappeared, and it should be hidden by his side.

Wanting to confirm again, just when he closed his eyes, his powerful perception sensed that someone was coming.

The person who came was the owner of this residence, and she raised her white hand and was about to knock on the door with a little force.


With a soft bang, the door opened!
"Master Ruolin, good morning!" Teacher Ruolin's hand was inadvertently pressed against his soft chest, but Xian Ling'er didn't seem to think much about it, she smiled and said good morning.

Looking at the perfect student with a smile like a spring breeze and eyes like stars, Ruolin was also confused for a while, and her hand rested on his chest for a long time.

"Tutor Ruolin?" Xian Ling'er looked at Ruolin who was in such a daze, and smirked and shook her hands in front of her eyes.

"Ah... oh, Ling'er, today, you go to the alchemy department to report first, and I'll let Xiao Yu take you there." Teacher Ruo Lin came back to her senses, and only then revealed the purpose of looking for him.

Perhaps Xue Ni had told him the map of Canaan College, but to be more cautious, he still arranged for Xiao Yu to take him there. This time, he was truly apprenticed.

Only when there is a real master-student relationship, the teacher will try his best to teach. It can be said that he has taught the bottom of the box.

Xian Ling'er nodded. He basically knew about the Dou Qi Continent. The sixth-grade pharmacist was one of the few in the Northwest Continent and had a high status.

Huo Linyu, his new teacher is one of the few sixth-grade pharmacists, and he is also a person with real skills. In this Canaan Academy, no one can compare with wealth and background. compared.

Because pharmacists are also a very rich profession, and a elixir they refine can make people willing to exchange high prices, skills, fighting skills and favors.

After nodding, Xian Ling'er smiled and said, "Well, Teacher Ruolin, I will apply to the teacher and come back to listen to your lecture."

Between the old man and the beautiful teacher, he would naturally choose the beautiful teacher. However, a pharmacist is a profession respected by everyone in the Douqi Continent, and he also wants to see what's going on.

"You, it takes a lot of time to become a pharmacist, so don't delay, go." Instructor Ruolin glared at the student, and finally said with a trace of reluctance.

If possible, she would also like to teach this outstanding student herself, but unfortunately, her ability is limited. If she can give him the best, she still chooses to let him pass. This is what a mentor should do. Students, with him own world.

Xian Ling'er could naturally hear the reluctance of this beautiful mentor, and finally, she smiled and gave her a temporary parting hug.

"Teacher Ruolin, I will come back, definitely!"

Leaning close to Tutor Ruolin's ear, Xian Ling'er said softly, holding that mature delicate body, she felt familiar and close again.

"Yeah, teacher is waiting for you, at least you have to become a first-grade alchemist for me when you come back."

Instructor Ruolin felt his charming aura, unconsciously, seemed to be infatuated with such a pure aura, lightly hugged her hands, and then joked.

Letting go of her mentor, Xian Ling'er smiled and nodded.

In the end, Instructor Ruolin watched the students she had picked leave, her pretty face suddenly showed a girlish smile, "Little guy, Instructor, when you come back, Elder Huo should have a lot of good things for you. "

While walking, Xian Ling'er was thinking about her mentor's gentle embrace. It was so familiar, but she just couldn't remember whether she had ever hugged Teacher Ruolin or who.

"Xian Ling'er, let's go!" Seeing Xian Ling'er walking out with a thoughtful look, Xiao Yu with sexy long legs said simply.

Xian Ling'er also recalled that Tutor Ruolin indeed asked such a proud student to take him there.

"Yeah!" Xian Ling'er nodded, looked at her long white legs exposed under her strong clothes, and the two walked side by side.

"That day... are you alright?" Xiao Yu suddenly asked with concern while walking.

Xian Ling'er was also surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, if it continues like that, even she will be in good health.

Xian Ling'er smiled back, "Well, Elder Mu's Wood Fighting Qi treatment has already healed."

It was also because of the elder's fighting spirit that he made breakthroughs one after another. On that day, he was just exhausted and unconscious. Strong now.

Xiao Yu looked at this smile and was also moved by it.

"Sister Xiao Yu, I know the way, why don't you go back and do your work first?" Xian Ling'er called her sister intimately, pulled each other closer, looked at Xiao Yu who was frowning slightly, and said.

Xiao Yu came to his senses, under normal thinking, she was not very interested in women, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, congratulations first, you become the beloved disciple of Elder Huo, and you will definitely be a person who is not lower than the sixth rank in the future." Alchemist."

Xian Ling'er's "sister" called out to her heart, who would refuse such a beautiful sister.

With Xiao Yu leading the way, Xian Ling'er walked slowly and asked her about some things along the way, just like a real sister.

Finally, the two came to a door with a bronze furnace, and Xian Ling'er smiled and said:
"Alright, sister Xiao Yu, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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