Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 555 Another month

Chapter 555 Another Month
Not surprisingly, at night, I still refined this healing powder, but at this time, Xian Ling'er, who had refined hundreds of times, felt the complacency in her heart have calmed down, just like eating the most delicious food, eating it for a long time If it is, it will be the same.

The next day, I went to class as usual. I was reading books in class, and my deskmate Yu Erhong. In this "Dong Leng Noodles" tutor class, I didn't dare to say a word. Although the tutor class was strict, the theory he taught was They are all very meticulous, and it seems that he has given these students his experience in refining medicine.

After class, the three beauties headed towards the cafeteria inseparably.

"Alchemy in the afternoon...Alchemy, Xian'er, teach me to skip class," Yu'erhong said resentfully on the way. She wanted to run away, but when she saw the first special case, she thought...

That was just thinking about it. Facing Mentor Donglai, she had no temper at all.

"Little Yu'er, don't there are many people who want to become alchemists?" Xian Ling'er was puzzled, although she also felt bored, but when she calmed down, she seemed to like it very much.

"Xian'er, you don't know, she is a special case, she wants to be a pharmacist and a lazy person at the same time."

Su Shanshan said with an elegant smile, she was still wearing a large and comfortable alchemist robe, so that her exquisite figure could not fully show her charm.

As a class flower, Lin Yuru seems that nothing outside can stop her enchantment. If she puts on a strong outfit, it may make many students fascinated by it.

Yu'erhong smiled, and put her arms around Xian Ling'er and Susanshan on the left and right, and said with a smile: "Shanshan still understands me, my biggest wish in this life is to become a fourth-rank pharmacist, and then , Sit and eat and wait to die, haha."

When Xian Ling'er heard it, she was a girl with ideals, but she fumbled her hands around her waist, wondering if she would take care of a man after she became a fourth-rank pharmacist, this is very interesting possible.

However, Xian Ling'er is already used to it, one is cheerful and the other is quiet and elegant, like sisters, it's good to be with her...

In the afternoon, the refining is still Healing Powder,
"Ahem, Ling'er, take your blue crystal card to test." Elder Huo said to Xian Ling'er holding a black crystal clear gem the size of a baby's fist.

Xian Ling'er nodded, and quickly took out a blue crystal card from her spirit fire ring. This was the crystal card that the teacher asked Donglai Mentor to give him last time, as well as the uniform of ordinary students.

This courtyard uniform has a cold feeling when worn, and it can also refresh the mind. The robes of those first- and second-rank pharmacists will definitely be more effective than his ordinary clothes. Not a small help.

Elder Huo took the crystal card and stuck it on the black gemstone. Afterwards, a soft and faint black glow came out,
"Ten thousand nine hundred and ten five!"

This string of values ​​startled Xian Linger, what happened to the extra ten thousand?

910 five, this is the rest of my monthly living expenses. Elder Huo gave me [-] living expenses every month, but this is [-] more.


Elder Huo looked at the disciple who was shocked by the value of "[-]", and hated iron for being weak. However, he also knew his current innocent appearance, but his popularity with women did not seem to diminish at all.

Xian Ling'er nodded, he didn't dare to think too much, you know, Susan only earns about [-] yuan a month, and the income is only from refining the second-grade elixir.

"This is the Healing Powder you refined. Although it is a first-grade elixir, the effect is good. Two hundred elixirs were sold at the highest price. The profit of more than 6000 yuan, after deducting the cost, the [-] yuan is yours. "Finally, Elder Huo said.

Xian Ling'er listened, more than 6000, in her hands, only [-], suddenly the surprise in her heart faded, the cost of [-] copies of medicinal materials does not cost [-], and it is not a second-grade elixir .

Seeing the changing expression on his disciple's face, Elder Huo smiled wryly and said, "Ling'er, the money for medicinal materials is of course more than that, but almost all medicinal pills are sold to the Heijiao area, and you need to bear certain risks. .”

Xian Ling'er thought about it, and yes, Canaan City doesn't need these things. Instead, it is the Black Corner Region, which is not only a natural place for training, but also a large market.

Seeing his disciple's enlightenment, he didn't care too much about him. This time, two hundred medicines were placed in front of Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er also accepted it calmly, and started alchemy, but she didn't know when she would be able to see mentor Ruolin. Also, the two sisters, Xue Ni and Yi Jia, have been in the Alchemy Department for more than two months. Students, study hard every day.

Half a month later, Xian Ling'er's Dou Qi was naturally raised to the five-star level. He must be the first one in the Dou Qi Continent for this kind of improvement.

With earth-level skills, the speed of cultivation is naturally not low, but Xian Ling'er has not deliberately cultivated recently, because the fighting energy absorbed naturally is purer and more solid than the fighting energy absorbed by cultivation. Ling'er's free-range state is naturally given, and the two cannot be compared naturally.

For the past half month, Xian Ling'er has been refining only Heshang Powder. The teacher didn't teach him other medicines, so he wouldn't ask too much. In the past half month, his worth has already reached tens of thousands, and he has truly experienced the essence of the alchemist profession. benefit.

Now, I have learned another kind of elixir, Chuli Pill, a first-grade elixir that temporarily boosts one's fighting spirit. The selling price is about [-], and Xian Linger's daily income is also close to [-].

Not for anything else, but because of his superiority in numbers, when other students want to refine one, the success rate is not [-]%, and there will always be discarded ones. Xian Ling'er is different.

Nearly ten days have passed, and Xian Ling'er has learned another pill, Congealing Blood Powder, which is also a healing pill. As the name suggests, it is very effective in dealing with injuries caused by weapons.

In another month, the last pill that Xian Ling'er learned was Yijin Pill, which was the arrangement of Elder Huo for a month.

Within this month, Xian Ling'er's fighting spirit has also been raised to the peak of the five-star peak, and there are signs of a possible breakthrough at any time.

"Ling'er, I have already taught you the four best four first-grade elixir recipes as a teacher, and I have also applied for an assessment for you. You can go to the assessment for a first-grade pharmacist tomorrow."

On this day, Elder Huo said to Xian Ling'er earnestly.

Xian Ling'er was moved when she heard it, she was eager to get it done, but she didn't expect that the teacher had already given her the best.

"Well, thank you teacher!" Xian Ling'er could only say gratefully in the end, without any fancy words, all she knew was that teacher should be respected by him.

Elder Huo waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, after the assessment, I will give you three days off, go out for a walk, and after you come back, I will teach you how to refine the second-grade elixir as a teacher."

"Yes, teacher." Xian Ling'er nodded and saluted respectfully.

Of course, today's work is still indispensable. In a month, he has already saved no less than 50 gold coins. What he looks forward to the most is the first product test tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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