Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 560 2 Sisters

Chapter 560 The Two Sisters
After leaving the fighting skill hall, Xian Ling'er went to the residence of Instructor Ruolin. She couldn't let Instructor Ruolin come to pick him up again. Moreover, there were quite a lot of people during class time.

As for the kung fu pavilion, he also wants to take a look. It is the same as choosing a fighting skill in a fighting skill hall. Every freshman has a chance to choose a kung fu, but most students will choose a kung fu first. As for fighting skills, some students He will try his best to improve his potential within the limited time, so as to obtain higher-level fighting skills.

After walking for a while, I saw hundreds of students swarming over. I didn't know whether they were rushing to the place to eat or to the fighting skill hall.

Xian Ling'er looked at it, and quickly dodged to the side. Although she didn't practice physical combat skills, her strength has improved, and her speed is naturally not slow.

"Hey, you obviously saw a beautiful girl, why did she suddenly disappear?"

"Dumb, what are you thinking, hurry up to the fighting skill hall."

Afterwards, several people paused and said a few words that made Xian Ling'er couldn't help but want to laugh.

Promotion experience!Xian Ling'er looked at these four-star fighters, and they all started to go to the martial arts gym. It seems that it has something to do with the promotion experience mentioned by Teacher Ruolin.

After they left, Xian Ling'er came out from behind a tree beside her, and then walked towards the residence of Tutor Ruolin.

After several roads, we finally arrived at our destination.

In Instructor Ruolin's residence, a female student who was wearing a loose outer court uniform, but couldn't conceal her fiery figure, said, "Could it be that Xian Ling'er hasn't come out yet?"

Another innocent girl with a more iconic figure smiled and said: "Hehe, Xue Ni, it's because you ran too fast, Xian'er probably hasn't come back yet."

While she was laughing, she knew in her heart that she was also anxious to see that charming guy, that face, that person's breath, that person's smile...

After Xian Ling'er came back, she naturally took all of this into her heart. It felt good to have someone thinking about him. Of course, the meaning of thinking about him was not that of male students.

"Teacher Ruolin, I'm back!" Xian Ling'er laughed lightly and shouted in a moderate voice.

He did it on purpose, but there seemed to be nowhere to hide the tutor Ruolin's residence except for the room. Two pretty girls just appeared in front of him.

"Sister Xueni, Sister Yijia!" Xian Ling'er looked surprised and called out kindly.

On the other hand, Xueni and Yijia were shocked when they saw Xian Ling'er in the robe of a pharmacist, and the silver-striped badge on his chest.

Yijia was the first to react, and said with a slight smile, "Well, it's Xian'er, did you miss us in the alchemy department?"

"Hmph, it's like missing for three months, so don't tell me!" Xue Ni also responded and snorted softly.

Although she said so, she still seemed to want to hear the word "think" from Xian Ling'er in her heart, which was always contradictory.

For this eldest sister, Xian Ling'er knows best, she has the most charming figure, and she is very enthusiastic about people who recognize her.

"I think, of course I do. In order to meet you, I have been learning how to refine medicine for three months, and I can only come out now." Xian Ling'er nodded, and said with a little grievance.

Sure enough, seeing Xian Ling'er's appearance as if she had really been wronged, their hearts seemed to melt, and then they gave this little sister a caring hug.

Xian Ling'er threw herself into the arms of the two of them, feeling the fragrance and warmth of the two of them, they were still so familiar.

When she fell into Yijia's arms, a devil's claw suddenly reached out to her...

That claw belonged to Xue Ni, Xian Ling'er naturally knew what she was doing, she wanted to measure her growth... that's all.

"Hey, Xian'er, it hasn't changed in three months," she asked after seeing her restlessness, as if she was still reluctant to let go.

Xian Ling'er smiled wryly in her heart, looking at her plump area, she really wished to use her own way to treat her body, but he knew that the usual hugs were fine, but if he did that, ahem...

Suppressing those thoughts, Xian Ling'er pretended to glared at Xueni angrily, and said, "You think everyone is as big as you, for example, sister Yijia's looks are very standard."

"You still have a sweet mouth," Yijia said with a chuckle when she heard the fairy's praise.

She naturally knew it was there, not what she wanted, and she still liked to hold Xian Linger's soft and boneless little hand, just like Xueni approaching him. Although there is no such thing, but Xian Linger's body, women can't And also.

Xian Ling'er doesn't know yet that Yijia is also such a sister. Unlike Xue Ni, she hides it very well, just like a little greedy cat who eats you without making a sound and makes you unaware.

Seeing that Xian Ling'er said good things about Yijia, Xue Ni snorted, "Hmph, someone secretly envied me."

Someone, of course, refers to Yijia, and Yijia didn't refute her, everyone has a love of beauty, okay?

Sitting down with the two sisters, chatting and laughing, it is more appropriate to have a heart-to-heart talk. Xian Ling'er also naturally talked about things in the Alchemy Department, which is something that Xueni and Yijia are more concerned about.

Alchemist, if she didn't meet the requirements, she might be a first-grade alchemist now.

Knowing how Xian Ling'er was refining the pill, Xue Ni suddenly leaned on Xian Ling'er's back, put her arms around her neck and asked, "Xian'er, how is sister treating you?"

Being hugged by this Xue Ni suddenly, Xian Ling'er also trembled, such a scene seemed very familiar.

"Of course!" Xian Ling'er didn't know what this sister Xue Ni was going to do, she nodded and replied, if you want him to teach her how to refine medicine, it seems that if you don't know how to teach it, should you teach her to refine it first?

Let's see what Xueni said, and Yijia, knowing what this sister is thinking, blinked her beautiful eyes at Xian Ling'er, reminding her of something.

"Hey," Xue Ni gave a smirk, and then said, "Xian'er, I'm about to go to the next level to practice, look, you are also a first-grade pharmacist, aren't you, those healing pills you mentioned, Give me and you sister Yijia ten and twenty coins."

"Ahem, Xueni!" Yijia coughed dryly, almost frightened. Although these ten pills are first-grade pills, the price is not less than thousands of gold coins.

Afterwards, Yijia said to Xian Ling'er: "Xian'er, don't listen to her nonsense, in fact, one or two is enough."

Listen, Xian Linger, these two sisters are really interesting, a lion opened his mouth wide, of course, Xue Ni was joking, and Yijia, why didn't he just say don't bother?Because it's the same in her heart.

During training, one or two pills can sometimes save a life, which is an extra guarantee.

Xian Ling'er smiled, and then, the spirit fire ring in her hand flashed red, and eight jade bottles appeared in front of the two of them.
Xian Ling'er said: "Healing powder, twenty pills, is the most effective in healing internal injuries. Ningxue powder, twenty pills, is the most effective in healing external injuries. There is also Yijin Dan, twenty pills, to treat tendon and bone injuries. Chuli pills, four pills, Improve combat power in a short period of time, don't take too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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