Chapter 562

Seeing Ruolin's fierce attack, Xian Ling'er naturally raised the long sword in her hand, with the tip of the sword pointing down, and held the hilt with both hands to resist the sharp sword energy.

"A move!" Instructor Ruolin shouted softly.

Xian Ling'er nodded, knowing that Tutor Ruolin was guiding him, she injected her strong fighting spirit into the long sword with a simple stroke.


A buzzing sword energy rushed towards Tutor Ruolin, but it was not condensed by Xian Ling'er herself, as if it was the sword energy that existed in the sword itself.

Instructor Ruolin was shocked for a while, then felt a little strange, a light blue water curtain blocked in front of her.

The sword qi ignored Teacher Ruolin's defense, broke through directly, and attacked Teacher Ruolin's face. Teacher Ruolin was also stunned, feeling that in the next second, she would fall under this sword qi.

It felt like she had stopped breathing, and Ruolin's eyes were just like that.

"Take it!" Xian Ling'er also watched, and hurriedly controlled the sword energy, hoping to take back that sword energy. If she hurt Tutor Ruolin, he would regret it for the rest of her life.

The long sword is controlled by himself, and it will sense whatever he thinks. This time, he really hopes that the sword energy can be withdrawn obediently.

hum!With a soft sound, the sword energy stopped in front of Tutor Ruolin's face, and it was just a hair away from destroying her mature and pretty face.

At this moment, a breeze blows by, and a strand of blue hair falls with the wind.

The sword energy also disappeared suddenly, and Xian Ling'er sweated in her hands, and threw the colorful long sword aside, without even looking at it, she hurried towards Tutor Ruolin.

"Huh!" Instructor Ruolin breathed out, her trembling chest showed her uneasiness, as if she had walked through the gate of hell.

With the tips of her temples, a few traces of sweat broke out, and she remembered that Xian Ling'er's sword had killed even a strong Dou Ling.

"Teacher Ruolin! I..." He came to Teacher Ruolin and knelt down full of guilt.

Suddenly, the earth trembled as if it had collapsed.

A sudden shaking of the ground, like an earth dragon turning over, shocked the entire continent. Teacher Ruolin was also woken up by the shaking. Looking at the beauty kneeling in front of her, she couldn't stand it.

"Ling'er, what are you doing, get up quickly, it's not your fault, it's the instructor's carelessness." Instructor Ruolin quickly helped him up.

While swaying, his arm held by Teacher Ruolin inadvertently touched the softest part of Teacher Ruolin, and Teacher Ruolin didn't care, and still regarded him as a girl.

Xian Ling'er was slightly embarrassed, Ruolin's instructor thought he was guilty, not knowing the tofu he had treasured for more than 30 years...

After Xian Ling'er got up, the ground stopped shaking. Everything was so coincidental that people had to think more.

"Could it be...he is the favored son of heaven?" Instructor Ruolin obviously also knows something, some natural aliens are favored by heaven, and their status is above everything else.

Afterwards, Instructor Ruolin revealed her thoughts as a girl, and thought, "He just knelt..., will my life be shortened?"

"Teacher, it's all my fault!" Xian Ling'er looked at the stunned teacher Ruolin, and said again.

Ruolin came back to her senses at this moment, smiled slightly, and naturally knew that he didn't want to, and she was also responsible.

"Okay, it's all right." Instructor Ruolin smiled lightly, pulled Xian Ling'er into her arms, comforted him, and persuaded.

The fact that Xian Ling'er cared so much about her showed that he still had himself as a mentor in his heart, and that he respected him, which also eased the fear just now.

Moreover, she also likes to hold this student, not for anything else, but because the pure aura of this student can allow her to break through to the seven-star master and touch the eight-star level. , she will be able to enter the level of fighting spirit level.

Sensing the kindness, care and softness of mentor Ruolin, Xian Ling'er also hugged her gently, afraid of losing her, yes, at this moment he was afraid of losing her.

After the two hugged each other for a while, the teacher and the student separated.

Instructor Ruolin said: "Okay, come and practice. As for the sword qi just now, it should be your strongest attack. The instructor has confidence in you after being promoted."

"Teacher, I don't want to practice anymore!" Xian Ling'er was still afraid. For Tutor Ruolin, Xue Ni, Yijia, Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan were all the people he cared about most. to the rest.

Seeing Xian Ling'er who was so persistent, Tutor Ruolin also sighed softly, "Ling'er, you don't need to be like this, you can become stronger and can protect the person you want to protect, just like just now, didn't you stop in time? .”


"Okay, if you don't obey me again, the instructor will be angry, so study hard, there are still two days left, and the instructor still wants to teach you something more."

Seeing that Xian Ling'er was still hesitating, Tutor Ruolin said directly, but the tenderness in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

Instructor Ruolin walked lightly to the colorful long sword, bowed down, and grabbed the hilt. This long sword gave her quite a shock.

She wanted to pick it up, but it weighed ten thousand catties. It was not so much heavy as the sword was resisting her.

"Let the mentor pick it up!" Xian Ling'er ordered inwardly as she watched the tender mentor Ruolin take the sword for herself.

Finally, the long sword hummed, and Ruo Lin picked it up easily, and it was inconceivable that it was as light as a feather.

"Hey, practice hard, you can't live up to the teacher's wishes." Holding the long sword, he walked towards Xian Ling'er, and when he reached Xian Ling'er, he handed the long sword and said.

"Yeah!" Xian Ling'er took the long sword and nodded in response.

The long sword returned to her hand, Xian Ling'er didn't know whether to resist it or accept it, or hesitated.

Then began to practice,

"First gather the sword energy, there are three ways in total."

Instructor Ruolin was on the sidelines, originally wanting Xian Linger to see the defense of the two sword qis, but she didn't expect that even her own "water curtain" was broken.

Watching Xian Ling'er raise her sword to refresh herself,
"Shen Shen, fantasy battle energy is like sword energy, if condensed into shape, you can take the first step successfully!"

Xian Ling'er listened to Ruolin's instructor's guidance, unlike Manhuozhuhua, which has the help of the soul imprint, which can be directly penetrated. This yellow-rank advanced fighting skill still needs someone to guide and practice step by step.


Xian Ling'er stood, condensing the so-called sword energy.

In the blink of an eye, a fiery red transparent long sword appeared, followed by two more.

"What a talent!" Instructor Ruolin couldn't help but praise Xian Ling'er as she watched Xian Ling'er condense her sword energy so quickly.

"Control two sword qi, hover half a meter away from your body, become a defensive sword qi, and use the other one to attack the enemy!"

Teacher Ruolin instructed, and Xian Linger followed suit.

After a while, a sharp sword aura stood in front of him, and two sword auras continuously circled around him in a circle.

"Is this a small achievement?" Xian Ling'er was a little happy, after all, it was mentor Ruolin who personally guided him.

"I'll try defense!"

Seeing the sword qi whose defense didn't seem to be weak, Instructor Ruolin said.

"Yeah," Xian Ling'er nodded in response, he knew that Tutor Ruolin would not hurt him.

Afterwards, Teacher Ruolin raised her long whip,
"Anaconda rampage!"

(End of this chapter)

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