Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 579 The first one to come out

Chapter 579 The first to come out
In the blink of an eye, the time for promotion and experience is coming.

Office of the Head of the Alchemy Department,

At this moment, Xian Ling'er is seriously refining a third-grade elixir, Huiqi Pill.Compared with the Nourishing Qi Powder of the second grade, the effect is simply one of heaven and the other of underground.

In a short while, Xian Ling'er had successfully refined a Qi Hui Pill.After he broke through to a six-star fighter, he could only refine three pills at most with his advanced skills.

Afterwards, he continued to refine, and Elder Huo may have estimated his limit, and only prepared three medicinal materials for Huiqi Pill.

"Okay, that's it for today." Seeing Xian Ling'er who had refined three Qi-Returning Pills, Elder Huo said.

"Tomorrow's second-rank pharmacist assessment, I have already applied for you, and you don't have to use it for class tomorrow. After passing the assessment, during the training, you can apply for second-rank medicinal herbs."

Xian Ling'er listened carefully, her teacher seemed to have made arrangements for her, she looked at her teacher with grateful eyes, "Well, thank you teacher."

Elder Huo nodded, looking at this beautiful and well-behaved little disciple, he liked it more and more in his heart, and then, he pretended to be tall and majestic, and disappeared without a trace.

Xian Ling'er looked at the teacher who suddenly disappeared again, consciously tidied up the office, put away the alchemy cauldron and other things, and then left, waiting for tomorrow's assessment.

The success of refining Huiqi Pill means that his rank has reached the third rank. As for the examination of the third rank pharmacist, he is not in a hurry and is waiting for his teacher's arrangement.

"There are still three days!" Xian Linger murmured after leaving.

There are only three days before the time for promotion and experience, and now, he is ready for everything and only owes Dongfeng.

Taking advantage of the beautiful night, Xian Ling'er returned to his residence, read a book, and then took a comfortable bath. As for the issue of cultivation, he was not panicked at all, and he had just made a breakthrough.

The strength of the six-star fighter has already surpassed the other students by a lot. In the inner court selection competition, the seven-star fighter can all enter the inner circle, not to mention that he still has several advanced fighting skills. As for the Sutra Pavilion, he also has it. A general understanding, in one sentence: that is a treasure house!
The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu...

Watched and fell asleep,

Until the next day, I got up and washed as usual.

"Why so slow?"

Xian Ling'er walked to the cafeteria, Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan were already waiting for him, it seemed that they had already helped him to prepare, only to see Yu'erhong's pretty face slightly dissatisfied and asked.

"Hehe, little Yu'er, that's because we got up too early!" Susan smiled lightly, said redly to Yu'er, then looked at Xian Ling'er, and said softly: "I know you will definitely pass, so let me say something :come on."

"Yeah!" Xian Ling'er nodded and gave him a soft smile.

Today's assessment is in the afternoon, and there is a theory class in the morning. As for the afternoon, Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan can also find time to come over.

But there is one prerequisite, Yu'erhong must refine a first-grade pill, for Yu'erhong who is already a master, it's a trivial matter.But for Su Shanshan, there is still a high failure rate.

As always, the cold face of the instructor Donglai appeared and announced the beginning of the class. The students all stood up and listened carefully.Only Xian Ling'er was at the back, next to Yu'er Hong at the same table, quietly reading books.

It's time for class,
He simply ate a meal and waited for the arrival of the afternoon, which was the time for the assessment, and Elder Huo had already given him a holiday.

In the afternoon, the Alchemy Department, the laboratory building!

"Xian'er, wait for us!"

Yu'erhong was going in for a practical class, so she told Xian Ling'er that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to witness the scene where Xian Ling'er came out in the robe of a second-grade pharmacist.

Xian Ling'er nodded with a smile. Although his tablemate is heartless, he still has a good friend like Su Shanshan, who is also loyal.

Susan looked at it, and smiled lightly, "Let's go!"

Xian Ling'er smiled back, wasn't she just waiting for them to finish class, not to mention, they need to hand in their homework in advance.

After Yu'erhong and Susanshan went in, Xian Ling'er found a secluded place and read a book quietly.

Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan are temporarily separated, with different grades and different practice rooms. Of course, Su Shanshan can also choose to refine a first-grade elixir, but that will not improve her much.

The Alchemy Department has a lot of resources, and it also monopolizes the elixir market in the outer courtyard, Canaan City, and many places outside of Canaan City. It can be regarded as the "richest man" in the Canaan Academy.

And this experience, being able to successfully refine a second-grade elixir, will be of great help to his teammates.

"Hee hee, Vitality Pill, it seems that today's experiment class took good care of me." When Yu'erhong got today's homework, it was not a particularly difficult pill, she couldn't help being overjoyed, and began to refine it.

The pill Su Shanshan got here, Speed ​​Up Pill, is a middle-grade second-grade pill.Some difficulty, for her, the difficulty is only a little bit, just like Yu'erhong, and started alchemy at the same time.

"I heard that Xian Ling'er is going to take the second-grade pharmacist assessment, let's go and have a look today." At the same time, Lin Yuru, who had four-star strength, put away a pale yellow mellow pill and muttered.

What attracted her the most was Xian Linger's first-grade assessment a month ago, and now less than a month has passed, and she has passed the second-grade pharmacist assessment. If she passes, then...

That Xian Ling'er is really too cruel, and the teacher behind her who taught Xian Ling'er how to make medicine must be unusual, at least she must be a pharmacist of the fourth rank or above.

Fourth-rank pharmacists, you must know that there are only a few Xuan-level mentors, and if they want to rise to a higher level, they will consume a huge amount of resources.

On Xian Ling'er's side, she was reading a book when suddenly her enchanting figure, which could not be concealed by a loose robe, appeared.

This figure sat beside Xian Ling'er without hesitation. Xian Ling'er gave her an indifferent smile and continued to look at the book in her hand.

While reading the book, Xian Ling'er couldn't help nagging in her heart: The first ones to come out were not Shanshan and Xiao Yu'er.

"Are you going to take the second-rank pharmacist exam?" Lin Yuru asked expectantly.At the end, I added: "How sure are you?"

"I don't know, I should be able to pass."

Xian Ling'er also replied calmly.This girl obviously wanted one or two more friends, but she put on a haughty face. Not all people are good, there are always many exceptions.

"Oh, I'll check it out then."

Lin Yuru saw that Xian Ling'er was not in a hurry and did not suspect him, so she said something.

"Yes." Xian Ling'er nodded and chuckled, remembering that Lin Yuru congratulated him when he passed the first-rank examination.

After a while, Yu'erhong came out, followed by Susan.Seeing Lin Yuru beside Xian Ling'er, Yu'erhong was taken aback, while Susan smiled lightly.

Xian Ling'er also stood up, looked at the second daughter, smiled slightly and said, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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