Chapter 616
100!Many people took a deep breath, it's a big deal, if the son in the second box doesn't speak up, then this rare blood crystal will flow into the hands of the Mo family, Mo Leng.

The audience was silent for a while,

"Hehe, I'm so and so, join in too, and I'll offer one million and one million!" Then, a soft laugh broke the silence, and he laughed so calmly.

This piece of blood crystal seems to be their target.After all, such rare treasures are also rare, looking at their respective sects, they may also have them.

"110 million!"

Mo Leng's cold voice came out, as if he really wanted to get this piece of blood crystal, but he had already spent the most money. If the person in the second box raised the price, he had no choice but to use his second hand.

The second box is already silent,

More than 100 million, it seems, has reached the maximum value of this blood crystal. As for the legendary Qilin Cave, who knows where it is?
And this treasure, it seems that besides the money auction, there is also a second way to get it, isn't it?That is, grab it!

Although they looked like they were all escorted by a big fighter, was that really the case?

"110 million once!"

"Is there anything more expensive than this?"

Xiaomei raised the small hammer, tapped it lightly, and looked around.

"110 million twice,"

"110 million three times, this auction belongs to VIP No. [-]," Xiaomei dropped the hammer for the third time, pointing her slender and white fingers to the No. [-] box, "This auction is over. If you have the opportunity, you can participate in the lottery and give away small gifts.”

After the auction ended, a small number of people left quietly. As for what will happen, no one knows. There are still a large number of people who participated in the lottery draw, and the rest began to go to the auction hall to exchange auction items.

"Let's go, too, to the theater!"

Xian Ling'er watched the auction end, and said to Susan and the others that she was not in a hurry to trade the auction items, because the auction house couldn't escape here.

Now, he is going to choose a good place to see if, as Xue Ni said, there will be a big battle after the auction.

"Watching a play? What kind of play?"

Wang Susha didn't know why, so she asked innocently, looked at Xian Ling'er, then at Yu'erhong and Susanshan.

Xian Ling'er suddenly raised her forehead, if Wang Susha didn't make a sound, she almost forgot, this girl has never seen the outside world, if she is brought along, if something goes wrong, how can he explain to Wang Qingtuo.

"Ahem, I mean there's no show (event), not a show." Xian Ling'er coughed dryly and began to explain.

Unlike Wang Susha, Yu'erhong and Su Shanshan didn't say anything, and they could have no scruples. For such things, they all hoped to get some benefits.

After all, it is good for them to wear something that can cost 100 million yuan and make it into jewelry.

Afterwards, pulling Wang Susha, several people began to go from the passage to the small courtyard before, throwing Wang Susha away first... and settling them down.

in the courtyard,
The three of Xian Linger assured the ignorant Wang Susha, "Don't worry, Shasha, we will be back soon."

"Xian'er, Shanshan, Xiao Yu'er, can't you take me with you?" Wang Susha asked in a low voice, seeing that the three of them had something to do, but she didn't tell her directly, showing a look of grievance.

Seeing the charming Wang Susha, Yuerhong patted her shoulders, and then persuaded her with a mature appearance: "Hey, this matter is very dangerous, Shasha, you just wait at home for our good news Bar!"

Wang Susha thought for a while,

"Yeah!" Then nodded, there was no other way, her grandfather should not allow it, this is probably the reason why Xian Ling'er and the others didn't bring themselves.

Finally, after finally coaxing this pure white girl, the three of them started to act. For such a thing, first of all, they need to find a suitable hidden geomantic treasure.

After the three of Xian Linger left,
Wang Qingtuo appeared beside Wang Susha kindly.

"Shasha, do you want to go out?"

Looking at the little aggrieved granddaughter, Wang Qingtuo asked kindly.

This sudden voice startled the little deer in Wang Susha's heart, and then, seeing that it was her grandfather, she also eased down.

Wang Susha looked at Wang Qingtuo and asked, "But, grandpa, will you let me go out?"

"Fool, of course grandpa can't guard you forever, Xian Ling'er and the others are very good, I believe they will protect you well."

Wang Qingtuo smiled kindly, at this moment, like an approachable and amiable old man.

Wang Susha listened, she was overjoyed at first,
Afterwards, with unconcealable joy still on his face, he once again asked for confirmation, "Grandpa, is this true?"

Wang Qingtuo nodded with a smile,
"Oh yeah, grandpa, Shasha is so happy!"

Wang Susha listened and confirmed it, then jumped excitedly, and suddenly gave the kindly smiling Wang Qingtuo an intimate hug.

With a charming small mouth, she gently kissed Wang Qingtuo's cheek with some subtle old spots.

"Okay, Shasha, let's catch up with Xian Ling'er and the others first, they are going far away!"

Wang Qingtuo smiled, seeing such an excited and cheerful granddaughter, suddenly felt that it was a mistake to keep her locked up.

"Yeah!" Wang Susha nodded her head vigorously, and then said with a smile on her face, "Grandpa, Shasha is leaving first!"

Wang Qingtuo nodded,

Seeing that the little guy seemed to be suspicious, he raised his hand and made a pushing motion while smiling kindly, as if saying: Go, go.

Wang Susha walked lightly to the gate of the small courtyard, feeling joyful and apprehensive, went out, thought for a while, and revealed a small head from the position of the door on the left.

"Grandpa, Shasha is really going!"

"Go, have fun!"

"Hee hee..., um..."

Confirmed once again, Wang Susha has already taken small steps and started to chase the three of Xian Linger.

Just after Wang Susha left, Wang Qingtuo touched his cheek, which seemed to be a little warm.

Afterwards, his face became flat, giving people a feeling of neither joy nor sorrow, and he gave a low drink:
"Week Eight! Wu Nine!"

I saw two black shadows rushing out, half kneeling in front of Wang Qingtuo.

"The two of you go, you must protect Miss Zhouquan!" Wang Qingtuo said to the two of them as if following an order.

"Yes!" The two men in black responded forcefully in unison with hoarse voices.

Afterwards, Wang Qingtuo waved his hand to signal them to pass.

The two of them disappeared in this small courtyard immediately, Wang Qingtuo sighed, how could he let Wang Susha go like this, the two guards who have been guarding here will also desperately protect her.

As for Xian Ling'er, she has already left the auction in a hurry, ready to go to ambush first.

You must know that the power of the four gates of the Black Mosquito City, the Hei Ling Sect and the Demon Fire Sect, are completely different. However, the one who benefits the most is the one from the Hei Ling Sect. His path will definitely be uneven.

Just as he was about to step forward, a hurried voice came, "Xian'er... Shanshan... Xiao Yu'er, wait... wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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