Chapter 623
"Xian'er, why are you in a daze!" Su Shanshan pulled Xian Ling'er, and asked softly in his ear, from a woman's sixth sense, she seemed to smell a sour smell.

After leaving the auction house, Yu'erhong also noticed that something was wrong with Xian Ling'er.

Today, she dragged Su Shanshan around for a day, without paying much attention, it seemed that Xian Linger and Wang Susha were the closest, and Xian Linger and Wang Susha also seemed to be holding hands together...

"Xian'er, don't you blame your tablemate for neglecting you?" Suddenly, Yu'erhong took Xian Ling'er's hand and asked in a low voice.

Susan Shan said indifferently: "Xiao Yu'er, is our Xian'er such a person?"

Sensing the breath in her ears and the softness of her hands, Xian Ling'er shook her head and said with a light smile, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired from shopping today."

Afterwards, he let Yuerhong drag him back to the inn like this,

Along the way, Xian Ling'er would show a silly smile from time to time, walking with Wang Susha, chatting for a day, holding each other's hands, that subtle feeling seemed to be a kind of fetter, and Xian Ling'er couldn't figure out why.

night comes,
Xian Ling'er didn't have any books, and Xian Ling'er didn't know how to practice, Wei Wei started to be dazed, and the door rang after a while.

Boom boom boom!
A knock on the door pulled Xian Ling'er out of her fantasy.

Xian Ling'er opened the door, and saw a woman with a strong body and an excellent appearance, she smiled and asked, "It's you, Lingling, what's the matter?"

The person who came here was Miao Lingling who was in the training team this time, in my own outer court team, who had the strength of a five-star fighter, and who was wearing a strong outfit now.

"Yeah, ready for a meeting, the captain asked me to call you!" Miao Lingling nodded and replied softly.

"Okay, I'll go over right away!" Xian Ling'er also responded.

After Miao Lingling left, he tidied up again, and then started to attend the meeting.

Every time, he focuses on participating,

This time, Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui, and Pei Yuan were also there. Bai Heshan looked at him with something wrong, and Xian Linger couldn't tell what was wrong.

A bit like those male students who watched him drooling, but he concealed it very well, and usually gave people an appearance of indifference and indifference to strangers.

"Hehe, let's start the meeting. There is still less than a month left, and this training session is about to end. We decided to end the training session early, and then, well, everyone knows!"

Zhao Yong was talking seriously, and suddenly smiled treacherously.

It was rare for Xian Linger to be aroused in this meeting. This guy Zhao Yong actually whetted his appetite. Xian Linger thought about it, should I make some fake medicine for this guy?
"At the end of the training, the weaker students will get training points, while some stronger students will choose to continue training and carry out other activities in the black corner area. The academy will not stop it."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from his ear, explaining this to himself.

After Xian Ling'er listened to it, she suddenly realized that this was the case. In this way, the students can play more freely.

Exploring the mountains, fighting monsters, and robbing other resources, the benefits are not small.

The source of the sound is Baihe Mountain,
Xian Ling'er cast a thankful look at him, only to see the other party smile indifferently,
This smile seemed to be only for Xian Ling'er, the rest of them didn't notice: their Senior Bing actually knows how to laugh!

However, Xian Ling'er quickly looked away. He should go back and ask Susan and they will know about these things.

Looking away, Xian Ling'er looked out again, and found that this scene seemed to be seen by others.

That person was looking at him in surprise, and seemed to find it unbelievable that Bai Heshan was a good student, with strength, temperament, and background, all of which were good choices.

Xian Ling'er also looked at the other party, and then seeing the other party look away, Xian Ling'er stopped looking at her. The person who looked at him was the somewhat arrogant Lin Yuru.

"We... this, this, that's it, let's act tonight!" Afterwards, Zhao Yong discussed and decided with everyone.

It's very simple, tonight, continue to attack the City Lord's Mansion for the final decisive battle.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly. After such a long period of fighting openly and secretly, Zhao Yong already had the chance to win. It didn't matter whether he participated or not.

The night was filled, Xian Ling'er did not put on night clothes this time, but a simple white robe, long hair, scattered on the shoulders, giving people a casual and natural beauty.

The mobilization of this large force also attracted the supervisor's attention. This time, the supervisor's abnormal behavior made these students more confident.

The mentors are already by their side, so there is nothing to be afraid of, just do it.

This night, it was very intense, and none of the big fighters showed up. Those guards were looted of all their money in the end, but they still had one life left, locked in the filthy...

Maybe it's fate.

This time, the experience ended prematurely like this. Black Mosquito City is not the sphere of influence of Canaan College, and there is no change in the City Lord's Mansion.

Heping Town, Canaan Academy Logistics Office!
A certain room, very secluded,
"Teacher!" Seeing Huo Linyu, Xian Ling'er saluted respectfully.

"Well, it's not embarrassing to the teacher, but in the future, you can't be careless. If you can kill it directly, don't delay, you know!"

Elder Huo nodded, habitually stroked his slightly stained beard, and began to teach.

"is teacher!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, and became more respectful to the teacher. What he was thinking was that the teacher really knew this, which meant that the teacher still paid attention to his safety.

Afterwards, Elder Huo mentioned one or two problems about Xian Ling'er's refining medicine. Xian Ling'er's growth was smooth and she didn't encounter any major problems.

"Okay, let's rest!"

Elder Huo waved his hand and said.

"Teacher, I still want to continue to practice!"

Knowing that it was about to end, and she could choose to continue training, Xian Ling'er told her teacher to reassure him.

"Yeah!" Elder Huo nodded, just responded, and continued like this,

Xian Ling'er finally left the room, he was puzzled and he also felt that his teacher believed in him very much.

After a wry smile, he planned to return to his room.
"Teacher Wang!"

Suddenly, seeing a figure, Xian Ling'er still politely shouted, the impression this mentor gave him was not too bad.

"Well, it's Xian'er, the experience training is coming to an end, and the results will be judged soon, I hope you can get a good result!"

Wang Yimo also smiled indifferently. Seeing Xian Ling'er, he didn't dare to make any plans, even though peony flowers are still flirtatious, and if they offend Elder Huo, there will be no ashes left.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, "Well, thank you mentor Ji Yan, then I'll go back first!"

This night is full,
After Xian Ling'er went back, he fell asleep very quickly. In the dream, he seemed to see Wang Susha. She was very beautiful, with every frown and smile, she looked like a fairy descended from the earth...

The next day, the students announced that the practice was over. During the performance evaluation, it will only be announced when they return to the academy. Those who choose to practice need to continue to register!
Xian Linger, chose to continue...

(End of this chapter)

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