Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 631 Instructor Ruolin

Chapter 631 Instructor Ruolin
After recovering, the three of them went side by side to the residence of Instructor Ruolin, where Instructor Ruolin had always reserved a room for him. I believe that Instructor Ruolin would not just let others sleep in his own room.

Thinking of that night, tutor Ruolin was beside her, and her heart throbbed inexplicably.

In the quiet campus of the tutor's residence, tutor Ruo Lin had finished the course early, and at the moment, she was practicing meditation in the residence.

Xian Ling'er's powerful perception began to pass through the high-grade wooden wall, and directly broke into Teacher Ruolin's room, and saw that Teacher Ruolin still looked tender and tender, sitting cross-legged beside the bed with the blue curtain, Calmly practicing.

"Nine-star battle master!" Xian Ling'er didn't know if she saw it, she was startled when she saw it, although she had only been out for two months, but Tutor Ruolin directly broke through to another star.

And this is something to be happy about for Tutor Ruolin. Tutor Ruolin is about to become a strong fighting spirit. In the future, she will not even have to think about becoming a Xuan-level tutor.

If Teacher Ruo Lin continues to work hard, it is not impossible to become the elder of the foreign school.


Xue Ni just wanted to shout, but was covered by a delicate and slender hand.

"Teacher Ruolin is practicing, don't disturb Teacher Ruolin!" Xian Ling'er covered Xueni and said in a low voice.

When Xue Ni heard this, she also nodded, because she was used to being reckless.

Yijia also nodded, and then the three of them entered the small courtyard. The guard also knew Xue Ni and her party, so the three had to wait for Teacher Ruolin to finish her training.

"Xian'er, are you a second-rank pharmacist?"

"and then,"

"Second-grade elixir, it's nice to have a teacher who is a big pharmacist, and he will give away a hundred elixir."

"You guys, are you reading a book..."


Afterwards, the three beauties with their own characteristics began to frolick on the stone table in the courtyard.

Time, every minute and every second passed.

"You guys, just came back, and you're making a lot of noise at my place!"

Then, a tender voice came.

Instructor Ruolin had already come out of her room, looking at the three lively students, but when she saw Xian Linger, she felt a different kind of emotion.

"It seems that we still need to tell Xian Linger about the difference between men and women among friends. If Xueni or Yijia has someone they like, then we can't delay them."

Instructor Ruolin thought, she didn't know if it was for herself or really for Xueni Yijia.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

Then, the three shouted in unison.

"Teacher Ruolin, I miss you so much!" Xue Ni has already pounced on her, and she hasn't felt the gentle embrace of Teacher Ruolin for three months.

"You are still the same."

Instructor Ruolin looked slightly angry, and nodded Xue Ni's smooth forehead. I don't know how many male students miss such a hot figure, just like Xiao Yu with a pair of charming long legs.

"Hee hee!" Xue Ni smirked, hugging Ruolin's mentor Liu Yao, who was as tender as water, and reluctantly let go.

Xian Ling'er looked at the approachable mentor Ruolin, and said with a smile, "Congratulations Ruolin, you are one step closer to the spirit fighting realm."

When Xian Ling'er said this, Xueni and Yijia were taken aback. Dou Ling, this is something they haven't been able to reach yet, and Da Dou Shi is already the goal they should work hard for.

"Hehe, Xian'er, you still found out, but your fighting spirit is still a little unstable. It seems that you are also preparing to become a great fighter."

Instructor Ruolin chuckled, looked at the charming Xian Ling'er, and said.

The aura Xian Linger gave her was that she wanted to break through, but she seemed to be suppressed, anyway, she looked like she was about to break through.

It's really shocking and endless, a mountain is higher than a mountain.

The conversation between the two stimulated Xueni and Yijia.

Xue Ni is not the pharmacist Yuerhong who wants to eat and wait to die. She can't become a pharmacist, she can only practice hard, and Yijia is the same.

Xian Ling'er, that's even later than they enrolled. Although they are only one-star fighters, it's only been less than a year. It's easy to say that they became a fighter directly. The body of the fire spirit, high-level exercises, and cultivation resources Waiting for the advantage, you can enter the Great Fighter, which is a bit scary.

"Yeah, I still can't hide it from Teacher Ruolin. In the inner court trials three months later, I should be able to break through to the Great Fighter!"

Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, which really stimulated Xueni and Yijia.

In the past two months, Xue Ni is only an eight-star fighter, and Yijia is also a seven-star fighter. It is only a matter of time before they break through to being a fighter. They are still young, and they may become mentors like Ruolin in the future.

In the past three months, Xian Ling'er is still guaranteed to break through to a Great Fighter. Xian Ling'er estimates that she should be able to reach about two-star Great Fighter.

Afterwards, the three of them and instructor Ruolin began to talk about their experiences, and instructor Ruolin also made a summary and evaluation one by one, hoping that Xueni and Yijia, who were not included in the list, would have a chance to be included in the list in the future .

"Okay, you should go back to rest." Finally, Tutor Ruolin couldn't bear it any longer, and planned to drive away these two pestering students. The goal, of course, was to focus on Xian Ling'er.

"Oh, Teacher Ruolin, good night, Xian'er, good night!"

"Good night, Teacher Ruolin, Xian'er!"

Xueni said helplessly, and Yijia also said obediently, and left with Xueni.

"Good night!" Xian Ling'er also watched the two leave. As for food, is there any shortage of food around Xian Ling'er?
After that, only Xian Ling'er and Tutor Ruo Lin were left.

The scene fell silent,
"Teacher Ruolin, why don't you talk!"

Xian Ling'er couldn't help but asked softly.

"Come with me!" Instructor Ruolin was also stunned, and her heart was a little restless. She was practicing water attribute exercises, and her heart was naturally easy to calm down.

After finishing speaking, he went straight into Xian Ling'er's room.

Xian Ling'er was at a loss, knowing that Tutor Ruolin would not harm her, she followed her anyway, just curious as to what Tutor Ruolin was going to do.

Entering the room, I could only smell some elegant feminine fragrance, which seemed to be similar to that of Teacher Ruolin.

Xian Ling'er followed, looking at Tutor Ruolin who stopped in front of him, really confused, what exactly Tutor Ruolin wanted to do.

Seeing Tutor Ruolin turning around and brushing past Xian Ling'er, Xian Ling'er was relieved, but it was no luck, and suddenly became nervous.


There was only the sound of the door closing,

It wasn't a big deal, the real thing was that the door was locked, and Tutor Ruolin couldn't get out.

Lonely man and widow, Xian Ling'er's heart can still be peaceful?It began to beat faster, and suddenly thought of Wang Susha's smile, Wang Susha's every move, Xian Ling'er smirked.

"Why are you smirking, do you have a girl you like outside?"

Suddenly, Ruolin's teacher's words came from Xian Ling'er's ears like thunder, awakening Xian Ling'er.

"No! No!" Xian Ling'er quickly "argued" after being slapped like this by Ruo Lin.

"It doesn't match your heart!"

Instructor Ruolin looked at this student who looked like a fairy, and she gave him the name.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

Xian Ling'er let out a low cry.

Next, Xian Ling'er was really stimulated, I saw,
(End of this chapter)

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