Chapter 839
Chapter 4 The Familiar Home

"Huo Zi, Burning Bone!!" Suddenly, a terrifying fire snake sprang out from the magician's hand of the fire-attribute minion, and went straight to the one-eyed wolf. Such a sharp blow, even if it couldn't kill it , can also seriously injure such a servant-level monster.

This also gave them a chance to survive. They were lucky to meet classmate Xiao Wu. Of course, the source of the incident was also brought by Comrade Xiao Wu. After all, shooting stars in broad daylight are rare.

"Student Xiao Wu, it's really thanks to you. Now, apart from Boss Zhan Kong, I'm a little convinced by you as a student. After awakening magic, you can join our military!"

"Hehe, I believe Boss Zhankong is very willing to recruit talents like you."

Afterwards, the captain, seeing such a brilliant scene, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Although one team member was lost, he was satisfied to be able to save the rest. In the army, protecting the safety of the people is their responsibility. As for the sacrifice, it is just a necessary great sacrifice.

"Zhan Kong...sir!!" Xiao Wu was also slightly different, and after that, he knew where this urban area was. He was in Xuefeng Mountain, and he was still in Bo City, the long-standing ancient capital, and the beginning of the disaster.

These are all man-made and can be stopped, but the historical trajectory cannot be changed. The current Xiao Wu also does not have such strength.

"Hehe!" Xiao Wu, who looked at the difference, and then became admirable again, the team leader also laughed.

Because Zhan Kong is a high-level magician on guard here, the highest officer, you must know that in this place, mid-level magicians have a detached status.

However, all of this was put on by Comrade Xiao Wu for cooperation.

Knowing this, Xiao Wu can better plan a more stable path.

"Roar!!" It's just that when the bright scene was about to pass, that demon wolf roared in a low voice. Looking at these people, it became a little scared and knew it hurt.

Run as fast as you can, and take one today. It feels that it has earned blood, but he doesn't have such a clear idea.

"Thunder, strike furiously!!" Suddenly, as soon as the purple thunder python landed on the body of the one-eyed demon wolf, how could such a demon wolf, which was dying, be able to withstand such a berserk blow.

Then it fell down,
"Xiao Lin!" Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man who cast Thunder shouted.

"Yes, Captain."

"Huoz, burst!!"

Afterwards, the guy named Xiaolin also unleashed a blow that was stronger than that of the fire-attribute magician soldier of the exploration team. Judging by the grade, it should be higher than that of the exploration team.

"Bang, sizzle!" Then, with a bang, another team appeared, a team leader, looking at the captain of the exploration team, said: "Captain Zhang, it's really embarrassing for you to deal with a monster of this level. .”

"However, it is more straightforward for us to deal with these monsters."

"Hehe, it's okay!" However, the captain named Captain Zhang who just patted Comrade Xiao Wu's shoulder just sneered.

Of course, I didn't say much, because although losing a player is not a rare thing, being laughed at is also a disrespect for the lost player.

In this society where magic is respected, every magician is rebellious, which is why, under Xiao Wu's command, he can be so perfect.

Of course, some old teams also have such a tacit understanding, and it is also common to match each other.

"However, we found a junior high school student. As for the exploration mission, Captain Li still needs to take care of it. After all, we are all under the boss." Afterwards, Captain Zhang also said indifferently.

After dealing with the remains of the team members, after some more exploration, sampling, the task of exploration is considered complete.

Back in the army, Xiao Wu was not from the army, so he couldn't enter the barracks, so he had to wait.

"It's not easy to move fast, Captain Zhang. The officer has to deal with important matters now, so he's not in the camp." Captain Zhang wanted to report Comrade Xiao Wu's situation, but he sighed: God's will tricks people.

"When can I go home!" Just outside the camp, I heard Xiao Wu's voice.

If Xiao Wu hadn't forgotten where his home was, he wouldn't have waited any longer. It was meaningless to join such an army. He had to study hard. .

"Xiao Liang, send him back." Anyway, in the end, Captain Zhang asked his assistant, Xiao Liang, to give Xiao Liang the task of returning Xiao Wu home.

"Yes, Captain!" Xiao Liang also responded, smiling, after all, the master's reward is quite a lot.

"Okay, let's take you home."

"Well, Uncle Liang, can I ask you something..."

Then Xiao Wu started his way home.

On the way, Xiao Wu also learned a lot. For example, his father is still a driver with a monthly income of five figures, but his career is not very high.

And his mother is a junior magician and a junior high school magic lecturer. She might be promoted to director in an important position.

And he is called Wu Ming, because his parents hope that he can also become a tall magician and no longer be unknown.

In the center of the city, the traffic is developed and people come and go. Xiao Liang took him into a well-developed community. Those who can live here have already reached the level of well-off and wealthy.

The environment is elegant and the greenery is in place. Living in such an environment is really beneficial for both body and mind.

Later, Xiao Liang took Xiao Wu to the door of a suite. Wu Ming looked at the house number, 301!So familiar.

Then, a scruffy, bearded man appeared, his face was so familiar, it should be the father of the parents contacted by Xiao Liang.

"Stinky boy, how dare you play missing if you say a few words about you? See if I don't beat you..."


Just as he was about to make a move, Father Wu stopped his hand under this affectionate voice.

Suddenly, Father Wu felt that Wu's name had changed, that he had grown up.

"Okay, just come back." In the end, he withdrew his hand, and Father Wu's heart softened. He had traveled almost all over Bo City, and he didn't go to work for such a long time.

Because, the wife wants to teach, and he is the only one who can try her best to find her son.

"Sir, come in and have a meeting!" Afterwards, Father Wu became more polite, and said to Xiao Liang who was in military uniform.

"No, no, no, since we brought Xiao Wu here, let's go back to the team first." After Xiao Liang finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave with a dignified air.

Xiao Wu just wanted to laugh when he looked at it, he wanted to save face and suffer, he obviously wanted benefits, alas.

"Comrade, just sit down for a while, drink some tea or something, thank you for finding my son..."

It would be best if there was an extra guest in military uniform in the room. Wu Ming looked at everything he was familiar with. If his father hadn't changed, then neither would his mother. What changed was the world.

It's just that, at present, he doesn't have the ability to completely peak a world, unless he proves Hunyuan.

"Did my nickname come back!!"

Then, a not very outstanding woman with a simple and beautiful body, about 40 or [-] years old, appeared. .

This woman's voice is full of anxiety and concern, and deep love.

Seeing Comrade Xiao Wu, I couldn't help but shed tears. Her son is back. You know, she is just such a son.

"Mom!" Wu Ming called out, his voice choked up, he missed all these familiar people and things so much.

Here, their family is one of the mortal beings, perhaps not at the level of the tall.

Familiar home, familiar person, he is back, he Wu Ming, Wu Ming, is back! !

(End of this chapter)

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