Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 849 Shadow Element

Chapter 849 Shadow Element

. "I really don't want that time to come so soon..." Xian Ling'er murmured.Feeling the aura of these breakthroughs, Dou Sheng is already at the peak, and he is not far from Dou Di. If they all break through to Dou Di, then his master should appear.Of course, if Xian Ling'er doesn't let them break through, his master can't help it.


Voices came one after another, each with its own characteristics, some were pure, some were mature, some were domineering...

Afterwards, beautiful figures appeared one after another, and their temperaments were already different.

Wang Susha wore a long white dress, dragging a white mist, like a beautiful fairy coming to the world. However, the black and white world of Xian Linger is also like heaven and earth, but the colors are a bit monotonous.

Zi Yan wore a noble purple dress with a voluptuous figure, and she explained to Xian Linger what it means to be a girl who has changed at the age of eighteen. I don't know Queen Medusa very well, and there are even more than that. After all, there is still a difference between the Dragon Emperor and the Snake Emperor.

Afterwards, Ruolin in a blue dress also came out, showing a picture of tenderness like water.

Immediately afterwards, Yu'erhong in fiery red dress, Susan Shan in lady's attire, and Lin Yuru in glamorous...

"Well, congratulations, you are all standing at the pinnacle of this continent." Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, and next, there should be no more battles, just to make up for the rest of these women's lives, but time is still too long It's short, compared to Dou Sheng's lifespan, let Xian Ling'er try to accompany them to live a hundred years.

"Master, give me 100 years, otherwise, I will definitely do something you don't want to see..." Xian Ling'er murmured a sentence silently in her heart. His master Hongming must be able to hear this sentence. In other words, the lives and even the souls of the two masters and apprentices have become one.

After finishing the silent recitation, Xian Linger looked at the group of women. These are just dreams, and I really don't know when I will wake up, but I can dream for a little longer, maybe a little longer...

In the void, there is a lonely woman with the appearance of heaven's jealousy. There are thousands of appearances, and no woman can compare. In this regard, she is also lonely, beautiful and lonely, and her strength is naturally unfathomable.

"Hey! We already know it, and we can't go back. Why do we persist? You know, if we persist for a long time like this, what we miss is not the hundred years..."

"You stupid apprentice, you still have too much emotion, I'm afraid that if you let things happen again, you won't be able to get rid of this bad habit..."

This lonely, beautiful and jealous woman said helplessly.However, in her world, there is no one else who can compare to Xian Ling'er as an apprentice.

Then, a black figure appeared behind him, and his eyes, wrapped in black, were full of love.

"There are already 98 world origins, and your avatar mission is over. Xuan Ming, hehe, you are just his avatar. Don't have so many fantasies. You are allowed to find some women from other worlds and cherish them. Come on, after all, it is no longer the way for the Nine Emperors to behead the three corpses, and you will disappear in the end!"

With their backs facing Xian Ling'er's avatar, Xuan Ming, Hong Ming said indifferently.At the bottom of her heart, there is only the sage of the underworld who opened up everything for her, Tian Ming, the Emperor of the Underworld!Now, she is just inheriting his title and treats him when he comes back.

Looking back on that scene, I don’t know how many years it has been, but I only remember that peerless and handsome face, and said to her: "Little Hong, maybe we have already failed in the underworld, and the battle for the great way of the world is about to end, those great emperors are too... "

Looking back, at that time, her strength was like an ant. It was that person who reopened the gambling game and swiped the cards powerfully, which ended the battle for the Dao, and everything returned to the beginning.

"I know, so, take my energy away!"

"After absorbing the source of myriad ways, my body is the basis for him to prove Hunyuan. Without me, he will never remember who he is, and what is the meaning of everything he does..."

Xuanming took a step forward, only Hongming was in his eyes, but he is just a clone, when the time comes, everything will change, that Xuanming who came from another world is not the real Xuanming, nor is he him.

As soon as Hongming raised her hand, she no longer looked at Xuanming, but took away the origin of the 89th alien world. Everything Xian Linger experienced was the alien world that existed in her mind. Other places might really exist, but , it's unreal, it doesn't exist anymore, because these will be in the past tense...

"Ahem!" Having been sucked away from the strength he had cultivated through hard work, Xuan Ming gave a dry cough, and his face turned pale, but none of these changed the woman's eyes.

"Let's go, you can take it easy, after all, don't push him too hard for things he doesn't want to do, otherwise, he will resent me when he remembers." Hong Ming looked down at Xian Ling'er who had passed for several years .

Xuan Ming also turned away, and sighed in his heart: "Heh, although you are the true deity, I am the one who has been with Master for the longest time. If you want to seize my furnace, then you must show your due strength." Come on, don't be compared by my clone..."

However, Xian Ling'er, who is still in the gentle town of the lower realm, still doesn't know that her biggest enemy is herself.

More than ten years have passed, and now Emperor Yan has come out. It is logical that Xian Ling'er helped Emperor Huntian become the sealed Doudi. In terms of transcendent power, Doudi is just a stronger ant .

Not long after the battle between the two emperors, the Xianmen has been handed over to Xiao Yan.

On the basis of the black and white world, with the help of many different fires, Xian Ling'er created the fairy world. Most of the plants in it are medicinal materials from the ancient emperor, such as Wannian peony, ginseng, peony, snow lotus, etc., and Xian Ling'er readily Once sprinkled, it is difficult not to want to live.

"Xian'er, time flies so fast, we've traveled all over the mainland!"

"That's right, the food cooked by Xian'er is delicious, and the taste will not change after eating for thousands of years."

"When will we be able to break through Emperor Dou?"


Surrounded by all the girls, Xian Ling'er, who was lying very comfortably on a couch, also felt that time passed so fast.These words seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember them, as if they had been forgotten for a long time.

"Do you just want to break through Dou Di? What's so good about breaking through Dou Di!" Xian Ling'er replied with a faint smile.

"Aren't they thinking of making a breakthrough, so they can make a villain with you?" Zi Yan still showed a carefree look towards Xian Ling'er with her queenly temperament. The Taixu ancient dragon clan has been handed over to Zhu Kun, and she just likes Relying on Xian Ling'er, I don't have to worry about so many trivial matters.

"Don't listen to Zi Yan's nonsense..." Wang Susha chuckled, but women are like this.

"Ahem, well, it depends on fate. For example, let's work harder in the past few years..." Xian Ling'er also smirked. Even if she doesn't like it, she still wants to act, and she doesn't want to disappoint the people who love him .

In this way, a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye...

(End of this chapter)

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