Chapter 863

. Chapter 3 Magic Coordination
Xiao Wu is still too young, because people in this world still value seniority and strength. Intermediate magicians really have a detached status here.

Finally, Xiao Wu shut up.

"Sorry, I'm too nervous, I'll keep my voice down in the future." Comrade Xiao Wu also humbly admitted his mistake, and expected these guys to take him back to find his parents.

Come here, he really doesn't even know where his parents are?Where is home?Therefore, people are still somewhat useful.

Seeing that Comrade Xiao Wu sincerely admitted his mistake, the captain also said in a low voice: "Cough, we can't make such low-level mistakes in the future. As an excellent exploration team, we must keep quiet at all times."

"Yes!" Then, the little soldier and assistant next to the captain also yelled, and said to Xiao Wu: "Wu Ming, you have to study hard in the future, and you can't lose your mother's face, or you can only Just like your father, I will be a driver who can only pull people."

After such a sentence, this assistant also had a semi-sarcastic "encouragement" look.Xiao Wu didn't want to remember this face.

It's just that the words in it are quite watery. You must know that the ones you become teachers are all excellent people with higher status.

His mother...

"Wu Ming? Wu's name?" Xiao Wu murmured, the name has the same pronunciation, but, I don't know the same word is different, and the meaning should be different.

Then, the ferocious black wolf that had been standing for three meters suddenly passed by like a ghost...

"Pfft!" A person was bitten by the black wolf with a crisp sound.

At this time, a huge demon wolf with only one eye, a one-eyed demon wolf!

As soon as such a powerful monster came out, the small team panicked, and so did the captain.Because the captain also saw the level of this monster.

This is the one-eyed wolf that is ready to advance to the warrior level. At that time, it will be advanced to a bone-spur wolf with terrifying strength that even a mid-level magician can hardly kill.

It would be a pity to lose a magician as soon as the one-eyed magic wolf came out.

The captain of the exploration team also looked at the one-eyed magic wolf. He knew that if he ran away, the chances were still great. If his subordinates ran away...

He hesitated. .

"Captain!!" Afterwards, the soldiers behind the captain shouted in unison.In this case, the captain is the backbone.

"Launch the flare, try to delay the time until the rescue team arrives." Finally, the captain gritted his teeth and insisted on his heart, sighing.

"Yes!" Under such circumstances, the captain still did his best, and his teammates responded in unison.

Xiao Wu watched, he knew all the flaws of the one-eyed magic wolf, but people's right to speak is relatively slight, and he hasn't awakened yet.

But it didn't prevent him from seeing clearly the one-eyed magic wolf's every move and predicting it. .

"Water attribute magician, give a water guard to the teammate on the left!" Xiao Wu shouted, and the elementary water attribute magic soldier was also taken aback.

The next moment he looked at the captain, the light-attribute soldier on the left who was about to signal was immediately attacked.

"Iceman, Dongchi! Congeal!!"

The captain made a move. This time, he didn't want the team members to lose one more skill. Once activated, there were two skills.

He had mastered these two skills proficiently, so it was a matter of course, and while biting the soldier who sent the signal, he also rescued that soldier.

"Hoo. Boom!" Then, the signal was also sent out.

"Xiao Du, protect this good student and continue to command." The captain gave a low voice, and then led the team to change formation.

The trapped one-eyed magic wolf struggled, then broke free and started attacking the small team again.

"Yes, Captain!" Although it was unbelievable, Unique still brought Xiao Wu into the protection range of the team.

"Captain, within 50 meters in front of you to the left is the foothold of the one-eyed magic wolf. You can set up traps in advance, and the monsters from far away will attack." Afterwards, Xiao Wu, who was guarded behind the army, also reminded him with the ability to predict with.

The strength of these people is really...

It's hard for Xiao Wu to say anything! !

If there was a mid-level magician captain with the spirit-seeded ice element, he would be able to kill this servant-level one-eyed magic wolf.

Xiao Wu reminded that for this match, the captain made a gamble, and arranged a third-level ice magic ice tendril in advance to cover it.

"Zizi!" Pieces of solidified ice temporarily froze the one-eyed magic wolf. Of course, this was just delaying time.

"Captain, can I use the ice lock?"

Later, in an emergency, Xiao Wu asked, if it can be locked, then according to the calculated arrival time of the rescue team, these exploration teams should be able to be rescued, because this exploration team is considered excellent.

"Yes, but it will take a while."

"How many!!"

"1 minutes!"


Afterwards, after asking and answering, Xiao Wu also became serious. This is a battle he commanded, how can he lose, he must win.

"Shuiyu, captain ahead!"

"Light element, Guangyao!"

"Wind element, interference!!"


Xiao Wu counts step by step, and even the energy usage of each magician, the remaining magic energy and the casting time of each magician have been recorded.

Every step is carefully calculated. The current team, every time they cast a spell, is like walking on the tip of a knife, full of danger.

"Okay!" Finally, Comrade Xiao Wu's budget time came, and it was also time to decide the outcome, and he let go of his temporary suspense.

This group of junior magicians finally don’t have to sacrifice. You know, Comrade Xiao Wu was really dissatisfied when he saw the stupid death of magicians in the episode of Bo City. If there is no shield, just put on the crispy skin!
"Ice chain..." Finally, several chains of crystal clear ice crystals tightly entangled this one-eyed magic wolf.

At this moment, the captain also breathed a sigh of relief. Many times, he wanted to make a direct shot, looking at the risky team members.

However, Comrade Xiao Wu did not disappoint him, and finally succeeded. However, Bingsuo controlled it, but it was only a minor injury.

"Brother, can your fire element cast the second level of Burning Bones?" Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu asked the angry fire element soldier in the team.

You know, in the whole team, he was the only one who was not assigned, but just threw two fireballs at random.

"Okay, Captain Bingshang can control the time, so it can be cast." Afterwards, the fire magician said to himself.

You know, the fire magic is second only to the thunder magic, so he naturally has the capital to be proud of.

"Okay, then you are ready to hit with all your strength, and give this one-eyed magic wolf the most important blow!" Comrade Xiao Wu said seriously.

"Okay!" Knowing that he is so important, this fire magician is also full of confidence. Sure enough, the protagonist is the last one to appear on the stage!

Thinking this way, afterward, he began to accumulate energy, and the flames rose up, looking at it, it looked like that!

A moment passed, and the locked one-eyed magic wolf also broke free and became more and more fierce, "Roar!!"

After coming out, there was a roar.

"It's now!" Xiao Wu shouted.

"Huo Zi, Burning Bones!!"

(End of this chapter)

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