Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 874 Magical Awakening

Chapter 874 Magical Awakening
In Class One, Senior One, at this moment, a middle-aged man arrived with a Philosopher's Stone.In this classroom, Wu Ming is at the forefront of these students, the first in the high school entrance examination.Even the head teacher values ​​it, and Wu Ming is No. 1. .

The other students are also looking forward to it. Finally, finally, today, after awakening, they can become magic apprentices.

This middle-aged man, who is admirable in formal attire, is the class teacher, Jiang Guohua.

"Hehe, the students are all looking forward to it. Yes, I started to wake up today. I believe you can all succeed."

"Whether it's a water element or a light element, everyone should treat it normally!"

Teacher Jiang Guohua said very interestingly, you must know that the happy and painful expressions of each awakened freshman gave him a great sense of accomplishment and a little helplessness.

After all, these are all innate, not something that can be changed, can be changed, maybe only the gods, but the gods haven't appeared for a long time.

"Teacher, hurry up!"

"Yes, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty, let's start, oh well!"


Then, the class began to boil up.

Jiang Guohua smiled helplessly, "Okay, let's start, Wu Ming, you are the first in the high school entrance examination, let's start with you, it's a good sign."

Wu Ming was named, and it is still in the end. After all, the ice element cannot cause much surprise, and one thunder element is enough, but...

"Okay, let's give them a surprise." Wu Ming had no choice but to seal the ice element.

The Lightning Department is the weakest of Wu Ming's many departments. Although, in the eyes of these magicians, it may have reached the sky seed, but in Wu Ming's eyes, it is so rubbish.

One must know that among Wu Ming's many elemental laws, the strongest is the ice element, followed by the light element, which seems to be the fire element and so on.

As for the Lei system, maybe this is an opportunity, and it is also an opportunity for Mr. Jiang to raise his salary, and it is also guaranteed for Li Xiran in the future.

You know, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Sooner or later, the two will encounter some things and have to separate for a while.

"Yes, teacher!" Wu Ming got up, walked to the podium calmly, and stood in front of the Awakening Stone.

Scanning around, many people are also paying attention to his No.1. .

"No.1 in the high school entrance examination, the awakened magic department should be very strong."

"That's right, at least it's the fire element. After all, there was a case of No. 1 in the high school entrance examination before. Without exception, there were many lightning elements. Among them, the lowest one was also the fire element."

"Hold your thighs from now on!"

One by one, they started to stare at Wu Ming, looking forward to it. At this moment, they had more expectations than their own awakening.

"The awakening of the boss should be extraordinary. You know, I have felt a hot feeling in the past few days. The boss must be the Thunder Element!!" Li Yan, the head of the house, spoke.

"Hehe, head of the dormitory, you almost set the dormitory on fire, but you still have the nerve to say, I don't understand, aren't you hot!" Du Mu added.

You know, Du Mu is the only one who chased the head of the house, honestly, he has a thick skin.

"Put your hands on the Awakening Stone, don't be too nervous, feel the breath in your body, the changing nebula..." Jiang Guohua said, looking forward to it, it's about his salary.

Wu Ming nodded, put his hand next to the Awakening Stone, and his spiritual power expanded.

At this moment, all time began to freeze, or in other words, stopped, and Wu Ming controlled the time for a while.

As for the awakening of the elements, Wu Ming is in his own nebula, purple, blue, cyan, fire, brown...

A series, all awakened.Thunder, Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Light.All elemental magic, reawakened in this one.

It's just that it's a little weak, to the extent that Wu Ming recognizes the state of the spirit-seed. You know, if you become a spirit-seed upon awakening, this is a rather monstrous existence.

The current Wu Ming is just a little dissatisfied. If he is worse, he can enter the hybrid level. However, there are some restrictions, maybe it is because of his magic power.

As for Xingzi's control, Wu Ming can complete it in a single thought.

Under the colorful light, Wu Ming also restrained other colors. In the end, only the mysterious purple was left, which was very rich depending on the degree.

The next moment, time began to run, and Wu Ming could still control such a small place.

"Look, look, purple!!"

"Lightning Element, our class has awakened Lightning Element, haha!!"

"One-in-a-thousand chance, if I knew it earlier, I would study hard if I knew it earlier."

All of them became excited, Wu Ming awakened the Lightning Element, and the rest of the girls also looked at each other secretly, but Wu Ming ignored them.

"Well, good, good, good!!" Jiang Guohua, the class teacher, also said three good words in satisfaction. "Wu Ming, work harder in the future, depending on how dense your nebula is, you should be able to grasp the stars soon."

"If you don't understand anything, you can come to the teacher at any time!" Jiang Guohua also said excitedly.

Lightning system, a class has a Lightning system.

As for the head teachers and students of other classes, they were just envious. Many light department and water department students rushed to jump off the building.

It wasn't until Class [-] released a lightning element that the turmoil was overwhelmed.

No.2, also the No.2 in the senior high school entrance examination, was also assigned to class one. A girl named Lin Yanyan had a pretty appearance, but it was just a feeling that strangers should not get close to her.

"Relax..." Jiang Guohua was also consoling, being able to awaken, even if it was a fire element, he, the class teacher, was also relieved.

In the end, a fiery heat filled the Awakening Stone. Depending on the situation, the aptitude was not bad.

"Very good, we must work hard to control Xingzi as soon as possible." Jiang Guohua nodded and boasted, and Lin Yanyan also nodded. She is quite satisfied with the awakened fire element, although it is not as violent as the thunder element, but , is also enough to possess the power of destruction.

After that, after awakening one ice element and one wind element, it was Li Xiran.

"Come on!" The corner of Wu Ming's mouth trembled, and there was no sound transmission. Li Xiran understood it when he saw it. He nodded and smiled lightly.

Li Xiran walked to the podium. The previous classmates had successfully awakened. She was a little nervous. You must know that Wu Ming put pressure on her.

"Successful awakening, I hope I won't be weaker than my previous classmates." Li Xiran muttered.

The slender hand was placed on the Awakening Stone. Today, she is also beautiful in a short shorts and short sleeves.

Wu Ming watched and enjoyed watching the girl's nervousness.

Cyan energy began to radiate, and this aura seemed to have reached the level of a high-level spiritual species.

"Forgot!" Wu Ming raised his forehead. You must know that Li Xiran's aptitude is changed every day by the magic weapon.

"..." The head teacher was speechless.

"..." A group of students were also speechless.

"Damn it. Boss girl is so fierce, beat the boss."

"Yeah, it's just the wind element. If it's replaced with the fire element, the boss's thunder won't work."

(End of this chapter)

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