Chapter 879

Wu's father, Wu Ming, and Li Xiran also smiled indifferently, because the master thunder magician they talked about was Wu Ming, the son of Wu Youhai and Wu Ma, and Wu Ma and those teachers might not believe it. .

"Mom, this road is very safe. I think we should go home." Wu Ming stood up and looked at so many students and teachers. He covered it, even the commander-level winged wolf would not dare to take a step.

"Besides, that lightning magician said that we can go there together and bring the students. It's safer there." In the end, knowing Wu Ma's worries, Wu Ming said again, because even if Wu Ma wanted to go home, That's what it should be, but with so many people swaggering through the streets, monsters are not vegetarians.

Wu Ming's words were very watery, and I saw that Teacher Liu's eyes flashed, "Mr. Deng, since your son also said the same, then take refuge in the community first, and then go to the safe house with the thunder magician." Enchanted."

"This..." Wu Ma didn't quite believe Wu Ming's words, because she had lived for so long, but she didn't find any lightning-type magicians. Finally, she looked at her son, Thunder-type...Thunder-type.Suddenly, I understood what I wanted to say, but it seemed that I couldn't stop it, because the school was not safe anymore, and those monsters who were full of food and drink would soon set their sights on the school.

"What our son said is true." Seeing Mama Wu hesitate, Papa Wu also stood up and said.

With Wu's father's guarantee, Wu's mother believed it half-believingly. However, there are so many monsters, how can Wu Ming deal with them?
Until I got on the bus, all the teachers with cars took the students. Fortunately, there was a teacher who could drive a bus, and he directly pulled hundreds of students away, which was considered an extreme operation.

"Ba ba ba!" The cart started on the road, and as soon as it got out, it really saw the scorched corpse of a monster on the ground.

Wu's father's car was driving ahead, leading the way, bringing Wu's mother and several students with him.

The surrounding trees, move quickly...

"Ho Ho!!" Suddenly, several monsters rushed out.

A few giant-eyed rats with bloody mouths frightened several teachers and a carload of students into shock.

"Thunder Seal!!" "Sting!"

Immediately afterwards, a thunderbolt landed, perfectly hitting several mice. These mice had lost their ability to move and were completely dead.

Mama Wu was shocked. Her students in the car didn't know about it, but she felt the fluctuation of magic from her own son. From casting to finishing, it was just a short moment. Knowing that Wu Ming's assessment was very good, Magic can also be used, but I didn't know it was so powerful. This level has reached the level of second-level thunder magic.

Wu Ming concentrated on driving, and accidentally saw Wu Ma's expression in the rearview mirror, and smiled embarrassingly. You know, this son is amazing, and killing monsters is as easy as drinking water.

Soon, the community arrived. This place was also besieged by monsters, and there were huge giant-eyed fishy rats everywhere.The stench was also emitted, and Wu Ming felt a wave of magical fluctuations very quickly and accurately. These are all caused by people's hearts. There are good people in the world and there are bad people. I don't know what is right and what is wrong.

"Forget it, stop pretending, Xiran, take care of my parents, I'll save your grandpa." Wu Ming murmured, and then said to Li Xiran.

Without looking at Mama Wu's worried eyes, she resolutely got out of the car...

"Well, Wu Ming, pay attention to safety..." Li Xiran also nodded, her clear eyes were full of confidence in Wu Ming, and Wu Ming even chose to stand up, which showed that her grandfather was really in danger.

"Thunder mark, python mark!!" Wu Ming got out of the car, with an imposing manner, as if the god of destruction was here.

Immediately afterwards, dazzling purple thunder gathered in the palm of the hand, and immediately, everyone in the car understood, where did the thunder magician come from? He was just a high school student. He was full of trust and excitement for that domineering figure.


"Boom!!" Thunder thundered several times in a row. Wherever they went, monsters evaded, but they were all exceptions on May [-]st, which became the nourishment of thunder.

"The senior is so handsome. I suddenly fell in love with the senior. I wonder if Mr. Deng has a daughter-in-law..."

"Don't think about it, the senior is mine, that's my unrivaled hero..."

"A group of nympho, but that's my role model, the lightning magic is really dazzling..."

In the car, watching Wu Ming clearing the scene of each junior high school student, the girls became nympho, as for the boys, they all adored Wu Ming, and they took Wu Ming as themselves, and could break out in this troubled world. A domineering way to come.

After a while, the neighborhood was filled with the smell of meat, and they were all scorched and tender monsters that had been struck by thunder. In fact, in Wu Ming's opinion, they were just fatter rats in the ditch. Put some rat poison on them. It can be fished out. If it doesn't work at all, then add a little more, and be flexible.

In another place, Old Man Li also managed to steer away the three giant-eyed rats. It seems that there is indeed one of the veterans who can survive until they are retired. However, their strength cannot keep up. Although they can run, the wind element The disadvantages of attacking are also obvious. Only after becoming an intermediate magician, choose to awaken a better attacking magic, so that the lack of attacking can be made up for.

"Thunder Seal!!"

Seeing another giant-eyed fishy mouse sneak attack, Wu Ming threw out a thunderbolt, so many magics were cast, but fortunately they were all simple basic magic skills, which didn't consume too much magic energy, and the recovery was faster than the consumption.

"Hehe, Xiao Wu, what a boy, the magic is so powerful." Old man Li was also surprised, then looked at Wu Ming, and began to tease him, and he also liked this grandson-in-law more and more, a thunder magician, making a lot of money .

"Hehe, it's so-so. I can't compare with you. I'm not inferior to you." Wu Ming also teased.

I feel more and more that this old man has a big heart, so he can still joke about it.

"You boy, hurry up, do you still have the strength to deal with these?" Old man Li gasped a little, and he didn't know if he had been enduring or pretending all of a sudden.

Wu Ming nodded, and a flash of thunder flashed, and the remaining four big mice fell down in response,

"Okay, I will rest assured that Xiran will be handed over to you in the future, you boy can't be bothered." Seeing that Wu Ming killed four with one move, old man Li couldn't help giving a thumbs up spontaneously. He said with a smile again.

"Mr. Li, if your granddaughter hears this, she won't be so worried about her dead grandpa." Wu Ming is also helpless, this old man has always been like this, and only Li Xiran can suppress him that day A young and stubborn childhood heart.

In the end, the monsters were cleared away, and the community administrator also came out to maintain order. Wu Ming became a hero...

"Wu District, don't offend!" Wu Ming murmured, and an invisible barrier formed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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