Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 881 Sincere Tears

Chapter 881 Sincere Tears
Looking at Bai Yang who showed his claws and teeth, the magic also suddenly shrank back to protect the bottle of the earth holy spring, which had problems in the first place. You must know that the real earth holy spring has already suffered what it suffered!

"Instructor Baiyang, you..." Jiang Guohua couldn't believe it, and suddenly changed his face to a guy in military uniform.

This is not a wolf in sheep's clothing, walking among them without the slightest opening.

"Hehe, me? What's wrong with me? I'm fine. Since Mo Fan refuses to hand over the Holy Spring, then blame him. You will all be forgotten by this world forever." Bai Yang was determined. He looked at Mo Fan and his party in disbelief.

But, passing through the air, Wu Ming didn't seem to be seen.

"What about Wu Ming, does this guy know invisibility?" Mo Fan was more vigilant, so he cared more about Wu Ming's existence.

As for the rest of the people, they have already been successfully attracted by Mo Fan, or the Holy Spring on Mo Fan's body, and this instructor Baiyang who suddenly became scary has also attracted their attention very well. Even Lin Yanyan was a little puzzled: where is Wu Ming? ?
However, her memory is just a flash, and the next thing is to look at Mo Fan and Bai Yang's instructor.

Not only her, but everyone is paying attention to what is wrong with Instructor Baiyang. If Instructor Baiyang makes a move, a spirit wolf plus an intermediate magician will be very difficult to deal with.

Wu Ming didn't go far away, but just hid aside and watched the show. You know, he left all these opportunities to the protagonist.

The holy spring of the earth, it can be strengthened by a pig, let alone a person.

"Damn it!" Then, a girl was suddenly attacked by a black beast summoned by Bai Yang.

The appearance of this black beast has already explained everything. This Bai Yang has really rebelled. He is no longer a member of the army, but just a running dog of the Black Vatican.

"It's really weak!" Wu Ming, who was hidden, flicked his fingers a little bit, and then dealt with a black beast, but he shook his head helplessly and popped out these words between his teeth.

Although this is also a magical world of magic that he longs for, it's just that the common combat ability, coordination ability, and command ability of the magicians here are far from enough, and the crispy skin of the magicians has been perfectly presented.

As for Mo Fan, he also tried his best, but the Thunder and Fire elements were so fragile in front of the absolute middle-level, and he was directly crushed.

In the end, Wu Ming couldn't stand it anymore. If he didn't care, then someone would die in front of him, and he just did it himself...

It's really worthless, and Wu Ming rarely suffers from such a disadvantage.After that, he still couldn't help but shot.

"Thunderbolt!!" A sound of thunder woke everyone up, together with the numbing Bai Yang and his spirit wolf, they all exuded a smell of meat. At this time, those teachers and students who opened the way, It seems that I just remembered that something is missing, and it turns out that there is one person missing.

How did a living person disappear right in front of their eyes?Could it be that Wu Ming will gradually blur magic?Just when they were guessing like this, Wu Ming walked out leisurely, with a serious expression on his face, "I already knew the identity of instructor Baiyang, but this one is an intermediate magician, so I'm not sure about it."

Those students also nodded at Wu Ming's show of weakness. After all, everyone is a student, so why are you so good?
With just a few words, many entanglements were eliminated. In the end, everyone came to Wu District, which also represented temporary safety.

The rain outside, pattering, seems to make people feel depressing, as if they may never see the sunshine of tomorrow, and there is a gloomy blackness covered by a large dark cloud.

"Forget it, let me go alone." Wu District, Mo Fan glanced at the young man looking into the distance alone, and then sighed, Wu Ming's strength has reached the middle level, he is not bad, but ... "It's hard to repay a favor!"

"Hehe!" Looking at Mo Fan who was gone, Wu Ming also smiled indifferently, going to save his father and Xinxia alone?

At this time, the protagonist is the protagonist. In such an urgent moment, they dare to go out alone. Although many people are worried about the situation of their relatives, there are very few capable people who can really go out.

I looked at the sky, and it seems that rainy days are not very popular. The fresh rain comes out in summer, and the menacing rain doesn’t need to fall too much. I hope I can go abroad for more, especially those A small country.

After a while, a beautiful figure approached,

"Student Wu Ming, can you do me a favor?" Walking towards Wu Ming was Lin Yanyan, the monitor of their class. However, her face was also worried, and there was no stretch between her brows, like a gloomy cloud In this catastrophe, just such a beautiful girl lost her former self-confidence. It is too scary. Now, many warrior-level bony wolves are raging on the streets, not servant-level The giant-eyed fishy rat that has been reduced to food.

"It's late, your grandparents have already..." Wu Ming shook his head and said in a flat voice.

When Lin Yanyan heard it, she immediately petrified as if struck by lightning. Looking at Wu Ming, suddenly, tears rolled in her eyes unbelievably.

"Do you need a shoulder?" Feeling the girl's mood, Wu Ming didn't need to lie to such a girl. As for Lin Yanyan's grandparents, even if they couldn't escape, they would still die in a year or two. "They have grown up with you, and you have always been obedient, that's enough."

Wu Ming said indifferently, as if he was also persuading himself that his parents would also grow old in the future, would he forcibly change the rules of this world, or let Wu's parents and mothers live forever?I don't know if these things will exist in the end. Wu Ming just wants to cherish the present, but he is a little envious of the company of Lin Yanyan's family. At least, the two old people who respect and love her the most watch her grow up.

"Woo~ why, why is this..."

"I haven't been able to see them for the last time. From now on, I will have no relatives..."

Although she didn't want to, tears fell in an instant. Lin Yanyan still leaned on Wu Ming's shoulder and began to cry freely. Wu Ming didn't care about her tears and let them drip on her clothes. This is a family affection. The most sincere tear evidence. .

She is not the only one who lost her family, there are many others. Wu Ming just maintains a normal heart. For the sake of regular historical progress, he has changed a little bit. As for these people who did not exist or existed but were not famous , Wu Ming didn't care too much anymore, he didn't even care about his own son and daughter, and now he was lucky to return to such a world.

(End of this chapter)

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