Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 895 Avoid Those People

Chapter 895 Avoid Those People

Afterwards, Wu Ming caught up with Hu Xueyan, and said with a bitter face: "Senior sister, what's wrong, I just didn't care, it was agreed that three tricks are three tricks, look at that senior lying down Don't say anything."

Hu Xueyan felt that she really shouldn't pull out this little thorn. She obviously just wanted to try Wu Ming's, but she never thought that he could beat a middle-level magician with just one lightning element. In her opinion, these old people like them Students, except for the few elites in the school team.It seems that there is no one who can put some pressure on Wu Ming. He is obviously just a freshman, but it is so terrifying, and the origin is unknown.

"Everyone is lying down, what else can they say?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, the attack was not serious or serious, which made the senior sister worry."

"Oh, glib, I don't know whether to be happy or worried to find such a prickly junior like you."

Afterwards, Hu Xueyan didn't resist Wu Ming too much, but Wu Ming's way of chatting still made her not so bored. Compared with other people, Wu Ming seemed to simply regard her as a senior sister, which made her treat her very well. Her own beauty began to produce such a trace of suspicion. After all, she had many suitors, and now, she was treated so indifferently by a junior.

Walking, there is a beautiful and first-class senior sister leading, and the scenery is a little more beautiful.

"Hehe, junior brother Wu Ming, if you just walk with a beautiful woman like me, your little girlfriend won't be jealous." After walking for a while, I took Wu Ming to know about the teaching building, the tutor's apartment, and some of the school's buildings. After setting up, Hu Xueyan also made a joke and asked.

"Hmm..., it should be a little sour, but it's good that she gets used to it. After all, she is as good as me, and even you, senior sister, are downvoted. She should be happy that she can get me." Wu Ming thought for a while, seeking truth from facts answer.

"It's really thick-skinned, it's just shameless in the legend." Hu Xueyan also said.

"Each each other..."

"Little thorn, you dare to compare me..."

Immediately afterwards, Wu Ming also made fun of Hu Xueyan's words about a beautiful woman before. Immediately afterwards, the scene where the senior sister was driven mad by her junior, chasing a pretty boy, just like this appeared, which caused a lot of trouble. There was little commotion, but, as dusk approached, it was the time for those young men who were equipped with trysts to come out for activities.

It's quite normal for Wu Ming and Hu Xueyan, who are talented and beautiful, to chase and fight.

In the end, when Hu Xueyan and Wu Ming separated, their eyes also had the same emotion, but it was very subtle, weak and reclusive, and even Wu Ming, who was not paying attention, could not notice it, or Wu Ming didn't want to see it at all. To find out, it's just following the big sister around the new campus. As for the age, if you add it up, you can count as the ancestors of many people.

"What are you thinking about? Maybe it's because I haven't had a boyfriend for a long time. This little thorn is the first one who dares to be so angry with me. He is much better than those submissive men who only care about their own appearance." Walking on the road, Hu Xueyan's face turned slightly Hongrun, just, didn't want to be sure that she really had such an unreasonable thought about other juniors, she shook her hair, regained her previous self-confidence, and started walking towards the girls' dormitory.

As for Wu Ming's side, he returned to the dormitory calmly. There are still many miraculous things that Li Xiran doesn't know about, such as the invisible transmission of messages. Therefore, the two of them didn't meet on the first day, and they had to settle down. Come down, as for the mobile phone, it seems that there is no fee.

Squeak!With a crisp sound, Wu Ming pushed open the door of the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, seeing the layout inside, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I saw a big cake for ten people, with a few large characters engraved on it: Welcome to the school, boss! !
The whole dormitory is filled with girls' birthday costumes, but... it's kind of funny.

"Welcome back, Boss." Afterwards, Zhao Mingliang and Luo Hai's younger brothers shouted together, like a mafia gang.

"Low-key, low-key." Wu Ming raised his hands, waved his hands, and said with a light smile on the corner of his mouth.I think these boys are a little cute.

"Don't dare to keep a low profile. Boss, you are very high-profile here. You went out and made a fool of the goddess Hu Xueyan, and beat up the famous senior Lin Biao of the Lin family. It seems that you are not low-key at all." Chu Zhao Outside of Mingming, Luo Hai, Jiang Chong and the others all secretly said the same thing, but it was just their voices, if they dared to speak out, they might have to accept the loving care from the boss.

Afterwards, the cake was cut and the celebration began. As for Wu Ming's bed, everything was in a new look.

When preparing to start, Wu Ming took a piece of cake. As for the rest of the brothers, they couldn't wait any longer. After all, they had been waiting for a long time and they were hungry.

"Wait." Suddenly, Wu Ming said,
Zhao Mingliang, Luo Hai, Fang Xuanling, and Jiang Chong all had a meal, the tempting cake that just arrived in their mouths, so they stopped like this, not daring to take a bite.

"Hey, boss, what are your orders?" Zhao Mingliang was the most loyal, so he asked first.

As for Luo Hai, Fang Xuanling, and Jiang Chong, they just stared blankly. .

"Ahem, your eldest lady doesn't have enough to eat. Prepare a few for the eldest lady and her roommates. Maybe you will have a chance to get out of the order." Wu Ming coughed dryly and began to teach the group of cuties stand up.

"Boss, let's send it to the eldest lady." Zhao Mingliang said, and then asked carefully, "Just, boss, can you tell me about the dormitory and the number of people in the eldest lady's dormitory? We need to send enough, and girls can't tell us Stingy..." After Zhao Mingliang finished speaking, the other three Maozi also nodded.

"Just follow me later. Has any of you awakened the Shadow Element?" Afterwards, Wu Ming also began to plan. After all, breaking into the girls' dormitory at night is an arduous task.

"Me! Boss, me!" Luo Hai was a little excited and raised his hand first.Just like a good boy obediently rushing to answer questions.

Luo Hai also began to secretly rejoice in his heart, the shadow department, it seems that he can break into the girls' dormitory at night.

"That's good, you will bring the other three with you later." Wu Ming nodded, and then said something.

The rest of the people were also at a loss, but they still waited patiently for Wu Ming's next arrangement. Since the boss said it, he already had a plan.

With a smile on the corner of Wu Ming's mouth, he hooked his hands at several people.

Zhao Mingliang and Luo Hai approached each other, Wu Ming stretched out his slender index finger, and delivered the same spell to each of the four.

"This is a kind of hidden magic, magic sharing technique. You can practice together according to the method around you, and you can share your own department, just like Luo Hai's shadow system, you can share it with others." Afterwards, Wu Ming began to explain stand up,
Afterwards, the female dormitory will often see night shadows, and the auntie in the dormitory will often remind: go to bed early and avoid those people!

(End of this chapter)

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