Chapter 909

Chapter 55 overall improvement

"Twenty-seven million!!" In a courtyard, a sweet voice shouted. Fortunately, it was in a relatively quiet place. Moreover, Wu Ming, who is also the owner of this place, also handled it carefully. I'm happy, for this huge amount, it really has to be shocking, but it's a good thing to have money.

"Okay, it's just a little money. Let's set a small goal first, and earn 100 billion first, haha." Seeing Li Xiran's shocked and "little excited" look, Wu Ming also joked that this huge sum of money If you were an ordinary person, you would not be able to make money in your lifetime. If you were a mid-level or high-level magician, it would be easy to make money, but it would be easy to spend money.

Looking at Li Xiran's happy face, Wu Ming also laughed inexplicably, money is a good thing, you know, there are tens of billions of gold coins from different worlds in his collection, pure gold, on top of gold coins There are also countless treasures. If this little girl knows about this treasure house, I don’t know how to feel. Of course, Wu Ming won’t say these things. As for the soft sister coins in this world, Wu Ming also wants to collect some. Purely as a souvenir.

In the eastern outskirts, a middle-aged man, shirtless, began to act like a TV drama, straddled his horse, punched left and right, and practiced very seriously. Even when he went back at night, he sat cross-legged and began to practice his inner breath. In the sky, together with the big qi-tonifying pills refined by Wu Ming, he finally knocked on the door and cultivated a trace of internal strength, which is why he worked so hard.

"Huh!" After a long time, Zhang Dafu began to close his posture and took a deep breath.

"Hehe, at the current level, I am a magic apprentice. The young master said that if Dantian develops a perfect internal force, he will reach a bottleneck. At that time, he will open up the second vein of Ren and Du for me, and directly enter the level of an intermediate magician." Zhang Dafu calmly After a smile, he rested on time, and the share of the hunting house saved him from running around, and his wife at home didn't care about him who was crazy.

To get through the two veins of Ren and Du is the warrior level. After the warrior, there is a warrior. The warrior is also divided into innate and acquired. It is achieved by practice, but only achieved by the day after tomorrow. When you are angry, the innate qi is generally conceived in unborn babies. For adults, let alone Zhang Dafu is still a middle-aged man, the innate qi is even higher. If you want to step into the innate, you need enough Only with the support of the innate qi can we break through the innate.

An acquired martial artist is equivalent to a high-level magician, and an innate martial artist is equivalent to a super-level magician, but there is a difference between the two. A magician has higher damage and is good at long-range attacks. Martial arts practitioners are the opposite. However, as long as it is close combat, the magician will definitely lose, because the fighting power of a martial artist cannot be underestimated.

After the innate martial artist, there is a grand master, a generation of masters, which is enough to compete with several curse-level magicians, and the defects of long-range and close-up will be infinitely reduced. It can be said that a generation of martial masters is also extremely terrifying, and the longevity is also It can be increased to 300 years. As for the last realm of a warrior, that is the level of a martial saint. The lifespan can be increased by thousands of years. The real peak of martial arts is comparable to the strength of a preliminary ancestor in the tribulation period.

As for Martial Saints, Wu Ming is still not sure how to train one. The Grandmaster still has [-]% confidence, because the realm of Martial Saints also requires personal understanding. , Only then can he stand alone in the world and become a true sage. In that world, there are only a handful of people who become martial sages.

In the original world, there were very few that could be called holy. .

In a villa near the Magician's Awakening Institute, Hu Xueyan was wearing black casual clothes and started to practice cross-legged.

"This Wu name is really unusual, ah, ah, I've worked so hard for a month's salary in exchange."

After complimenting Wu Ming, a junior, she began to become resentful, stroked a strand of black hair, and then rubbed it fiercely, a little crazy. Wu Ming also taught her some body training techniques to increase her strength. The success rate of future missions, after all, Xiaoxi's famous hunting house now has a [-]% success rate, and the lowest price is [-], and it is also a list dedicated to challenging monsters above the general level, and Boss Wu of the hunting house has a sharper nose than a dog Powerful, with a simple sniff, one knows what level of monster it is.

Therefore, there are also many people who come here because of fame, but now, if Boss Wu needs to come forward, it will cost at least [-].

The business scope of Xiaoxi Famous Hunting House has also become wider.

"Forget it, isn't it the next month's salary next month? I'll buy body-building pills." In the end, Hu Xueyan also gritted her teeth. He fell down on the cozy little bed of a pink lady and began to laugh, "Although I didn't make much money, it's still fun."

As for Zhang Nalin and Tan Yuexin, they were also taught by Wu Ming the simple method of sharing magic. The two teamed up, and with different departments, their combat effectiveness was also improved overall. The commission of nearly [-] was also divided among these two people. , This high commission also made one of them like this high-paying job even more.

As for the shared spells, they have also been practiced by the two of them to a small degree. At that time, it is enough to directly open the shared spells. Compared with the shared spells of the roommates, these two are more advanced. As long as others agree, it is You can acquire a series of magic, but there are restrictions, that is, the first category, that is, with the help of the high-level magician magic system, then, what you can cast is only the intermediate level, and the strength below the intermediate level is Unlimited.

For the four younger brothers, Wu Ming is also refining several pills to speed up the improvement of physical fitness, which can almost reach the bottom of Dacheng. When the strength rises to a high level, even super-level magicians can compete. This is Wu Ming's Ace the army again.As for the little girls, they all passed down other elements of body refining techniques of different departments, similar to those of Li Yan and others, they only need to accumulate elements, and they don't have to endure as much torture as Zhao Mingliang and others.

All in all, even when encountering the Nightmare Beast back then, Hu Xueyan could rely on Tan Yuexin and Zhang Nalin's restraint to kill a warrior-level monster directly. The improvement in strength is overall, and this is also Wu Ming's arrangement. Xiaoxi's famous hunting house is also thriving now, and the grand goal of 100 billion has become the goal of their struggle.

As for Wu Ming, he still decided to clean up a city that had been occupied by monsters for a long time, and slowly develop into a city lord.

(End of this chapter)

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