Chapter 911

Chapter 57 Li Jing

"It's just that simple?" This innocent girl looked at Wu Ming and asked a rhetorical question. You must know that the special movers in the front also cast intermediate magic, and there are still some who awakened the second element, all directly Passed.Wu Ming's sudden words made her suspicious, and then she was overjoyed and turned around, ready to re-apply for the exam, but Wu Ming stopped her.
"Huh? What's the matter?" This silly girl was pulled back, but she didn't get angry because Wu Ming was of the opposite sex, and then said gratefully, "Thank you, senior, but I want to continue to apply for the exam and join school."

"Hehe, that's how you thank me." Wu Ming smiled lightly, you want to run away with the fat on your lips, "Even if you go, you will wait for an hour or two, and, if If you are recognized by the teacher, you may be eliminated without even releasing your magic. You really want to join the Imperial Capital Academy, but you are too nervous, you are not sure whether you can pass, and it will waste time..."

Wu Ming analyzed bit by bit, but also reluctantly parted from this innocent girl's hand.

The girl was silent, and then she raised her eyes, looked at Wu Ming, and asked nervously, "Could it be, senior, do you have a solution?"

Wu Ming nodded, but he didn't speak directly, but turned around and walked away leisurely.

The girl watched, gritted her teeth, and then trotted after her...

"By the way, senior, what's your name?"

"Wu Ming, Koutian Wu, a famous name. How about you?"

"Li Jing!"

"Look at it, don't ask, huh, huh..."

Afterwards, the two of them got farther and farther away from the Imperial Capital Academy, and then they arrived at a high-end dessert place. Looking at this high-end place, there were people coming and going. Those people were all wearing famous brands Yes, and even children, wearing famous brands, from the head to the soles of the feet, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Then, that senior, why don't we change places." Li Jing began to worry that there was not enough Mani in her wallet, and begged Wu Ming for mercy.

"Hehe, I will come here often in the future. This time, it's mine. You have to thank others in the future and don't speak big words. Besides, I'm giving you a chance. Let's go." Wu Ming laughed, this little girl, It's silly and cute, if you enter the Imperial Capital Academy, if you don't have enough strength, then you will be the target of bullying. There are many, many stronger than her, and the only one who can is the son of the aristocratic family on the list.

Afterwards, the two began to enter the clubhouse.

"Welcome!" As soon as they stepped in, the two beauties with first-class figure and appearance bowed and shouted in unison.

That bumpy, plump figure, Li Jing looked at it, her ears turned red, she secretly looked at herself, and felt that it was incomparable, and then looked at the senior, only to see Wu Mingmu not squinting, feeling like a serious gentleman Fan Son.Why is it a feeling, because being brought here by Wu Ming also feels that Wu Ming has other purposes.

Afterwards, Wu Ming recruited the waiter, and directly ordered two cups of superlative drinks and some pastries.

Eating soft and delicious desserts that are neither dry nor too hot, and drinking a cup of ice-sweet and delicious drinks, Li Jing also felt that the life of a rich man is just good, a girl who has been hungry for a long time and enjoys it , Wu Ming also smiled lightly.

"Do you want to awaken the second element?" After a while, Wu Ming asked directly.

You know, it is a difficult test for ordinary people to awaken the second line, unless they are favored by some aristocratic families, and the aristocratic families pay for it, it is possible to awaken the second line. The money you get can only awaken a magic system that you cannot choose. Although it is random, you can also increase the chance of getting another magic system.

"Yeah." Li Jing nodded, and then said very directly: "No one doesn't want to."

Wu Ming just smiled, but he didn't beat around the bush, and said, "Then join my Xiaoxi Famous Hunting Institute, and I will provide resources to help you awaken the second department, so that you can successfully pass the examination of the Imperial Capital Academy, and your monthly income in the future will be this Count." After finishing speaking, Wu Ming put away his thumb and little finger, raised his middle three fingers, and expressed himself.

"Three thousand?" Li Jing was taken aback and asked.

Wu Ming shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "Let's talk a little bit more."

"Thirty thousand??" Then, Li Jing was shocked, and after that, she quoted an unbelievable price. You know, mid-level magicians desperately enter the demon hunting place, about this amount in a month, This senior's hunting camp must not be a black one.

Just when she was thinking about it, Wu Ming shook his head and said with a smile, "It's 30!"

Next, Li Jing covered her pink mouth with her hands, and couldn't believe that she could earn so much in a month, but she didn't know how popular Xiao Ximing was now.

"However, my hunting agency only accepts orders starting at 10 yuan, and the maximum is one million yuan. On average, one order per day. How much income can you tell me a month?" Wu Ming smiled lightly, and his eyes were shocked Then, like drinking plain water, she took a gulp of the "expensive" drink and waited for Li Jing's answer.

"Three, 300 million?" Li Jing also said in a daze, she couldn't believe it.

Wu Ming nodded, "Currently, there are 13 people in the Wu Ming Hunting Center. Do you want to join?"

Thirteen people are the ones who have already joined. As for the arrival of Li Yan and Feng Hailun, including their girlfriends, there should be more than 13 people. By then, the strength of the hunting institute will be basically guaranteed. You can open another branch, so you don’t need Zhang Dafu to run the business on foot. Although he is the director, the business is run alone. As for the number of his drivers, there are very few successful orders. A friend of the driver got tens of thousands of commissions, and the other drivers were all motivated, so they caught one and introduced one to another, invisibly helping Xiaoxi's famous hunting agency to advertise.

"This..." Li Jing hesitated, the reward was so good, it felt like pie fell from the sky.

"It's fine if you don't join. Even if you go to retake the exam, you don't have to pass it. If you join my hunting institute, you can awaken the second department. Maybe in the future, you can awaken the third department and become a high-level magician." Wu Mingyao Shaking his head, he started to play hard to get, called the waiter, and started paying the bill before the girl finished eating.

"If you don't want to join, then I won't force you. Maybe after a few years, maybe you meet someone from a good family, who might help you wake up, and you don't have to worry about income in the future." After paying the bill, Wu Ming said softly , I also felt sorry, shook my head, and then, I left this high-end beverage shop.

"Li Jing, how can you do this? The senior is so nice. As for the reward, forget it. If you can awaken the second department at that time, it will be a big profit. The senior is from the Imperial Academy, so he won't lie." After Li Jing weighed it, she chased after her. .

(End of this chapter)

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