Chapter 920

Chapter 66Back

"Sister, control it!"

"Well, directly cast the strongest attack!"

In the forest, Hu Xueyan's party and several girls who were separated were calmly facing a huge monster with many tentacles.

Afterwards, after sharing the acceleration of the wind element, the group flexibly avoided the feeling of the tentacled monster, and finally, with perfect cooperation, they killed the monster with a powerful thunder strike.

Looking at the scorched monster, Zhao Mingliang became more and more confident. In this team, he was the one with the strongest attack power and ability to resist beatings, not one of them.

As for Jiang Chong's teams, they separated after they separated, and they all took their little girlfriends to kill the warrior-level monsters.

"It's really admirable that this pseudo-terrorist actually pretends to be like this."

"Hehe, it's a general level. He said it's still the highest level, and he plans to advance to the commander level, but there are still not enough opportunities."


Hu Xueyan and the others slowed down and began to appreciate their victory, but the number of busy people increased. Li Xiran frowned and followed these scattered teams, collecting monster spirits one by one, At the lowest level, it has already involved the servant level.

However, no matter how low the essence is, it is still essence, at least tens of thousands of dollars.

For this reason, this is also a job specially set for her. No, Li Xiran complained a little bit. When she goes back, Wu Ming can naturally let her release some anger.

After a week passed, if it wasn't for the consideration of the courses of several junior girls, Hu Xueyan might still need to go deeper.

The most in-depth experience of this trip, the strongest, is to meet that false terror! .

"Next time, let's continue to practice. After a trip, I really gain a lot!"

Li Jing and Liang Qingqian thought so in their hearts, but when they got together, they looked at Jiang Chong, Luo Hai and his girlfriends all had ruddy complexions, as if receiving some good nectar to nourish them, revealing a woman's fragrance, Zhao Mingliang Immediately, I became envious.

However, envy is envy, although there is nothing like that, but it is also a beautiful thing to live with senior sisters, and several junior girls and female classmates.

What's more, the girl next to her is not very beautiful. It is impossible for ordinary people to enjoy being in the flowers. Thinking about it this way, Zhao Mingliang's mind is suddenly enlightened.

Going out of the northern suburbs, this piece of forest seems to have lost its use value, and it has become quiet again, restoring the quiet and beautiful scenery of ordinary forests. .

The silhouettes of a dozen people also stretched longer and longer, gradually disappearing in front of the forest, and the many branches of the forest were also waving, like old friends saying goodbye.

At dusk, at Xiaoxi's famous hunting place, Zhang Dafu stayed here bored, everyone went out, so Wu Ming could only drag him over to serve as a post.

And Zhang Dafu is also comparable to a junior magician, but the gap in long-range attacks is still too obvious.

"Hehe, pretty boys and pretty girls are back, that's good!" Zhang Dafu became happy when he saw more than 20 familiar beautiful and handsome figures walking back, and said with a smile!

"Why is this uncle so happy to see us?" Everyone was also thinking about this question at the moment.

However, how did they know that because of Xiao Ximing's small fame, they have accumulated nearly a list in the past few days, and the lowest level is all warrior-level monster tasks, and the list was personally reviewed by Wu Ming .

Afterwards, when everyone saw a pile of power of attorney, they understood.

"Hehe, following the boss, I don't want to go to school because I have money to make. Fortunately, the requirements of university are not so high." Zhao Mingliang laughed, and then, he expressed the feelings of a group of people.

Everyone looked down at the stigma and smiled wryly. While earning money, it also takes more time. Moreover, every single task involves monsters of the level of a warrior. .

Afterwards, Zhang Dafu, the marketing director, was liberated, and he went back to practice martial arts. What is important in martial arts training is perseverance, just like practicing, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

As for the profession of driver, it was originally his favorite, but now, he has begun to abandon it all over the place.

Looking at Zhang Dafu who left with a smile on his face, several people also shook their heads. Wu Ming should be home at this time.

Next, with the job arrangement, Liang Qingqian began to enter the state of a service staff, took over Zhang Dafu's position, and continued to look at the hunting camp. There are rooms in the hunting camp where you can stay for free, which is convenient for her.

As for the rest, those who go home are also going home, and those who return to school are returning to school.

In a courtyard, an enticing vegetable fragrance wafts out, hooking people's stomachs like a liar who seduces people's hungry stomachs.

Smelling the aroma of vegetables, Li Xiran, who had just stepped in, couldn't help but close her eyebrows, feeling the tantalizing aroma, and the anger she had just put on just disappeared.

"This guy, you're right!"

After a long time, feeling that the smell was restrained, Li Xiran murmured in a low voice, in front of the delicious food, she was subdued. As far as Wu Ming's skill is concerned, even though he is not a magician, he can still attract the attention of many high-level magicians. Favored, because the food is so delicious, it can be regarded as only in the sky, and it is rare to smell it in the world.

"Hehe, let's come in for dinner when you come back, it's just right, it's really punctual!" Wu Ming's voice came out with a bit of playfulness. .

Li Xiran shook his head, this Wu Ming knew everything, the more mysterious, like poison, the more attractive, not just her Li Xiran.

Hu Xueyan, Li Jing, Liang Qingqian, women who are not inferior to her in beauty, almost all have some bad feelings towards Wu Ming.

"Whether you know the future or not, it's all right." Li Xiran also replied coldly, but she still tried her best to restrain herself.

Before eating, eat the biggest.

"Hehe, that's what we communicated between the bridges of love. We have a good understanding, so I know where you are." Wu Ming said his love words just right, grasping Li Xiran's heart.

Afterwards, Li Xiran, who looked elegant and impatient, began to enjoy eating alone. These were specially prepared by Wu Ming for her.

"Xiran, you're starving? Don't you have something to eat, haha." Looking at Li Xiran, Wu Ming didn't pay attention to the development of the northern suburbs first, but started to tease Li Xiran.

All of this was already known, and when they came back, they explained that the mission of Xiao Xi's famous hunting place had been successfully completed.

Li Xiran glared at Wu Ming, and then buried her head in her mouth. .

"This guy, he just waited for me to take the initiative to speak..." Li Xiran was thinking while eating, and finally, knowing that there was a sense of fullness in his abdomen, he ended the delicious table! !

(End of this chapter)

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