Chapter 924

Chapter 70 Is he from our college?
Two days later, Wu Ming also actively participated in the mission organized by the school, just to find the unhappiness of that monarch-level monster. After coming here for several years, I can finally have some fun. Now the little brother, the level They are all at the intermediate level. In the face of a leader-level monster, at least three people are needed to kill it. Hey, who dare not open their eyes and trouble them.

A group of bustling people began to squeeze into the huge playground. Those who could participate were sophomores and juniors. As for the others, there were no others. Among them, a girl who was cold and introverted attracted It caught Wu Ming's attention, but after seeing Li Xiran's gaze, Wu Ming gave up and continued to read.

Ice students, apart from that one's wife, who else can be so outstanding? It seems that this time, this one is also very much needed, but this is not important, and Wu Ming dare not to deal with these things. Interest, his goal, is to clean up the deserted city, and then, to subdue the monarch-level monsters.

"Hehe, this time, Mr. Dean still took a lot of trouble. The entry even mobilized the country's guards to participate. At least there are super-level magicians."

"For the healthy growth of the students, everything is spared. This is the era of these children, so they should radiate their own light. Wu Ming Academy should do it seriously and responsibly train the students who enter my academy. students."


Watching the departure of a group of students, several old men in the management of the school are also laughing at each other. Of course, the concept of departure is still good. For the development of the students, this is recognized by all the students.Perhaps, this is also the reason why this Imperial Capital Academy is a holy place.

Boarding the train specially arranged by the school, Wu Ming also lay down with peace of mind, surrounded by Zhao Mingliang, Jiang Chong, Luo Hai, and Fang Xuanling. As for their little girlfriends, they were also from different magic schools. Yes, even though they are reluctant to part with each other, protecting the boss's work is also a top priority, so Wu Ming can sleep peacefully.

Afterwards, the leading teacher called the roll call.
When they saw Wu Ming, including the teacher, they all doubted whether Wu Ming was a student of the school. If they hadn't seen Wu Ming's school uniform, certificates, etc., they could not be forged, otherwise, they were all suspicious, because , Wu Ming's sense of existence is too low, and he doesn't even mention his existence in the Imperial Capital Academy.

"This little boy, is he from our academy?" A group of domineering girls all stared at Wu Ming. After that, some boys began to wonder. As classmates, they should have seen it more or less. Of course, Zhao Mingliang, Jiang The reputations of Chong and the others are a bit resounding, they are simply the Four Great Demon Kings, but, according to rumors, there is another boss on top of the Four Great Demon Kings. At present, depending on the situation, it is this little boy who is protected by the Four Great Demon Kings.

"Good-looking boys, why are there still boys who can look so good-looking..." Afterwards, more than a dozen girls started to look like nympho, staring at Wu Ming, and those who could enter the school to study, Half of it depends on strength, and the other half depends on grades. Sometimes, strength and grades are also among the best.

Along the way, Wu Ming felt a little bored. He felt that being handsome was a sense of guilt...

However, if the four of Luo Hai and Zhao Mingliang were not there, someone might not be able to help but pounce on them and beat up this one, who is so confident that he is not sure if he is a student of their academy.

"Hey, Boss, I feel like you deserve a beating!!" Zhao Mingliang, who was sitting next to Wu Ming, felt bored looking at Wu Ming, showing a pair of affectionate and blurred eyes, tempting every girl, and couldn't help it. Smirking, it's rather beating, so I said such a sentence, but when other people gloat, Wu Ming is also a stigma of being a bird or a bird,

Then, looking at the scenery on the side of the road, it doesn't mean that it is good, no matter where the car is driving, there must be scenery on the side of the road.

The long years will soon pass by, Wu Ming looked at the fast-moving scenery outside the car window with emotion, just like his current existence, everything is fleeting, because after a thousand years, he lived to For tens of thousands of years, Wu Ming has seen more, but he still can't let go of the handling of some things, and he can't let go of them for a long time. Even though, this time, he can make up for it, but this is still not a world of turning back.

After looking at the charming scenery for a while, Wu Ming seemed to be unnatural, exuding a smell that people would ignore. Afterwards, those idiot girls withdrew their gazes. As for the teacher, he didn't bother too much. , the rest of the students also gradually forgot, but there is still a doubt: Is he really from our college? ?

After half a day of rushing, we soon arrived at the southern part of the imperial capital.

After arriving, it's time for free activities. They are relatively free to organize activities. Although the degree of danger is not low, the coefficient of training is also directly proportional to it.

"Hehe, Xiran, see you tonight..." Just after going down, they separated. The arrangements of different colleges are different. As for Li Xiran, because of the existence of a certain genius, some special treat.

However, these are not factors that can hinder Wu Ming's pace.

Night comes, which symbolizes the passing of a day. Wu Ming opened a room alone, just casually, and began to wait for the time to come.
As for those girls, they prefer to live together, so the gossip spread.

"The boy I saw today looks so good-looking, he looks like a jade porcelain sculpture."

"Hehe, Baimei, you thought she was a beauty. Oh no, it's a beautiful man like jade. Hehe. It seems that you are also a nympho,"

"Hey, tell me, is he from our academy? It feels like I've never seen him before. It's rare to see him today. I don't know, our academy still hides such a handsome man."


Here in the girl's residence, today's topic and gossip are often heard, but it is the first time I see Wu Ming like this, and I can't get rid of it. Li Xiran sees and listens to this in his heart .

Knowing that Wu Ming likes to keep a low profile, I never expected that it would be like this. Such an excellent man was suspected of being a student of the first school. At that time, he smiled wryly, and then looked at Mu Ningxue and smiled lightly. , this girl is also stunned, but the cold person seems to have a heart, so that's why she is like this.

One day passed quickly, and a black shadow also broke in quietly...

(End of this chapter)

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