Chapter 933

Chapter 74 Laughing at being beaten
Even though he was down, this cunning monster also aroused a little bit of anger in Li Xiran's heart, and Li Xiran seemed to have found something wrong, but, under such circumstances, that one Only the mirror image Demon Lord seemed to be more interested in fighting, and then there was another silver clone, two strikes, three strikes. .

In the end, the five avatars are all at the commanding level and at the level of a high-level magician. This seems to be the maximum limit of the mirror image demon. If the main body comes out, Li Xiran may not be able to persist for so long. Fighting alone Five veteran high-level magicians, plus one super-level magician, despite Wu Ming's trump card, they just lost.

Li Xiran looked at the five silver avatars, and she also sensed something was wrong, because these monsters did not have the strength and aura of the monarch level at all, and it seemed that they were not real. .

"Really, I just made a move, and I encountered such a thing..." Dai Mei frowned slightly, and then, from the corner of her eyes, she secretly glanced at Wu Ming who was laughing, and Li Xiran became a little angry, "Hmph, Come on, I'll take it all," Finally, I saw that she also took out a beautiful long sword that was polished like ice.

"This, this is!!"

"A magic cutting tool made of pure attributes!!"

The second elder who watched the battle was surprised and opened his mouth wide, and roared hysterically: This is so rich! !

Such magic tools are all priceless treasures, belonging to the legendary level, but I don’t know why this student has such a treasure, it seems that it is the same as the armor magic tool, it is simply a treasure.

As for Hu Xueyan who was fighting below, Zhao Mingliang and the others watched with envy and jealousy. It seemed that their bosses and bosses had quite a few such good things, and each one was a treasure worth tens of millions. .Hu Xueyan was more jealous, because she could also use this magic cutting tool, it seemed to be made of pure ice, and it exuded a cold air. .

Li Xiran is also using it for the first time, and suddenly feels that this piece of magic-slaying tool is like a crystal, which seems to be broken when knocked, but the energy contained in it instantly replenishes what she consumed. It doesn't consume much mana even if it is equipped with equipment. At this time, I realized how precious this equipment is.

It's just that there are too many mysterious things about Wu Ming, and it's not easy for her to ask too many questions, but she feels that she is just a faint star beside Wu Ming, just shining around Wu Ming.

"Cut!" After injecting ordinary magic energy, Li Xiran spun around, and saw the clones of the five mirror images dissipated like this, without leaving any traces, and some of them were like snowflakes falling slowly , As for the three commander-level monsters, after seeing the boss's tricks being cracked with one blow, they also became scared, but Zhao Mingliang and his party were really annoying the monsters.
Afterwards, only those warrior-level monster servant servant-level monster boys besieged and prepared to get away,
As for Li Xiran, he didn't look at the battlefield below, he only sensed one direction, the wind wings flapped, and he followed up at a faster speed,

"Hehe, it's interesting. It seems that we're just here to watch a show..." After the old woman named Mu laughed, she just laughed at herself, and it wasn't too much of a burden. It was Wu Ming, who was catching up with Li Xiran, who had no sense of presence. Regardless of these people, Li Xiran had already discovered the location of the mirror image demon. In order to prevent this monster from being killed, Wu Ming also Speeding up to catch up, of course, is just speeding up, not full speed like Li Xiran.

I saw a monster like a tree demon covered in silver mirrors, running fast, as if it had forgotten its housekeeping skills, because Li Xiran frightened it. You might find it funny that a monarch-level monster was actually frightened by a high-ranking magician, so frightened that it didn't know where to go.

Holding the ice sword in his hand, Li Xiran tightly locked the "cute" running silver big cutie, and then chopped off with a sword.

The white ice sword qi caught up to the cute mirror image demon lord, and then hit the back of this monster fiercely.

"Hey!" With one blow, the speed of the mirror image demon king was reduced, and this monster was also laughed. The strange sound of this smile made Li Xiran frown, and then, It is to speed up, several sword qi,
Along the way, I saw a monarch-level monster being beaten and laughing. The scene became weird for a while. If the Mirror Mirror Demon Lord could speak, he would definitely despise it. It was uncomfortable being beaten, where is the laughter? ? ?

Li Xiran also found it interesting, but the anger in his heart still did not subside. Then, the distance between one person and one beast narrowed. Because of the relieving effect of the cold air, the speed of the Mirror Mirror Demon Lord was repeatedly and repeatedly defeated. It will be a matter of time before they come down and be caught up.

"Hmph!" Li Xiran held up the sword with both hands, pointing the sword point to the sky, and saw a cold light emitting from the sunlight.

In the end, with a slash with all his strength, a icy sword energy of Arc Moon slashed towards the mirrored mold,
The mirror mirror tool was also locked, and stopped, no longer running. Finally, he closed his charming little silver eyes, as if accepting this trial, and waited for the one that could finally take his life to fall.

At this moment, time seemed to be forbidden, and the three who followed, Mr. Mu and Xiao Wang, were shocked by Li Xiran's aura. One, at this moment, they saw with their own eyes a man who could easily beheaded. A monarch-level monster, facing the strong, naturally has awe, even if they are old, they will still be afraid of Li Xiran, or the long sword in Li Xiran's hand,

The arc of cold air fell, and it exploded in front of the mirror image demon king. The momentum swept all directions, and those monsters below the warrior level were either dead or injured. Most of them died, which shows the power of this sword.
Finally, the cold air dissipated, and a young man was seen standing in front of the Mirror Mirror Demon Lord with one hand raised.This loud noise also caused the mirror image demon to open his eyes. He saw a tiny human being, and he resisted everything for it. Suddenly, he felt that Wu Ming was his sky, and at this moment, he sank The little fan who became Wu Ming also felt the breath of lost beasts from Wu Ming, as if it was the breath of the most primitive forest, enough to form an ancient world.

To put it lightly, blocking a blow that was enough to kill a monarch monster, Wu Ming also appeared in the sight of everyone at this moment, and was shocked by everyone, but why did Wu Ming save a monarch-level monster?
In the end, seeing the mirror image demon obediently hiding behind Wu Ming like a child, everything was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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