Chapter 970

Wu Ming looked at Li Xiran, who was about to be attacked, and remained motionless, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Looking at this beautiful and ferocious silver monster, he was quite satisfied, after all, it was used as a facade , is also a guardian beast of future strength, so naturally it can't be too ugly, but this guy also has a domineering name, called Mirror Image Demon Lord.It is also a rare monster. If the opportunity is sufficient, it may be able to enter the ranks of the emperor. Obviously, this big guy is very good at hiding.

Wu Ming smiled lightly, it was his little girlfriend who suffered the dark loss of not knowing this rare monster. Understand, as for Wu Ming, Wu Ming has already memorized the entire book of the students in the imperial capital, so he naturally recognizes it.
This monster that sneaked up, or the monster that appeared, is just a mirror image clone, and its strength is probably at the peak level of a high-level magician. Li Xiran can also deal with it calmly. As for this monster The body of the beast has been hidden hundreds of miles away. If something is wrong, it will run away directly. This kind of monster is extremely cunning, of course.It is also a monster that is extremely advanced to the ranks of the emperor, because it knows how to survive.

Sudden surprise attack, Li Xiran frowned as soon as the wind wings parted, and then it flew by, and then, a chain of ice began to strike out, slapping the monster fiercely.

"This little girl has good qualifications, but her experience is still too little,"

"Hehe, Mr. Mu, you don't seem to be of the ice attribute, so the attribute is also inconsistent with this little girl. You shouldn't make a special case to accept a closed disciple."

"So what, you old man, maybe you won't be liked by others, even though you belong to the wind element, but the strongest magic element of this little girl is the ice element..."

"Second elder, stop arguing. That monster is obviously a monarch-level monster in this barren city. I don't know if this student can resist it. Please make a move earlier." Finally, looking at The two elderly people who were over [-] years old were laughing and talking, and the teacher with the most seniority also began to ask the two elders to help him. After knowing Li Xiran's talent, he was also a little surprised.

However, from the beginning of the experience plan, they never thought of alarming this monarch-level monster. However, just in case, they still invited two masters, a super-level magician, and a half-legged monster. Stepping into the super-level high-level magician, such a lineup is completely safe,
"Don't worry, Xiao Wang, it seems that your experience is still too little, and I will punish you to take a good look at the monster classics in the library's deepest collection," said the old woman named Mu,

"Yes." The teacher named Xiao Wang also responded respectfully, because his strength and status did not allow him to be dissatisfied, and these are all senior figures of the Imperial Capital Academy, and the dean wants to give three points of face.

"Hehe, Xiao Wang, it seems that I really need to refresh my knowledge. This monarch-level monster is a rare mirror image demon. This is just a mirror image clone of a monarch-level monster. As for its body, it has It has been hiding for a long time, and even with our best efforts to find it, it is difficult to find it." Another male old man said that although he only promulgated the super-level magician, his status is not inferior to that of the old woman next to him. Come.

Xiao Wang just nodded. As for the name of this monster, he has never heard of it. As for the rumor, there is a monarch-level monster in this southern suburb. Except for the high-level people in the country, not many people know about it. Only a rare monster exists, but the degree of difficulty in exterminating it is a bit high, so this monster has existed for so long, another reason is that this monster is more law-abiding and timid, so, Not specifically targeted.

They will run away when they encounter things, that is to say, they will run away if they can't win. Whoever encounters them will be dumbfounded.

Of course, unless most of the manpower is mobilized, and they are high-level magicians or above, they will block it with all their strength. There are no fewer than three super-level magicians, plus a curse-level magician, to catch this fearful monster. Therefore, it is also very difficult for the country to spend so much trouble for a monarch-level monster.

In the arena, Li Xiran was on par with the clone of the Mirror Image Demon Lord, but anyone with a little sharp eyesight could tell that the whole audience, that monster, was passive. Being beaten, this is a monarch-level monster. In the eyes of the group of people below, that's what they think.

"Which one is Li Xiran from the Ice Element? So strong!!"

"Indeed, is that a monarch-level monster, or is it just a commander-level monster? It is rumored that this talented student has already broken through to the level of a high-level magician. If it is possible, he will directly apply for graduation..."

Afterwards, some students of the Imperial Academy, after killing the monsters they faced, had to sigh and look at Li Xiran, who was surrounded by blue wind wings in the sky, that beautiful figure was too charming and powerful .

It's just that Li Xiran didn't know that she was famous. In addition, it seemed that she also provoked the playful interest of a monster. When she was dealing with a huge silver monster in front, there was another one behind her. Avatars that did not lose to the commander level also appeared.

"Two monarch-level monsters??"

Looking at another monster that suddenly appeared, moreover, it was still exactly the same.Everyone was shocked, knowing that there were strong people coming from the Imperial Capital Academy, and they were all relieved. The three-fingered commander-level monsters and a large group of monsters in front of them couldn't escape without sending out a distress signal. Unless, a miracle happens,
However, when they followed the group of senior sister Hu Xueyan in front, they also seemed to see hope, because, among this group of people, they were all at the level of intermediate magicians, but their explosive power was not inferior to that of advanced intermediate magicians. Under the combination, they were able to fight on a par with the three commander-level monsters. In addition, most of the warrior-level monsters were killed by these people, which relieved a lot of their pressure.

Intermediate level, facing all the large groups of servant-level monsters, is also powerless, because, as if they can't kill them all, they will be replenished continuously, making one head and two big.

As for the sudden appearance of another clone of the mirror image in the air, Li Xiran was also caught off guard.I saw the release of the ice magic equipment, which directly hit the mirror image clone that was sneaking up.

This great skill shocked Teacher Xiao Wang and the two elders who were watching the battle. After all, it was the most complete attack at the commanding level. Don't sigh about Li Xiran's background, after all, high-quality magic armor is hard to come by.

(End of this chapter)

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