Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 998 Breakthrough

Chapter 998 Breakthrough
Chapter 34 Reiki Nourishes the Bone

It's the second lap!

The faces of the girls are all a little white. After the 800 meters, they are different.

"What to do, what to do? There are still 200 meters left!" Looking at the distance, Mu Qingjun was a little anxious, but her whole body was weak. If she hadn't reached the finish line, she would have collapsed long ago.

However, gritting her teeth, she speeded up and ran. However, there were a few girls with strong physiques who also speeded up. In the end, she remained in the middle position, not too far behind, nor too forward.

Running, trying to speed up, suddenly, the feet were empty, and the person fell down. After falling down, there were abrasions on the body, and there was a sharp swelling pain on the feet.

Yes, she sprained her ankle, and it looked a little serious.

Looking at the end point that is about to be surpassed and reached, the corners of Mu Qingjun's eyes sparkled.

"..." The instructor looked at it, and directly planned to carry the girl to the infirmary, because this girl may have moved a bone, which is very serious, and he can deal with it simply, but this serious one.

"Instructor, wait!" At some point, Wu Ming came to the instructor and stopped him.

"This kid, when did you come here!" The instructor was shocked, extremely shocked.

"Student Wu Ming, this is related to this student's body, please don't delay." The instructor said while supporting Mu Qingjun.

"Instructor, I can cure classmate Qingjun, please let me come!" Wu Ming said calmly and confidently, please let me come, not let me try, try, but I have no confidence.

The instructor was about to refuse, but a voice got ahead of him.

"Instructor, I trust Wu Ming, let him try!" Mu Qingjun said to the instructor with a choked voice.

"This is no joke!" Instructor Wang Tao said seriously, frowning.Yes, this is a bone injury, it is very serious, maybe it will affect this girl's walking in the future.

"I believe in Wu Ming!" Mu Qingjun gritted his teeth, removed Wu Ming's classmate name, and said directly that Wu Ming gave her the feeling that he knew everything and was omnipotent.

In the end, the instructor was helpless, looked at Wu Ming, and said with a straight face: "If it can't be done, it will be dealt with by military law!"

Then, make room.

Wu Ming then supported Mu Qingjun, squeezed her Q and flicked her small face, and taught her a lesson, "Just try your best, no matter how brave you are, look at me, I won't be brave!"

The instructor followed Wu Ming, his forehead turned black, saying that you are doing what you want, but you didn't get mad, but it seemed that Wu Ming was flirting, or that Wu Ming was a little doting on Mu Qingjun. How do you think, he They're all like light bulbs.

"Hee hee, I won't do it next time!" Mu Qingjun giggled, the swelling and pain on his feet no longer felt painful.

On the contrary, being supported by Wu Ming, he seemed to be able to smell a transcendent aura, which was written in the book, like Zhong Lingyuxiu.

Helping her to the side of the stairs, Wu Ming let her sit down, and took off the military training shoes that smelled of shoe gum in the next life.

Afterwards, a section of the foot that was as white as jade and as tender as a lotus root was exposed. Wu Ming squeezed this little foot and said with a smile: "It's a bit misplaced. I'll take it back and start counting to three. Hold it back. classmate."

"En!" Mu Qingjun nodded.

The instructor at the side also watched, feeling that Wu Ming was mysterious. As a freshman in high school, he naturally didn't believe that Wu Ming would take any bones.

"One, three!" Wu Ming nodded, and after he shouted out, it was three directly.
Click!With a crisp sound, Wu Ming first pulled the anklet, and then connected it, it was perfect, and it happened naturally.

Mu Qingjun was in pain, and tears came out of the corners of his eyes. He glanced at Wu Ming with a little resentment, as if to say: Didn't he count to three, and two, and he didn't even count two.

Wu Ming didn't care about her gaze, but took it slowly, the faint spiritual energy began to penetrate into her little feet and began to nourish them.

Reiki has many functions. For example, the longevity of a person is determined by personal Reiki. The more Reiki you absorb, the longer you live.

It's just that the methods that can absorb the spiritual energy are all unparalleled, because the ancient people's thought of the same line has broken many things.

Three or two minutes later, Wu Ming stopped. With these auras, this girl's life could be added by a year or so. However, at such a young age, she obviously doesn't need this lifespan urgently.

"Okay, try walking?" Wu Ming finished his treatment and said to Mu Qingjun.

"No, classmate, you'd better take a good rest, and go to the infirmary to check later to make sure everything is safe, and don't make any mistakes!" The instructor hurriedly stopped him, and Wu Ming couldn't help complaining, thinking that this was a martial arts drama. Bones can jump up and down.

Of course, it is impossible for Mu Qingjun to jump up and down, because that is a monkey...

This time, Mu Qingjun stood up directly, walked a few steps, "Instructor, I'm really well!"

"..." The instructor was stunned, and finally murmured: "This is not scientific!" Finally, he thought of some famous Chinese medicine...

In the end, I still took Mu Qingjun to the infirmary for a checkup, and Wu Ming took him there himself.

"Thank you, classmate Wu Ming!" On the road, the two walked side by side.

"It's okay, we are all classmates. If the life committee member falls, I will try my best to help." Wu Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

Life committee member in military training: "Yawn, who is speaking ill of me behind my back..."

Afterwards, the team continued to contact Goose!

On Wu Ming's side, although Mu Qingjun didn't like to hear Wu Ming comparing her with someone, he still liked him like this. If Wu Ming didn't make a move, it would be difficult for him to make it through.

In the infirmary, the female nurse looked at Mu Qingjun, and then at Wu Ming, "Your little girlfriend is very good, shouldn't it be, you two are planning to come here to chatter with me!"

The nurse looked at the two of them, and then gossiped about it. In other high schools, this kind of thing happened a lot, and there were even those who didn't want military training to hurt themselves.

Mu Qingjun listened, two blush appeared on his face, very charming, but. .

"Nurse sister, what are you talking about? Give us the opening certificate, the instructor won't believe it!" In the end, Wu Ming directly broke the beautiful scene.

Because, he couldn't notice the innocent little face of the female classmate next to him.

Finally, a certificate was issued, and Wu Ming could go back to work, or in other words, go back to continue military training.

"She is a good girl! Cherish it, young man!" Before leaving, the female nurse said inexplicably.

But Wu Ming ignored it and left directly. Mu Qingjun followed Wu Ming like a little follower.

Looking at the two young people leaving, "Oh, it's good to be young!" The nurse also sighed and said.

Wu Ming walked in front, smiling wryly, there are so many good girls in the world, should he be responsible for each of them?Thinking too much, if before, Wu Ming would still consider it, but now, he can't help himself.

"Could it be that Wu Ming doesn't like me?" Mu Qingjun followed, thinking wildly, and soon, the military training base arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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