Chapter 273 Go to Hell Together
The two of them did a good job of keeping the secrets secret, so good that even Grandma Lu didn't know that Lu Qi had a car accident, and thought that Lu Qi was worried about Tang Xiaoqi's recognition of his ancestors, so he went to City A to accompany him.

Lu Qi and Tang Xiaoqi experienced the car accident and the short time they spent together day and night, and their relationship became better and better. Although neither of them pierced the window paper, everyone knew it.

When he was discharged from the hospital, due to Tang Xiaoqi's careful care, Lu Qi had gained a lot of weight. The fatter Lu Qi looked healthier and more handsome. Unlike his previous image of a boy with a handsome face, he was now more intimidating.

Since Tang Xiaoqi discovered that Lu Qi's health had suddenly dropped to one month, she was very proactive during Lu Qi's recuperation period, hugging her at least twice a day, and sleeping with her at night. After participating in rehabilitation, give a cheek kiss as a reward.

Because of Tang Xiaoqi's various encouragements, Lu Qi worked harder to recover.

Sometimes, the power of love is very strong, so strong that Lu Qi was the first person to train his abs in the hospital.


The verdict finally came down. Lao Chen was sentenced to 10 years or more in prison. When he learned of the result, Lao Chen collapsed and even shouted wildly.

Lao Chen's lawyer belonged to the Shen family, and he heard that the success rate was as high as 90.00%, so Lao Chen was relieved to let him become his representative lawyer, but he did not expect to fail, and it was not even a light sentence.

After learning of this conclusion, Lao Chen expressed his intention to appeal, but the Shen family refused to give any more support.

After Lao Chen heard the news, he went crazy, and even thought that the lawyer was deliberately hired by Chen Zhiran to frame him and go to jail.

Old Chen was a cruel person, and he even followed his word. His wife hurriedly called Chen Zhiran, asking her to find a better lawyer for her father.

But after calling several times, Chen Zhiran's cell phone was not reached, so she panicked a lot.

Chen Zhiran sent his son to prison for three years without knowing it. Originally, old Chen's wife planned to ask Chen Zhiran to go to the Shen family to appeal his son's sentence for a lighter sentence, but before he could tell, Old Chen was arrested for arson.

Because Lao Chen's matter is more serious, he planned to deal with Lao Chen's matter first, and after Lao Chen's matter was successful, he asked to handle his son's matter as well.

But this lawyer with a very high success rate even lost the lawsuit, and it was the one with the highest penalty. The old Chen and his wife were so angry that they thought it must be Chen Zhiran's fault. It will soon be fulfilled.

Suddenly, a medical report about Chen Zhiran was circulated on the Internet, and instantly countless netizens knew that Chen Zhiran had leukemia.

When Chen Zhiran saw the medical report, her whole heart fell into the abyss, because the medical report was fake. She originally planned to use it to test her parents' love for her, but she hadn't started yet. Chen grabbed her and beat her.

The fake report was probably dropped by the mother when she dumped the contents of her handbag on the floor.

In addition to the fake report being leaked, what made Chen Zhiran even more sad was the accompanying text on the report.

"This woman is ruthless. She framed her father and younger brother and imprisoned her. I appeal to the public not to donate bone marrow to her."

Chen Zhiran looked at it for a while, only to realize that everyone took a screenshot or reposted it in her mother's circle of friends.

My mother actually refused to show love and sympathy after she learned that she was ill, and she even disclosed her privacy to the world, and even told others not to save her.

(End of this chapter)

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