Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 110 Gold Lord, Pet Me, Love Me, Feed Me

Chapter 110 Gold Lord, Pet Me, Love Me, Feed Me (52)

Lu Beichen saw her thoughts.

He quickly put the ring on her hand and grabbed her.

He embraced her and nibbled on her pink earlobe.

A voice that sounded like an order, more like a warning, fell into Lin Qiao's ear.

"Du Qiyue, listen to me"

"Whether you agree or not, you will always be my Lu Beichen's woman!"

We have been together for a long time.

He could also see different emotions in Lin Qiao's eyes.

No matter how approachable she is on the outside, she rarely accepts others in her heart.

After the crew of "Far From Home" started up last time.

The outside world is rumored to be crazy about the relationship between the two of them.

But outsiders don't know that Lin Qiao has been avoiding him these days.

Do not answer his phone calls, refuse to meet.

Even if he came in person, his attitude was very cold.

He apologized for what happened last time, and Lin Qiao also forgave him.

But for all the things he proposed, it is not wrong to refuse.

He really couldn't figure out why.

It was as if he didn't understand why she cared so much about his relationship with Song Pengfei.

But then, he was suddenly relieved.

No matter what her purpose is, he, Lu Beichen, will never let her go in his life.

Not to mention pushing her into the arms of other men!
Lin Qiao didn't struggle, nor did he refute.

The tone was light, "I can agree to marry you, but you have to meet one of my requirements."


Not to mention one, he also agreed to a hundred!

"I want you to send me 100 million tons of food as a bride price!"

Lin Qiao's face was calm, and he finished the sentence in a serious manner.

Since hesitation and retreat are useless, choose to face it.

"I promise to do it, my wife!"

Lu Beichen's expression suddenly relaxed, and he hugged Lin Qiao up.

In any case, the nature of this foodie has not changed.

Bang bang bang!
The staff of the program team released the prepared salutes at the right time.

Above the head are constantly blooming fireworks, surrounded by gorgeous silver fireworks.

Romantic rose petals were sprinkled on the two of them from all around, and the blessings continued to fall into the cochlea.

Lin Qiao smiled.

This smile was originally very faint.

But the smile on the corner of her mouth also continued to spread, and finally became stronger and stronger.

Finally, with the rose petals falling in the wind, it returned to calm.

The video of Lu Beichen's marriage proposal finally leaked out.

In a vast night.

Only the sky filled with fireworks and the smile on Lin Qiao's face was the brightest and most dazzling.

Su Su Su Su Xiaoan: 55, our family Su Su has no chance.

Susu Subeibei: It's the same as 555, but Mr. Lu seems to be good, the real version of the diamond king, I decided to follow him!
Rose Lover: Zhu 99, Rose Lover flower shop, provides delivery service, [-]% off for bulk purchase~
Ouba from Princess Feifei's house: Fuck off the advertisement upstairs, don't block us from watching July.

Melon Shed Boss 233: The goddess of July married so soon, we are not convinced!


Lin Qiao looked through the comments for a long time, and found that the netizens were very powerful.

I actually found a very short scene in the last issue of the first season of "The Faraway Home".

It was the back view of Lu Beichen carrying Lin Qiao into the car after she suffered from heatstroke.

Someone had discovered it before, but they just didn't know who that figure was?

And now, there is always a kind of...

Real (female) relationship (love) is (exposed) (exposed) feelings!

this time.

The popularity of Lin Qiao's Weibo has never dropped.

The ongoing second season of "Far From Home" and that video are part of the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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