Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 116 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength

Chapter 116 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength (3)

【reject! 】

"Why refuse?"

Lin Qiao's tone was very unfriendly.

When life is dying, there is actually a group of enemies who don't know when they will appear?

It's strange that Lin Qiao is in a good mood!

Once she fails to complete the task, she will face the end of being wiped out.

In this world, the original owner had two wishes.

The first one is to find out who killed her and bring them to justice.

The second is to see my mother enjoy her old age in peace.

No matter which one of these wishes, it can only be realized if she is still alive in this world!
[The host's current body is too weak, and divine power will only destroy your body. It is recommended to buy a 10-minute flashback package. 】

【Spend 10 points, free for [-] minutes! 】

[How about it, host, don't you want to, don't you want to? 】


Lin Qiao almost uttered these words through gritted teeth, and the moment he finished speaking, the purchase deal was concluded.

A force was injected into her body instantly, supporting her to barely stand up.

After Lin Qiao stood up, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room slammed once.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of gifts came out.

Lin Qiao took a cursory glance, realizing that the original owner was originally a live broadcaster, so she resisted the urge to turn off the live broadcast.

"System, where is there water near here?"

[Host, are you stupid, this is a desert. 】

[Also, solemnly declare that this system cannot provide help other than the plot! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."


Spicy Chicken System!

Lin Qiao took a deep breath.

Trying to resist the urge to go back to the transfer station every minute and crush the system to pieces!

Reluctantly grabbing the phone and continuing to move forward.

Sand is everywhere in the desert.

Every place looks the same.

Lin Qiao climbed over two small dirt bumps one after another.

Not to mention a drop of water, I haven't even seen a green plant.

But she still insisted on walking forward and walking.

One of the more useful features of 'Back to Light' is that the user can feel the breath of death more clearly than normal people.

On the contrary, it is also possible to judge more clearly which direction may have the hope of life.

When she came all the way, she felt the wind around her.

Only the wind blowing from the front is a bit less hot than the wind blowing from other directions.

Even if there is no water ahead, there may be a group of green plants.

Lin Qiao relied on this pitiful conjecture to continue sneaking!

Finally at the 7th minute.

Lin Qiao turned over a small soil bag and saw a large patch of Haloxylon trees.

In the middle of the Haloxylon grove, there is a small piece of Populus euphratica forest.

Through the gaps between the trees, one can vaguely see a small pool of water in the middle of the trees!

Lin Qiao was overjoyed, and immediately ran towards the grove at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the lens of the mobile phone was just able to capture the small forest ahead.

"Chestnut goddess be careful, what if it's a mirage? '

"The crow's mouth upstairs, we can all see it, it's definitely not a mirage!" '

'It's not necessarily true. Aren't the photos of mirages on the Internet all taken by cameras? '

'Stop beeping upstairs, wait until the goddess rushes over to see if she is still there. '


During the time when everyone was discussing in the live broadcast room, Lin Qiao had already rushed down the small dirt bag and walked into the Haloxylon forest.

He also turned the camera around at the right time, and was able to see a part of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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