Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 119 Live Streaming: Few battles, good stamina [Add more~]

Chapter 119 Live Streaming: Few battles, good stamina (6) [Add more~]

But this time the system waited silently for a while.

It was found that Lin Qiao was not angry.

Instead, he was holding a small stick and squatting on the ground, not knowing what to do.

[Host, what are you digging for? 】

"Bury yourself?"

Now, the system became more and more puzzled.

【Host, why did you bury it yourself? 】

"Lie down later!"

The system was shocked!

[Host, don't be too hard on yourself! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

She suddenly had an urge to kill the system every minute!
According to the system, if the original owner hadn't met the two sides who were fighting, he wouldn't have died because of it.

So, now Lin Qiao just needs to find a place to hide himself.

As for the small pool in the woods?

She will never go again.

This is a desert, and the water pool couldn't be more important.

Hiding in a place where everyone will notice, she might as well dig a hole and bury herself.

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

The gunfire in the grove was intermittent, but never stopped.

The sun in the sky gradually lost its midday enthusiasm.

Like a twilight old man, slowly sinking towards the west.

And Lin Qiao's hole was finally dug!

Seriously speaking, Lin Qiao didn't dig a hole.

It is Cistanche parasitic under the roots of the Haloxylon tree, which has the reputation of 'desert ginseng'.

It is medicine and food.

It was also the only thing Lin Qiao could think of to eat at the moment.

affected by the wind.

In her current backpack, there is nothing to eat.

My stomach is already panicking with hunger!
If she couldn't find anything to eat again, she might end up in this desert like the original owner.

Fortunately, she was lucky.

I really dug up two thick and strong Cistanche.

They grow white and tender, and remove the scale-like coat on the epidermis.

It looks like a yam with the outer skin removed to reveal the white flesh inside.

Lin Qiao carefully took out the two cistanches.

As soon as he turned around, a black muzzle hit Lin Qiao's forehead.

"do not move!"

Lin Qiao saw the man in front of him clearly.

It was none other than the man I met in Xiaoshuitan before.

Zhan Yan!

He looked very tired, and there were big drops of sweat all over his forehead.

There were many holes in the original camouflage uniform, and there were still many bloodstains on it.

I don't know if it's his or someone else's.

"You are hurt?"

He was panting heavily, but his hands didn't relax a bit.

"Don't ask so much, put down the things in your hands and raise your hands!"

"This is nothing, this is cistanche, edible!"

Lin Qiao lifted up the two cistanches in his hand.

Distract Zhan Yan's attention, and take the opportunity to snatch the pistol from his hand.

The moment she snatched the pistol!
A cold dagger was also attached to her neck.

"There is no bullet in the gun, put down the gun, maybe I can spare your life!"

Lin Qiao tried it in disbelief, and found that it was really an empty gun.

He let out a mouthful of turbid air, feeling depressed.

She found that she came to this world in just half a day.

He has threatened his life one after another.

This day is simply unbearable!
"What exactly do you want? You can see that I'm just a passer-by!"

The implication is that you should not hold her back any longer.

She is not the heroine, let alone the aura of the heroine, following the hero will only make her die faster!

 Thank you [Black Elf] and [Second Fatty] for your rewards. Special updates, there are two more updates tonight, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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