Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 122 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength

Chapter 122 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength (9)

Mo Lao Er raised his head, a hideous scar appeared on half of his face covered by his long hair.

Playing with the pistol in his hand, "Do you have an opinion?"

Just leave this little thing for him.

This fat man is really getting more and more inappropriate!
The fat man swallowed all the words in his throat embarrassingly, and turned to search the backpacks of Zhan Yan and Lin Qiao.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't have any food in their backpacks.

The only thing I found was a bag of dried chrysanthemums in Lin Qiao's bag.

The fat man read a few broken sentences.

In the end, it still didn't dare to happen.

I stuffed a little chrysanthemum into the hot kettle, shook it a few times, and then gulped down.

There was no food, so I could only drink some hot water to satisfy my hunger.

The desert at night is harder to navigate than it is during the day.

They can only wait until after dawn tomorrow before leaving here.

night, deeper.

The surrounding wind is also getting colder.

Fatty and Mo'er were locked in the pit that Lin Qiao had dug before, leaning against each other to rest.

Mo Laoer was half asleep and half awake, as if he heard a rustling sound, he was awakened immediately.

Pull out the pistol and aim at the source of the sound.


"Yes... it's me!"

The fat man stretched out his hand tremblingly, and shook it in front of Laoer Mo.

The other hand kept covering his stomach, squatting on the ground in pain.

Mo Laoer then retracted the pistol.

"what happened to you?"

"I don't know, it just started to hurt my stomach suddenly."

The fat man was already in pain and began to sweat coldly on his forehead.

Mo Laoer only took one look, then turned his gaze away indifferently and continued to sleep.

However, just when he closed his eyes.

I felt a little abnormal.

He subconsciously clenched the pistol in his hand.

But it's still too late!
A cold dagger was already on his neck.

"Don't move, you'd better cooperate obediently."

Zhan Yan's voice was extremely cold!
Lin Qiao also took the opportunity to rush over and snatch the pistol from his hand.

From the very beginning, Lin Qiao didn't feel dizzy.

So is Zhan Yan.

Their plan was to attract the group of people remaining around here and destroy them one by one.

However, the god of luck seems to favor them more.

Stewed chicken with cistanche is very nutritious in itself, but if you eat chrysanthemum at the same time, it will cause food poisoning.

There is no need for Lin Qiao and the others to do it.

The fat man hit and bumped by mistake, and the pain was so painful that he had no strength to resist.

The remaining second brother Mo has been subdued by the two of them.

Afterwards, Zhan Yan sent out a signal flare.

Not long after, a helicopter appeared in the sky and took them all away.

Lin Qiao was also taken along because of his participation.

The army didn't make things difficult for her either.

After a brief questioning, she was blindfolded and sent away early the next morning.

So far, this dangerous trip to the desert has come to an end.

What puzzled Lin Qiao was that the original owner's first wish was not fulfilled?
"System, why don't you come out and explain?"

The system helplessly spread its hands.

[Sorry, in this world, the host cannot know all the plots. 】

"I don't want to know everything, I just think, in the original book, who are those people who killed the original owner?"

[It was the skinny man you met last night, named Mo Lao Er. 】

Lin Qiao had a bitter face!

"System, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

If she knew about it last night, she would never let Mo's second child be taken away so easily!
[Uh... host, don't be impulsive, don't forget that the original owner has a second wish! 】

 Thank you [Excessive] and [Lonely Fleeting Years] for your rewards. Manually (`) compare your heart~PS: There are three more shifts around twelve o’clock~
(End of this chapter)

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