Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 134 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength

Chapter 134 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength (21)

In another dark alley.

A white light cluster suddenly appeared.

Lin Qiao tugged Zhan Yan and fell out of the light ball.

His face was pale and his expression was exhausted.

At the beginning, she had already caught up with Zhan Yan.


His speed was too fast, and he disappeared after entering the alley.

As a last resort, she bought a magic weapon from the system.

I borrowed the magic weapon to pass through, and saw the scene just now.

Lin Qiao sorted out her thoughts a little and stood up.

The voice was indifferent, "Nothing happened tonight, and I haven't been here before."

She turned around and left.

He didn't notice the blood flowing down his palm.

And over the finger on which she wore the ring.

The bright red blood flowed down and fell to the ground.

Zhan Yan didn't respond.

But when she turned around, she grabbed Lin Qiao's hand.


Lin Qiao frowned subconsciously.

Regarding the use of the magic weapon, she couldn't explain it to Zhan Yan.

All she can do is to push Zhan Yan away with the most vicious attitude!

Zhan Yan was not angry, and wrapped her bleeding palm with a tissue.

"You're hurt, come with me!"

His broad palm held Lin Qiao's injured hand tightly.

No matter how hard she struggled, she never let go.

Lin Qiao didn't bother to argue with him anymore, and her left and right palms really needed to be bandaged.

[Hee hee hee, host, do you feel that the palm of the battle boss is particularly warm~]

"do not think so!"

[Then do you think that the boss fight is particularly good, and you have the urge to throw him down! 】


Lin Qiao rolled his eyes.

"System, you've been encouraging me in every world, probably not just to recommend your 'Wangqing Water'!"

Will definitely be promoting more products!
The system is instantly frustrated!

[Host, how could you treat me like this, the heart of this system hurts so much! 】

"Why not?"

Lin Qiao asked back, and made another knife by the way.

"As a system, you have no heart!"


It's better to go back to the corner and play alone!

Speechless all the way.

Zhan Yan took her to the nearest clinic.

The doctor in the clinic was an elderly female doctor who skillfully bandaged Lin Qiao.

At the same time, do not forget to exhort.

"You can't touch the water for the next few days, and you, as a boyfriend, have to take care of everything!"

The 'boyfriend' mentioned by the female doctor refers to Zhan Yan.

There was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face, and he accepted it very humbly.

Lin Qiao planned to defend herself at first.

But after thinking about it, if you explain it, it will feel darker and darker.

Anyway, the female doctor didn't know them.

Misunderstand love as much as you like!
After leaving the clinic, Zhan Yan planned to send her back.

Lin Qiao refused.

Her mobile phone is still at the food stall over there, and there are probably several netizens still waiting for her there.

Lin Qiao guessed right.

Netizens are still waiting for her there!

Seeing her coming over, the excited little expression is simply indescribable!
Lin Qiao roughly explained what happened, and hid his injured hand behind his back.

Netizens didn't notice anything unusual, and they were calling Lin Qiao to sit back.

Lin Qiao was also planning to walk over.

But suddenly, the table next to it was overturned!
Many pieces of dishes fell to Lin Qiao's feet.

She followed her gaze.

Found the woman who just overturned the table.

It turned out to be the original owner's best friend, Fu Jingjing!
(End of this chapter)

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