Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 137 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength

Chapter 137 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength (24)

The evidence is here.

The scumbag immediately stuttered.

But still unwilling to admit it.

"This, this doesn't mean anything."

The mistress in his arms groaned again in pain.

Urge him to go to the hospital immediately.

As if he had found the stairs, the scumbag suddenly had an epiphany and wanted to leave as he walked through the crowd.

"Don't go, I still have other evidence that I haven't released yet!"

Lin Qiao anxiously yelled at the scumbag.

The scumbag paused, and continued to speed up without hesitation.

However, it was already a step too late.

The video in Lin Qiao's other mobile phone has been clicked on.

Amidst the chaotic and noisy noise from the food stall, a woman took advantage of the chaos and rushed towards Fu Jingjing.

That moment was very short, and many people's attention was on Fu Jingjing and the scumbag.

That's why a lot of people ignore this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, Lin Qiao saw it at the time.

And took pictures of this scene with the mobile phone of other people nearby.

The scumbag didn't look back, but judging from the attitude of the surrounding crowd who instantly spurned Xiaosan.

The tide has turned!

With a disheveled face, he quickened his pace and took Xiaosan away.

After the pair of scumbags and scumbags left.

The surrounding crowd also quickly dispersed.

Lin Qiao thanked several netizens, exchanged someone else's mobile phone, and compensated the loss of the food stall store.

Riding in the vast night, they left with Fu Jingjing.

After walking for several steps, Fu Jingjing hesitated to speak.

"Lizi, have you experienced anything during this time?"

As Lizi's friend for many years, she could of course be sensitive to the changes in Lin Qiao.

Chestnuts before.

Not good at words, let alone talkative.

Fu Jingjing has always stood in front to protect her.

In the past, it wasn't that there were no netizens from City A who came to meet Lizi.

It's just that Lizi never likes it, and even if people come, they don't have a good attitude.

But the chestnuts now look a little different from before.

But no matter how she looked at it, this face and this person were no different from before?


Lin Qiao unconsciously raised his voice at the end.

Seeing Fu Jingjing's silly eyes, she suddenly understood.

When she first arrived in City A and met Ms. Jia, Ms. Jia's reaction was similar to Fu Jingjing's.

Lin Qiao roughly told Fu Jingjing what happened in the desert.

When she heard that she was almost killed, Fu Jingjing naturally had nothing to say.

Busy and warm, the two chatted with each other, and also told Lin Qiao about the good things that happened to her during this period.

She and the scumbag were about to get married, but a woman suddenly appeared.

That is, the mistress just now came to the house with the hospital's identification report on her stomach.

The scumbag's parents are about to regret their marriage in an instant!
He also used the reason that Fu Jingjing's stomach didn't move.

Trying in vain to occupy the new house that Fu Jingjing paid the down payment out of her own pocket.

Fu Jingjing is also a pungent one, so of course she quit!
Fortunately, she was careful at the beginning, and her name was written on the real estate certificate.

In the end, there was a lot of trouble, and the scumbag asked her to settle the matter at the food stall tonight.

This shows that he brought Xiaosan with him.

Fu Jingjing was so angry that she had the farce just now.

At the end, Fu Jingjing cried.

The girl she was a few years ago never thought that the man she fell in love with would be such a scumbag!
Lin Qiao had a stupid mouth, and she said several words, not only did not comfort Fu Jingjing.

Instead, it made Fu Jingjing cry even harder.

There is a bar just down the road.

Fu Jingjing shook her heart, pulled Lin Qiao and went in.

Must get drunk to solve a thousand worries!

Lin Qiao also went all out, risking his life to accompany the gentleman!
 [Hehehe, guess what will happen when Lin Qiao gets drunk? 】

(End of this chapter)

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