Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 147 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength

Chapter 147 Live Streaming: Few Battles, Good Physical Strength (34)

Because Zhan Yan was there.

Just briefly described what happened next.

The police closed the team with the few people they caught.

Time, it will soon be noon.

Lin Qiao originally planned to order takeaway for lunch, but when he thought of the courier incident before.

She still took a break and tentatively opened her mouth.

"How about we go out to eat?"

Zhan Yan put down the newspaper in his hand.

"Aren't you afraid of being targeted when you go out?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Lin Qiao smiled, "Don't you want to protect me, I'll give you a chance to show off."

Even those people at home can come to the door, and where else is absolutely safe?

Zhan Yan also laughed.

"Okay! You are not afraid, so what should I be afraid of?"

"But there's no need to go out to eat, there are too many people, let's go shopping, and I'll make it for you."

Lin Qiao was stunned.

"can you cook?"

In her past impressions, Zhan Yan should belong to that typical image of a cold and tough soldier.

There is also a bit of machismo, and he will want to protect women who are weaker than him.

She was a little surprised that she could cook.

"When you're away from home, you always have to practice a little bit."

Zhan Yan explained casually, took her hand and went out.

Lin Qiao didn't shake off either.

Left and right, she has already decided to continue playing tricks with Zhan Yan.

Just reluctance, just make do with it!

[Hey hey, host, you think you are upright! 】

Lin Qiao firmly denied it.

"I can't understand the words of the people in the city!"

Speaking of which, the community where Lin Qiao lives is quite convenient.

There is a vegetable market downstairs.

The original owner Lizi didn't often go back to Ms. Jia's place, and often solved it by buying vegetables and cooking by herself.

Therefore, this also caused many aunts in the vegetable market to recognize her face.

"Lizi, I haven't seen you shopping for groceries for a long time, have you gone out recently?"

"Chestnut, I'm here to buy vegetables again. My batch of Chinese cabbage is quite fresh. Would you like some?"

"Don't listen to her, where can I find fresh chestnuts in her dishes, buy mine!"

"Hey, this is your boyfriend, he looks so handsome!"

"That's right, it looks like Wu, Wu in that TV..."

"That's Wu Yanzu! If you want me to tell you, this young man looks very energetic, and he has a good physique!"

"You should choose the hen, no matter how good-looking it is, we also want chestnuts to like it, right chestnuts?"

"Hey, this guy is so handsome, my distant nephew has no chance."


Although the original owner is not very good at speaking.

But he looks good, speaks and does things decently, and is very likable.

Most importantly, she never haggles when buying vegetables.

It also led to the fact that these aunts who bought vegetables were like the God of Wealth when they first met her.

As time passed, the feelings gradually came out.

Lin Qiao, who accepted the original owner's body, was a little uncomfortable at first.

But after this lap, and with the memory in my mind, I am familiar with it a lot.

In addition, Zhan Yan, who was with her, gained a lot of auntie fans along the way.

When he walked out of the vegetable market, he finally couldn't help showing a smile.

"You are very popular!"

"That is!"

Lin Qiao subconsciously agreed.

But it gradually came to his mind, was Zhan Yan trying to mock her for being liked by her aunts?
"This kind of liking, ordinary people can't do it!"

Zhan Yan smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch her nose, "Yes, yes, you are the best!"

Lin Qiao was taken aback by this sudden intimacy.

But soon, she understood Zhan Yan's intention.

 [Cover your mouth and laugh, the next few chapters have material, hehehe! 】

(End of this chapter)

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