Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 204 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 204 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (35)

Lin Qiao and Luo Chen were distressed for more than two weeks.

Only then handed in the final tune.

Just after handing in, I plunged into various review questions again, reviewing frantically.

After the end of the final exam.

The thoughts in Lin Qiao's mind were the same as those in the previous half-term exam.

They all want to go home immediately.

Get a good night's sleep in comfort!
However, Luo Chen pulled her back with excitement.

Mobile phone in hand.

Excited speechless.

"wait wait wait……"

"Did something happen?"

Luo Chen was too nervous to speak, and could only shake his head desperately.

Then he seemed to remember something.

He handed Lin Qiao the phone with the screen on.

Lin Qiao took a look at the result.

It turned out to be a notification text message from the "Star of Tomorrow" program group.

The piece they composed was chosen!
In this round of PK.

Each member of their group submitted their own pieces.

Just didn't expect it.

In the end, Gu Qinghuan would choose the piece composed by the two of them.

Look at Luo Chen's excited look.

Lin Qiao knew right away that this guy must be thinking wrong again.

"Come on! To be selected, it must be because our song is really good."

"Besides, your goddess doesn't even know that you like her!"

Luo Chen instantly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost.

It's gone!

"At the end of Xia, tell me, will I really have a chance?"

Lin Qiao gave him a blank look.

"You started to despair before you even started?"

"Didn't we agree, no matter if we win or lose, before leaving, I will go to your goddess to confess my love!"

Luo Chen nodded aggrievedly.

Those pursed lips could hang a urinal!

"System, Luo Chen really didn't disguise himself as a man like me?"

This little aggrieved look.

She is simply more girly than her, right?

The system waved its hand in contempt!

【cut!It's not that Luo Chen looks like a girl too much, but that you look like a boy too much! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

to be frank!
Death to the whole family, little system!
[This system does not have such creatures as the whole family! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

a few days later.

Lin Qiao and Luo Chen rushed to the program recording site together.

The location chosen by the program group is not in the imperial capital.

It was carried out in a five-star hotel in Chang'an Holiday Tourist Area.

Speaking of which, Lin Qiao didn't know until he got acquainted.

Luo Chen is actually a hidden senior rich second generation.

The Luo family behind him is the family second only to the Ji family in the imperial capital.

It's just that Luo Chen is usually too low-key.

Never go out, nor attend any banquet.

As a result, he became an invisible person in the class, and no one knew his true identity.

When they arrived at the show, the others had already arrived.

After the first round of PK.

It was the first time that Luo Chen and Lin Qiao saw all the people in Gu Qinghuan's group.


What they never thought of was.

Mu Lianyun was actually among these ten people!

Lin Qiao has a good memory, but he has never seen him in the first round of the PK match?

Luo Chen, too, saw Mu Lianyun appear here.

The mouth grows so big that it can stuff an egg!

"He he he he he..."

Lin Qiao held his forehead speechlessly!

"I don't know either, just ask him!"

I don't know that Mu Lianyun really heard this sentence countless times.

He actually took the initiative to walk towards the two of them.

"At the end of Xia, long time no see!"

Lin Qiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, long time no see!"

It's better to miss it!
Of course, in front of so many people, Lin Qiao still didn't say the last sentence.

Experienced the plane of Du Qiyue.

She knew she was in the entertainment industry.

Say more!What a mistake!
Even now she is not even a little transparent.

But I can't guarantee that she will become popular in the future.

These old events will be dug up and made a big fuss about.

(End of this chapter)

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