Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 223 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 223 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (54)

The program "Rising Star" adopts a weekly broadcast system.

The golden file is updated at [-] o'clock every Saturday night.

When Lin Qiao got off the plane.

See the variety show being played on the display screen in the airport hall.

It is "Tomorrow's Star".

Coincidentally, it was the episode where Lin Qiao and his street performers made money.

Because of the design of the program itself.

The previous episodes of "Tomorrow's Star" program had many participants, and most of them used the method of drawing.

Each member is only shown a few minutes.

But among them, Lin Qiao's funny 'Gang of Four' can be said to have earned a lot of attention.

A passerby commented.

The four of them spent more time than others just on program layout.

If it is not popular in the future, it is absolutely unreasonable!

Lin Qiao lowered his head.

Listening to the various discussions of passersby around.

He smiled casually.

He took a taxi and headed towards Xia's house.

The filming in the program group these days made her feel a little trance.

Now I look at the red lanterns hanging on both sides of the street and the promotional activities of the merchants on the street.

This is like suddenly remembering it.

Time flies by quickly.

Today is the New Year's Eve.

The imperial capital is covered with snow everywhere.

There is still a light snow floating in the sky.

Fall on those red lanterns and decorations.

Add a strong color to this coming Spring Festival.

Lin Qiao looked at the talking and laughing people outside the window.

In a light mood.

Others are busy going home for the New Year.

But the Xia family didn't have much sense of belonging to Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao finally returned to Xia's house.

Anyway, this is also the home of the original owner.

He is also the only remaining relative of the original owner in this world.

When she opened the door of Xia's house.

Xia Zhiguo is making dumplings with Wang Xiangqin and Wang Xiangqin's two daughters.

I don't know how long they have packed it.

It made more than half of the table covered with white flour.

Xia Zhiguo was also stained a lot.

There was also a loving smile on that greasy old face.

However, when his eyes fell on Lin Qiao at the entrance, his smile froze.

Immediately changed his face!
"Nizi, you still have the face to come back!"

He picked up the rolling pin on the side and threw it at Lin Qiao!
Lin Qiao quickly avoided.

Looking at the rolling pin that fell to the ground with a bang.

His eyes are getting colder and colder!

Suddenly, she raised her foot.

Kicked out.

Kicked out the rolling pin that had already fallen on the ground!

It just hit Xia Zhiguo's face that was rushing towards him angrily.


Xia Zhiguo groaned in pain.

Reaching out to touch it, a stream of bright red nosebleeds had flowed out.

Now he is even more angry!

"Nizi, how dare you..."

Lin Qiao smiled wickedly.

He raised his head with a gloomy face and sneered at the corners of his lips.

"Don't you call me a rebellious son? Then why don't I dare?"

"you you you……"

Xia Zhiguo was once again annoyed by Lin Qiao's attitude.

You opened your mouth and talked for a long time.

Lin Qiao became impatient after hearing this.

Anxiously, he picked out his ears.

"Old man Xia, if you stutter, let me know, and I can call 120 for you!"

The three words 'Old Man Xia' successfully increased Xia Zhiguo's anger value by another level!
Raise your palm high and slap Lin Qiao!
But where would Lin Qiao give him the chance to beat and scold at will?
He raised his hand and directly grabbed Xia Zhiguo's hand.

Ruffian laughed angrily.

"Angry? That's just right, you can just die of anger, then the Xia family will be mine!"

 [Seeing the rewards from all the babes, thank you very much, I feel excited and sad, I can't help but have a heart that wants to make waves, I don't want to code, blah, blah, blah~ Beibei seems to have dug himself into it Already~]

(End of this chapter)

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