Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 225 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 225 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (56)

Out of courtesy.

Lin Qiao still replied a text message.

It is more concise than Ji Huainian's.

Just one word, 'good'!
The system silently rolled its eyes.

[Host, you have no saliva, so can't you post a few more words? 】

"Then what do you think I should post?"

【Ahem!Of course it needs more characters!It's best to tell Boss Ji about your current situation, and let Boss Ji take you home for the New Year! 】

Lin Qiao was speechless.

He said coldly, "No need!"

When she was a spirit body before.

It's been so many years since I haven't had a good Chinese New Year.

She finds a hotel to stay at random, eats some delicious food, and watches the Spring Festival Gala and it's over.

The system sighed.

well!When will its host stop being so stubborn!

At this moment, a sudden ringtone interrupted the direct conversation between Lin Qiao and the system.

Lin Qiao took out his phone and took a look.

It's Ji Huainian!
[Host, quick pick up quick pick up!It must be Boss Ji who picked you up to celebrate the New Year! 】

Lin Qiao despised the face.

"Tong'er, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"



I'm so angry!
Labor and management are dissatisfied!

Draw a circle to curse you!
Lin Qiao finally connected the phone.

As soon as the connection was made, Ji Huainian's slightly hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"New, Happy New Year!"

"Ah, you too."

She responded casually, pulling the suitcase in her hand.

"By the way, didn't you just send a text message to say it, why did you call here?"

over the phone.

Ji Huainian was silent for a moment.

And beside him, a person was handing a few large characters on the paper to him.

"Come on, come on, say to me, 'I want to hear your voice more than a text message!'"

Ji Huainian coughed with embarrassment.

"Because... compared to text messages, I... I..."


Ji Huainian sensitively heard the sound of the car horn.

He asked anxiously, "Why is there the sound of a car, where are you now?"

"On the street!"

"What did you say in the last sentence just now? I was crossing the road, so I didn't hear clearly."

"It's nothing, you tell me where you are first?"

Ji Huainian's voice was a little more eager.

Lin Qiao glanced around.

"I'm downstairs in XX building, what's your business?"

"Stay where you are, don't move, I'll come find you!"

Ji Huainian anxiously finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Lin Qiao on the other end of the phone looked puzzled.

"System, did I miss something?"

The system turned away arrogantly!


The other party doesn't want to talk to you and dropped a bomb on you!
Lin Qiao, "..."

Because the stomach is also a little hungry.

Lin Qiao didn't go far either.

I found a restaurant nearby to solve the problem of food and clothing for my stomach first.

When Ji Huainian arrived, she had just finished eating!
As soon as he looked up, he saw Ji Huainian whose hair and face were covered with snow scum!
He burst out laughing.

This is compared with Ji Huainian's usual rigorous and perfect image.

It doesn't look right at all!
"Ji Huainian, you're not in such a hurry just to come to pay me the bill, are you?"

Probably because of blowing too much snow wind.

Ji Huainian's face was a little rosy, and his breath quickly turned into white mist.

"You're right, I'll pay you the bill, follow me!"

"where to!"

It was such a disagreement that he dragged her away!

Have you considered her feelings?
"You'll know when it arrives!"

Ji Huainian is a rare sell-off.

Tight mouth!

No matter how hard Lin Qiao asked him along the way, he never said a word.

However, after arriving at the place.

Lin Qiao was surprised!
Is Ji Huainian mentally ill and brought her to Ji's house during the Chinese New Year?
The system is happy!
[Hey hey hey!It is said that Ji Boss will come to pick you up to celebrate the New Year! 】

 [Ahem, do you feel that these chapters are closer to the present time? 】

(End of this chapter)

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