Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 228 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 228 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (59)

In Ji Zibai's memory.

Their parents are always busy all year round.

Even if it's a festival like New Year's Eve.

We seldom spend time together.

The same is true this year.

Ji's parents just got together with other members of the family yesterday, and they flew out of the country overnight.

In previous years, only Ji Zibai and Ji Huainian were at home.

Most of them are solved with a casual meal.

It is extremely rare to cook a New Year's Eve dinner by yourself.

Especially, this hands-on guy.

It's actually Ji Huainian! ! !
This is simply, shocking news! ! !
Ji Zibai immediately opened his mouth wide.

Surprised and unbelievable!
She didn't think about it either.

She was just asking casually.

But she didn't expect that in her lifetime, she would actually be able to see her elder brother cooking by himself?

"You you you you you... are you really my brother?"


Ji Zibai thought so.

She has been with Luo Chen for a long time.

Luo Chen's habit of stuttering when excited was also transmitted to her.


Ji Huainian stood in the kitchen.

A pink lace apron is tied around the waist.

Holding a kitchen knife in his hand, he stared silently at a whole piece of meat on the chopping board.

The attitude of being ready for battle seems to be dealing with an opponent.

After hearing Ji Zibai's voice.

Turning her head suddenly, her face was as black as a pot of charcoal!

Terribly gloomy!
The kitchen knife in his hand is also shining scary!
Ji Zibai was immediately trembling with fright.

Subconsciously covering his eyes, he groped his way back to the room.

While walking, he muttered, "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!"

Huh huh~
It's not that she's too cowardly, but that Ji Huainian is too scary!
The last time she saw her brother showing such an expression.

The maid who dared to jump at Ji Huainian's bold and seductive maid immediately disappeared in front of her eyes!

Lin Qiao took the last step to leave the room.

Because of the angle.

She only saw a series of contrasting appearances of Ji Zibai before and after.

But don't know what happened.

And Ji Zibai also avoided her, and ran back to the room in a hurry.

When Lin Qiao walked to the location of the stairs.

Suddenly understood everything.

He burst out laughing with a pop!

Such a Ji Huainian looks very different from his usual cold and handsome appearance!
Ji Huainian's face was sullen.

He ordered coldly, "Come here!"

Lin Qiao curled his lips and put away his smile.

"System, I feel like I don't want to go there, what should I do?"

The system despises the face!
[You ask me, I ask who to go, think for yourself! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

In the end, Lin Qiao obediently went downstairs and walked into the kitchen step by step.

"Hey, Ji Huainian, what did you call me..."

The last word has not yet been uttered.

Lin Qiao was embraced by Ji Huainian.

Lost the initiative to speak.

A pair of eyes widened subconsciously, meeting the dark eyes that were close at hand.


Her hands kept patting Ji Huainian's chest.

But Ji Huainian did not relax at all.

The action is domineering and insolent.

There is also a hint of inexplicable meaning.

After discovering her protest-like behavior, she didn't let go.

Just slowed down a little bit.

The cool tip of her tongue continued to outline the outline of her lips.

Little by little.

compared to last time.

The kiss was really long.

Lin Qiao felt that he could hardly breathe.

It was hot in the chest cavity.

But soon, a cool air flow passed over from Ji Huainian's side.

Carrying his aura, it floated into her body one by one.

She didn't see it.

At this moment, Ji Huainian's eyes were stained with lust
 [I went out to climb the mountain today, my feet hurt and my legs hurt, I rushed to a chapter temporarily, and there will be updates in the future~]

(End of this chapter)

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