Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 230 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 230 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (61)

This warm moment didn't last long before it was broken by the servant who walked into the kitchen as usual!
I was taken aback immediately!
Saying sorry again and again, he turned and left.

Lin Qiao's face turned extremely red.

Get rid of Ji Huainian.

Get out of the kitchen quickly!

She was really out of her mind just now.

Hearing that Ji Huainian's tone was a little softer than usual, his heart softened and he didn't refuse anymore!
This is great!

Aww!I feel ashamed!
[Host, what are you afraid of? Isn't the relationship between you and Boss Ji just kissing and hugging? 】

"Shut up!"

It doesn't matter if she looks like a woman.

At most, outsiders would say that Ji Huai Nian is romantic!

But... she looks like a man now!

This way others will only suspect that they are a pair of 'good friends'!
After Lin Qiao left.

Ji Huainian's complexion didn't look good either.

He just left the kitchen without saying a word.

At the beginning.

He just wanted to see if he could do something.

But all kinds of things happened in the middle.

This thought, now also rest.

The New Year's Eve dinner was finally cooked by the servants.

All kinds!

But when Lin Qiao sat at the dining table.

Accidentally looking at the nostalgic eyes of last season.

I still can't help but think of the scene in the kitchen just now in my mind.

Ji Zibai was sitting next to Lin Qiao.

The eyeballs rolled around.

Suddenly understood something.

hey hey smile.

It can only be understood, not explained in words!
However, it's just a meal.

Is it really good to spread dog food like this?
After dinner, it's the most important time to give out red envelopes.

In general.

The Ji family treats the servants very humanely.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, most of the servants are sent home to celebrate the New Year, leaving only the guards and a small number of servants.

The remaining servants and guards will receive big red envelopes from Ji Huainian himself.

The thickness of the red envelope.

It is equivalent to the year-end bonus for mid-level employees of some large companies!

Therefore, all the servants who were left behind were looking forward to this moment!
There were expectant smiles on their faces.

"Thank you sir!"

The last servant finished receiving the red envelope.

After saying thank you, I left.

In the entire hall, only Ji Zibai, Lin Qiao, and Ji Huainian were left.

As usual, Ji Huainian took out a big red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Ji Zibai.

"This year's!"

"Thank you bro!"

Ji Zibai took it with a smile.

When I opened it, I was immediately overjoyed!

Inside the red envelope was actually a car key.

The logo on it is super familiar to her, isn't it the brand she has been thinking about for a long time!

Lin Qiao watched from the side.

Affected by such emotions, the corners of his mouth also rose slightly.

In the memory of the original owner.

Although Father Xia also gave him red envelopes in previous years.

But there has never been a time when the red envelope given by Xia's father can make the original owner feel so excited.

Ji Huainian caught a glimpse of this smile by chance.

The corners of the lips also raised silently.

Handed out the red envelope that had been prepared in his arms.

"Here you go, Happy New Year!"

Lin Qiao took it in a daze.

Even though she has traveled through several planes, this is the first time she has received a New Year's red envelope!
Seeing her dumbfounded look, the smile on the corner of Ji Huainian's lips grew stronger.

"I know you want to thank me very much. In this case, then..."

He pointed to the position of his cheek.

The meaning is self-evident!

Lin Qiao immediately remembered what happened in the kitchen.

His face flushed, and he glared at him angrily.

She didn't notice.

Ji Zibai and Ji Huainian looked at each other.

There was a smug smirk on his face.

I always feel... not far from the day when they give out red envelopes for the newlyweds!

 [Thank you dears for your rewards in the past two days, including (Excessive, Ningsheng, Writer Furong, Ye Mengwu, Waiting for Wu Qingfeng, Qian Yaoyao, Su Xiao Lianbie, Ming Mie 17, Zhuo Zhuobao) Woo~ North Bei foot hurts and sleepy, can't write, will make up at noon tomorrow, go to bed tonight, good night~]

(End of this chapter)

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