Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 235 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 235 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (66)

three days later.

All the staff of "Rising Star" and Lin Qiao reunited in Chang'an City.

Only Mu Lianyun was temporarily absent because the schedule could not be adjusted.

I don't know if it was her illusion.

She always felt that Ji Zibai and Luo Chen had weird expressions on their faces.

When the two met again, they didn't quarrel like before.

All quietly stared at their toes in a daze.

Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long.

Under the arrangement of the program group.

Everyone sat together and watched the works of the three groups.

The first one to play was the full version of Lin Qiao's group.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was a yellowing booklet.

A pair of invisible hands kept flipping the booklet.

The first to catch the eye.

It's Mu Lianyun!

He frowned slightly and tugged at his tie irritably.

Exposing the delicate Adam's apple and collarbone.

His expression was indifferent.

There is a breath of asceticism that is not human fireworks.

When Lin Qiao saw this.

It didn't feel so amazing.

Probably, after watching Ji Huainian for a long time, I have also experienced aesthetic fatigue!

After Mu Lianyun, turn to the next page.

It's Luo Chen's short video.

The corners of his mouth gradually rose.

He showed his usual pure smile.

Some are silly, and some are naturally stupid!

After that, Ji Zibai's short video appeared.

Her shoulder-length hair was tied casually on both sides.

He hooked his lips and smiled evilly.

The performance of that evil charm is very good.

And Lin Qiao's short video was put at the end.

on the screen.

She leaned half against the door frame.

Legs crossed, chestnut hair softly glowing in the sun.

Immediately afterwards, the screen kept zooming in.

It also made people see the lazy smile on her face.

Not very strong.

But put it together with her lazy expression, it looks very pleasing to the eye.

Especially, near the end of the picture.

She raised her head slightly, and electric eyes flashed in the corner of her eyes!
Get less than a second of time there.

It tickles people's hearts.

When I want to continue watching.

It was found that the screen had changed.

Moved to the next page.

Under the tall camphor tree, a slim woman gradually came out.

The original MV that Lin Qiao and the others filmed during that time was also played slowly.

In the end, the picture freezes when Lin Qiao and the four of them perform together.

The music teacher played by Gu Qinghuan ended with a gratified expression.

Then the camera gradually upwards.

The name of this song appeared - "Green"!
After the last MV was shot.

The name of the song was finally changed slightly after everyone's discussion.

Youth is complex and changeable.

There is more emotion in it than mere memories.

No amount of words can fully describe it.

Might as well just use one word instead.

In the next time.

Together they enjoyed the works of the other two groups.

In general.

The works of the three groups have their own merits.

The biggest highlight of Lin Qiao's group was the introduction of the characters in the first few seconds.

Not a rigid still photo.

It's a dynamic short video.

And everyone's temperament is very different.

Or cold, or cute, or evil, or seductive!

In short, each has its own characteristics!

It's easy to remember!

Although the members of the other groups didn't want to admit it.

But it is true.

after the awards ceremony.

That's the most important issue!
 【Good night, okay~】

(End of this chapter)

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