Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 240 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 240 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (71)

The day.

Sister Wang said, "You just wait to be hidden by the company!" 'Just shook hands and left!
And Lin Qiao stood there, shrugging indifferently.

"System, what should I do, I'm so scared~"

The system despises faces.

Just keep pretending!
See if it will believe it!

Since that day.

As soon as Lin Qiao went out, he was treated like a first-line star.

The media or paparazzi follow her everywhere, so that even passers-by who don’t follow stars will think that she is a big star?
Her Weibo account suddenly gained a lot of attention.

However, most of them are black fans.

Most of the others are passers-by and a small number of sincere fans.

But the number of the latter is pitifully small.

Since she became Lin Qiao's manager, Sister Wang has never managed or given advice on fan operations for her.

As a result, even if some fans spontaneously set up a support club for her, it was still too weak in the end.

At the same time, as the most direct location of the incident, the crew of "Ghost Town Anecdote" became popular because of this!
However, the most important reason is that fans of the original book, fans of passers-by, and Mu Lianyun's fans collectively organized to ask Lin Qiao to quit the film crew.

In all fairness, Song Qinghe naturally knows what kind of person Lin Qiao is after getting in touch these days.

It is also clear that Lin Qiao is indeed the best candidate for the male lead of this drama.

Although he has tried his best to control public opinion these days, he does not own the crew alone, and his foundation in this industry is not deep.

In the end, it still couldn't withstand the pressure from various media and fans...

Decided to end Lin Qiao's role early.

Lin Qiao didn't react much when he received the notice.

From the moment the incident broke out, these things were expected.

But there are also some things that she can't expect.

such as……

Director Chen of the "Detective" crew.

His first reaction after hearing this was to slap the table in anger!
"What kind of nouveau riche, inferior rich second generation? Are we like that at the end of summer?"

Lin Qiao was feeling relieved.

Director Chen said again, "Don't be so naive, he's clearly the kind of person who will throw money at you every minute!"

Lin Qiao, "..."

In terms of strength, black!I only serve you!

The two sentences just now are actually the lines of the supporting role in "Detective" complaining about the big villain.

It couldn't be more appropriate to use it here at this moment.

In this matter, Director Chen's attitude is still very firm.

Declaring that I trust Lin Qiao's acting skills, please rest assured to all the media and fans who care about "Detective".

At the same time, all media and fans who want to inquire about the news are also declined!
With Director Chen's guarantee, Lin Qiao's calm mind and the proper cooperation of all parties, a week later, Lin Qiao's role in "Detective" ended.

What Director Chen meant was that she was also the number two male lead in this movie anyway, and wanted to hold a small wrap-up party for her.

In the end, Lin Qiao declined.

The entertainment circle is the most realistic place to exalt the high and depress the low.

In the past week, in order to catch up with the schedule and finish filming her part, many people in the crew have been talking about it behind their backs.

She's not a top-tier celebrity either, if she really organizes a personal finale, then it's really a good way to spread hatred!
[Unfortunately, host, you are destined to come here to incite hatred! ]
Lin Qiao's face was numb!
"What did I do again?"

This week she stayed in the filming crew peacefully, did nothing?
[Weibo headlines, read for yourself! ]
Lin Qiao opened Weibo.

It turns out that the PR department of Shengshi International is going to hold a press conference to announce that it will terminate the contract with her?
Lin Qiao sneered.

If these people want to die further, then she will play with them~
 There may be only one more update today, Beibei's mother's operation at three o'clock in the afternoon...

(End of this chapter)

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