Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 312 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 312 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (56)

Fahai raised his head.

The hands hanging on the sides also lifted up because of this movement.

An invisible giant wave was set off!

A long black crack opened in the ground.

It continues to spread towards the opponent's position!

No matter how she changes her position, this rift will follow behind, chasing after her!
The opponent is finally inevitable!
He had no choice but to stand on the edge of the cliff, and was hit by Fa Haiyizhang who was rushing towards him.

And right now.

An extremely dark force flew out of Lin Qiao's body.

Gradually revealed an old, dark and familiar old face!

Antarctic fairy!

He paused in front of Fahai.

A mocking smile!
Then, Lin Qiao's body was used as the cornerstone.

He stomped heavily.

But he flew to the safe zone behind.

And Lin Qiao's body without the backbone is like a rag doll.

Weakly flew towards the cliff behind him!
Fa Hai hurriedly flew down.

He hugged Lin Qiao into his arms and flew up the cliff.

Feel the warm breath and steady arms of the person beside you.

Lin Qiao slowly opened his eyes.

in her eyes.

The mood and look of the past have been restored.

He gave Fa Hai a complicated look, and closed his eyes in despair.

From the beginning.

Lin Qiao was kidnapped by Xiaoqing and Nanji Xianweng.

I haven't seen you for a few years.

Antarctic immortals are becoming less and less worthy of the word "immortals".

On the contrary, it is more like those crooked ways!

The spells they practiced were also very similar to the Spirit Gathering Formation in Zhuangzi Village they met five years ago.

They can absorb other people's souls!
Quickly strengthen your own strength!
The difference is that the one in Zhuangzi Village is just a broken formation.

And the Antarctic fairy, except for his own fairy power.

Just so many years of experience and immortal status are enough, so why do you want to practice such magic?
However, when she asked about it.

Nanji Xianweng laughed crazily.

"Everything in the world has a cause and an effect!"

"Yes, I caused you to fall into the endless abyss back then, but you were the ones who first broke into my mountain gate and stole my spirit grass!"

"And after you come out! Destroy my mountain gate, destroy my disciples and grandchildren, and beat me seriously!"

"This breath, my Antarctic fairy cannot swallow!"

Lin Qiao questioned whether Anji Xianweng made a mistake.

She and Fa Hai were the only ones who fell down.

How could Fa Hai alone have such a great ability to destroy Kunlun Mountain?

The Antarctic fairy is extremely determined!

Don't let her die right away.

Along the way, whenever you meet someone, the soul of the other person will become the nourishment for the cultivation of the Antarctic fairy.

After walking up the ten-mile slope.

The Antarctic Fairy got tired of waiting, and then began to gradually devour her soul.

And until now.

Although her body is still there.

But of the three souls and six souls in his body, only one extremely weak soul is left!

Fa Hai also noticed.

The black mist in his eyes is getting thicker and thicker.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, and all of them retreated for a while, returning to the clarity of the past.

Holding her hand, waves of gentle golden light continuously poured into her body.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! It'll be all right soon! You'll be all right soon!"

Lin Qiao just shook his head weakly!
"It's useless!"

She is just a mortal.

I was stepped on by the Antarctic fairy just now.

The remaining functions in the body have been gradually lost.

Even if he didn't fall off the cliff and fall to his death, the only one left can't do anything.

"At the last second, I still want to see you..."

Look at...the world...

Lin Qiao hadn't finished speaking.

I only felt my body lighten, and the whole person suddenly lost all consciousness.

With his eyes closed, his hand slipped from Fahai's.

Breathing also, stopped!

"No, ah, ah, ah..."

Fa Hai closed his eyes.

Kneeling on the ground powerlessly looking up to the sky and screaming!
But no matter what, Lin Qiao lost his breath again in his arms.

The only remaining soul also gradually dissipated in the wind.

He reached out to hold it.

But it will only cause it to go with the wind!

Fa Hai clenched his fists uncontrollably!

Bright red tears of blood have overflowed from his eyes!
When he opened his eyes again.

There was nothing but a deep blackness in those eyes.

Never see the half trace of Qingming in the past!
The newly grown hair also fell out in an instant!

It grew out at an extremely fast speed, and the hair was so black that it spread all over the place!

A red and dazzling Xipao.

After these hairs grow out, they become completely black.

A dense black mist has also surrounded him.

Suddenly, he turned his head.

He glanced at Nanji Xianweng darkly and indifferently.

Just one glance can make the Antarctic fairy feel rooted under his feet and unable to move!

He struggled and could no longer care about other people on the ground.

The wind under his feet wanted to escape from this extremely weird person!

But it's just an instant effort.

There is a gust of wind around here!
Shilipo trembled up and down!
The river outside Zhenjiang City also seemed to be affected by it, and it surged out of the river violently...

 Thank you Suyi Ruyun Baby for your reward.The plane of the Legend of the White Snake is over here, thank you for your support all the time.Well, the ending guessed by baby Ni Anyi is very close to Beibei's imagination, haha~ I will write a side story in the next chapter, Beibei will have to think about it a little bit, maybe it will be updated after twelve o'clock or tomorrow, the main talk is The past life, the previous life and the final ending of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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