Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 315 Fanwai·Meeting you, lucky 3 lives 3

Chapter 315 Fanwai·Meeting you, Sansheng is lucky 3

The back door of Mingye Temple creaked open.

However, it was not the old master who walked out, but a young and shy young monk.

"Master Huigen passed away yesterday. From now on, poor monks will collect your herbs."

The girl apologized.

After handing over the herbal medicine to the other party, he kept his head down and did not dare to look up at the little monk.

Fortunately, after going back and forth, the two of them also became acquainted and became acquainted.

Even getting closer!

The whole process was watched by Bai Suzhen.

He knew that the girl in front of him was the reincarnation of his sister from the previous life.

He will not stop her, he will just silently guard her side.

But he didn't expect that God didn't even give him this chance!
After the dead of winter.

The little monk suffered from a cold and was ill for a long time!
When the girl found out, she was so anxious that she went up to the mountain in the rain all night to collect medicine, but because of a slippery sole, she accidentally fell down from the cliff and lost her life.

Xu Xian's second life ended without end again.

The day when she had an accident happened to be the moment when Bai Suzhen was going through another catastrophe.

He thought that when he succeeded in crossing the tribulation this time, he would be able to appear near her in a human form.

And there is no need to be afraid of being discovered by those old monks in Mingye Temple.

But he never thought that he didn't even see her for the last time.

He is not willing!

I vowed to wait until Xu Xian's third life!

This is more than 1000 years!
Under the Leifeng Pagoda.

Bai Suzhen slowly opened her eyes, looking at the cold and familiar walls around her.

Self-deprecating smile.

So what if the third world finds her again?
She... still left him again!
that day.

Fa Hai was demonized, and the Antarctic fairy who was the chief culprit was also strangled to death by him!


And this anger is too powerful!

The monstrous anger destroyed the entire Shilipo.

The sky-filled river also swelled and flooded most of Zhenjiang City.

Most of the people in Zhenjiang will be buried with him!


It was Guanyin Bodhisattva who came out to stop this disaster that would continue to spread!

But Fa Hai has been demonized!
Guanyin naturally couldn't do anything to him, so he could only let him go.

But someone has to pay for this incident.

Bai Suzhen was disheartened, so she handed over the demon pill to Fahai to take away, and invited herself into Leifeng Pagoda to be punished!
Xiaoqing is an accomplice of the Antarctic fairy.

Naturally, he could not escape, and fell into the last floor of Leifeng Pagoda and was punished!
In comparison, this is another kind of company for her.

many years later.

At the foot of Mount Qingcheng, there is a nameless hanging edge.

Fa Hai sat there alone.

A dense and gloomy black fog has been surrounding him.

And his eyes kept looking into the illusory distance.

Thoughts echoed in memory.

The world only knows that the love affair between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian moved the world.

But I don't know.

There is another person who has chased her for three lifetimes!
first generation.

He is the only and only remaining demon after the great war between immortals and demons.

No name, no own belonging.

As for the name, let's call him the Great Demon King!

While he was wandering around, he lay down on a tree and fell asleep.

Finally, he was woken up by a thunderclap.

Opening his eyes, he saw that there was a little white snake under the tree crossing the catastrophe.

The body twisted in pain, constantly switching between the human form and the snake form, and the snow-white ketone body was also looming.

Inadvertently looked up and found him in the tree.

All of a sudden, pain, shame, and anger all appeared on her little face that was not yet fully formed.

He was immediately happy.

It feels like I found something fun.

He raised his hand to scatter the Thunder Calamity above his head, and injected strength to help the unconscious woman transform into a human form.

Look at the perfect, white and flawless ketone body under your fingertips.

He couldn't help but attached it and kissed it.

But because of this, she was mistaken for a pervert!
She hastily pushed him and fled in a hurry!
As all stories go, he got mad and went to trouble her.

As a result, many things gradually happened, making this little hand that I personally watched grow closer to my heart step by step.

But, he is a devil!
There are many people who want him to die.

Once, the enemy came to the door and restrained him with tricky methods.

She protected him and wanted him to leave, but in the end she was beaten badly.

When he got rid of those people and went to her again, she had already left.

He chased to the ghost world, but was told that she had drank Mengpo soup and was reincarnated.

In order to find her, he also drank Mengpo soup and fell into the path of reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, this wheel of fortune has just begun.

He himself is a disciple of the Buddha.

The purpose of wandering into the world is to taste the five flavors of the world and experience the coldness of the world, but accidentally fell into the magic way.

The reincarnation of the second world.

Back on track, he became a monk.

There is no past life memory, only the erratic memory that exists vaguely in the dream.

Therefore, even though he met her in the second life, he lost her again.

third generation.

He became Fa Hai, and outsiders only thought he was suffering from a demon.

Only he knows.

Those were just his two previous lives, no matter which one, he couldn't control the thought of refusing to approach her.


But all she got in exchange was the result of her remaining in vain and sleeping forever.

It's getting late.

The surrounding wind is getting colder.

He blew over the peach blossom petals in the forest behind him.

With a light floral fragrance.


Appearing at the same time, there is also a little loli with two flower buds in her bun.

Running towards him stumblingly.

He held a heavy cloak in his hand.

"Daddy, it's getting cold, let's go back!"

Fa Hai turned his head.

"This king has said it many times, I am not your father!"

The little loli was stunned.

He raised his head and asked innocently.

"Then... you are not my father, what are you?"

He touched the top of her soft hair, his eyes were full of doting and cunning.

"Hey, call me brother!"

 At the beginning of this plane, the male protagonist of Beibeiding was Fa Hai. The initial inspiration was that Fa Hai was quite pitiful, and wanted to write a different story about White Snake, but after writing it, he wanted to write it as a double male. Lord, it's hard to let go of Bai Suzhen and Fa Hai... By the way, what should I write about in the next plane?
(End of this chapter)

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