Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 321 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 321 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (8)

After the chalks were out of her hands.

Like several sharp darts!
Whoosh whoosh!
almost the same moment.

The girls on the balcony on the second floor who were cursing just now all had their mouths crooked!

Subconsciously covered his face.

In order to relieve the pain, the head had to be tilted to the other side.

As for continuing to scold Lin Qiao?
just forget it!
In contrast, it is more important for them to take care of their own faces first!
At this time, the system popped up again.

[Host, have you pretended enough? 】

Lin Qiao pondered for a while in a low-key manner.

"Well, it's okay!"

The system vomits face!
【Host, just came to this world and pretended to be so arrogant, aren't you afraid of ruining the original owner's settings? 】

Lin Qiao sneered at this.

Has she done too many things to destroy the original owner's settings?
Originally, she could live according to the trajectory of the original owner.

Go to class, flirt with beautiful boys if you have nothing to do, drive a sports car, and go for a ride!

But acceptance does not mean compromise.

She still follows her own temperament, no matter what, she can't wrong herself.

The system despises faces.

[Seeing your excuse, this system will slap you backhand! 】

Lin Qiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Showing He Xiru's smile as if looking at a corpse.

"Cutie system, what are you talking about? I didn't catch it, why don't you say it again?"

The system froze instantly!

Huh huh~
It was all because of a certain violent man who bullied him as soon as he returned to the transfer station.

After such a long time, it still can't get rid of this stupid setting!
Closer to home.

The system is positive.

Lin Qiao was reminded of an important matter.

[Host, you still have 1 minute, if you don't want to be caught on the spot, get out of here! 】

Lin Qiao frowned, and the idiot System had disappeared.

She is not talking too much.

look up.

He looked directly at Nan Gongzhe who had witnessed the whole process on the balcony on the second floor.

He roared, "Hey, Nangong Zhe, do you like me?"

Lin Qiao's words were like a deep-water torpedo.

It exploded with a bang.

It also instantly brought people who were a little shocked back to reality.

Oh yes!

They almost forgot that today is Monday.

It's time for someone to confess to death again!

With earnest gazes, they turned to look at Nangong Zhe.

Curious this time, after seeing Lin Qiao's brutality, will Nan Gongzhe reject her as strongly as before?
Unexpectedly, Nangongzhe hadn't waited for him to speak.

Lin Qiao downstairs spoke again.

"If you don't say it, I'll take it as if you don't like it."

"That's just right. From now on, my aunt won't have anything to do with you again!"

The original owner and the others prepared to send 99 roses to Nan Gongzhe today.

He also wrote 99 lines of love poems in a notebook alone.

He planned to read it to Nangong Zhe one by one.

As for now?
Lin Qiao directly tore up the book full of love poems.

He snatched the bouquet of roses that others had been holding for her all the time.

He raised his head and called out.

"Qin Haoyu!"

From the balcony on the second floor, there was a bewildered voice.


"go to hell!"

Lin Qiao turned around suddenly.

Using the rose in his bosom as a weapon, he slammed it towards Qin Haoyu!
"You poured a bucket of dirty water on me, my aunt and grandma don't remember the villain, this bouquet of roses can be regarded as my gift to you back."

She clapped her hands, turned and left quickly.

A low gasp was heard behind him and the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Shrugged in satisfaction.

The smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

So what if this Qin Haoyu is the bully of the attached high school?

He dared to splash her dirty water?

How dare she shake his face!
Tell him to taste it too, the taste of 'fragrant'!

 Here, the update is coming, surprise or surprise~
  I really can't post the post about the event. Beibei will temporarily divide the event into two parts and post it in the author's words. If you have any questions, please join the group to answer.

  The reward activities are as follows:

  1. Reward 588 book coins and send exclusive avatars (only for the top 10)
  2. Reward 1888 book coins and send a customized cup for this book (limited to 3 places)
  3. Reward 2666 book coins, send Love and the producer or the ancestor of the magic way (2 pieces in total)
  4. Reward 10000 book coins and send a gift pack of snacks (permanently valid, first come first served!)

  [The fourth event is permanently valid and cannot be accumulated, it needs to be achieved at one time! 】

  [All gifts will be distributed after the event ends. All the above-mentioned award-winning babies remember to join the group to contact the group management, book friend group: 635272921, the stepping stone is Beibei's pen name or the protagonist's name. 】

  PS: Beibei is a full-time author, and he also needs to rely on the manuscript fee to make a living. At that time, he begged all the big guys to call Beibei crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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