Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 328 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 328 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (15)

From Lin Qiao's appearance to her departure.

From the beginning to the end, she never looked at Nangong Zhe directly.

It was as if he really just came to teach Qin Haoyu a lesson.

In fact, she did come to teach Qin Haoyu a lesson!
As for Nangong Zhe?
She completely regarded it as a background wall and ignored it!

As for those girls who were always very nervous by Nangongzhe's side.

Now it's more like a joke.

They regarded Lin Qiao as their imaginary enemy, but they didn't expect it.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Qiao never gave them a look.

The class bell rang again.

Nangong Zhe also gradually withdrew his gaze.

Play hard to get an upgraded version with him?

But it is undeniable that her move did attract his attention.

Lin Qiao, who went back to her classroom obediently, did not expect it.

The matter did not end there.

When going to the cafeteria for lunch, Ye Jiajia and a few girls stood in front of her.

And behind them stood Nangong Zhe.

Someone in the attached middle school once commented.

If Nangong Zhe is the moon in the sky.

Ye Jiajia and the girls are like stars in the night sky.

Surrounding the moon anytime and anywhere.

In the past, they all hated and avoided Lin Qiao.

This time, instead, he took the initiative to stand in front of Lin Qiao.

The people around who knew the situation were immediately happy.

It seems that there is another good show to watch!
For these few people.

Lin Qiao never had a good face.

With a sullen face, his red lips parted slightly, and he uttered a few words in a cold voice.

"As the old saying goes, a good dog... stays out of the way!"

These girls were so angry that they immediately wanted to go forward and tear Lin Qiao's mouth open.

Ye Jiajia could still hold her breath this time.

Stop these girls.

Walking in front of Lin Qiao, he raised his chin proudly.

"Lu Li, let me tell you, we are here today to remind you.

Don't appear in front of Nangong Zhe again, and don't try to attract his attention by playing hard to get.

Otherwise, we will call you once in the future! "

Lin Qiao's mouth twitched.

He spit out two words in a cold voice, "Brainless!"

What kind of abilities does Ye Jiajia have? Does she have no idea?
Who gave her face that she could say such a thing?
Lin Qiao is very hungry now.

I'm really too lazy to deal with these stupid fans.

I don't want to beep beeping with such idiots, it will only waste her saliva!

Lin Qiao grabbed someone casually.

She gave him several soft sister coins and asked him to bring her a meal and deliver it to the classroom.

It was like he had hit the jackpot.

He left and ran away in a flash, not forgetting to say that he would definitely do it while walking.

Indeed, who wouldn't like the good thing of buying a meal and earning hundreds of dollars?

Lunch has been settled.

Lin Qiao didn't bother to look at these idiots anymore.

He turned around and headed towards his classroom.

Ye Jiajia was ignored by her again, and she was also called a fool, so she was naturally very angry.

She wanted to go forward and teach Lin Qiao a lesson.

But scruples about her image as a lady.

She was already ruined by her last Monday, how could she not act so rudely this time.

When you are depressed.

Nan Gongzhe, who had been standing behind them, came out.

"Lu Li, wait a minute!"

Hearing Nangong Zhe's voice.

Ye Jiajia just remembered.

Today, Nangong Zhe personally said that he would come here to wait for Lin Qiao.

He must be the same as himself, also tired of Lin Qiao's changing tricks to attract his attention again and again!

Lin Qiao really didn't get tired of it.

"What are you going to do?"

Nangong Zhe smiled.

"Nothing, I just want to invite you to the masquerade party for the school celebration tomorrow night."

 good evening~
(End of this chapter)

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