Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 330 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 330 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (17)

Lin Qiao thought so.

Now that he agreed to the request to attend the ball, this matter has come to an end for the time being.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she got downstairs, she saw Nangong Zhe standing downstairs who was very eye-catching and dazzling.

He stands among the crowd.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw her standing on the stairs.

Immediately with a bright smile, he passed through the crowd and walked towards her actively.

"Hi, Lu Li!"

Almost reflexively.

The wind picked up under Lin Qiao's feet, so he turned around and left!
Just kidding, if you don't leave now, when will you stay?

Didn't you see the green eyes of the girls around you, looking fierce?

This guy Nangongzhe must have done it on purpose!

Lin Qiao guessed right.

Nangong Zhe really did it on purpose.

On a whim, he also wanted to come over to deliver the invitation in person, and to see Lin Qiao's reaction by the way.

But I didn't expect to be in this peak period after school.

Immediately, a group of girls came downstairs and surrounded him.

Now, since Lin Qiao saw through the intention.

He couldn't let Lin Qiao leave so easily.

Run a few steps to catch up.

He grabbed Lin Qiao's schoolbag.

"Wait a minute, this is an invitation to the masquerade party tomorrow night!"

If it is said that Nangong Zhe's appearance here has already attracted the first wave of hatred for Lin Qiao.

Then, the words invitation to the masquerade party immediately brought her a second wave of hatred!
In the attached middle.

Everyone knows that the masquerade party after the school celebration is actually a benefit that Nan Gongzhe will seek after he takes office.

There are only a very small number of places for this dance every year.

Those who can be invited, either have excellent grades or outstanding performance.

Or someone with a prominent family background!
Unfortunately, Nangongzhe has all these items.

And he is the president of the student body.

It can be said that he is a collection of thousands of pets, and all the girls who can be invited are yearning to dance with him.

Of course, just receiving that invitation letter is enough to be enviable.

Because... that invitation letter is said to have been written by Nangong Zhe himself!
It is a pity.

Lin Qiao is not Nangong Zhe's pink color, nor is she a cute little girl.

Hearing Nangong Zhe's words.

She threw his schoolbag backhanded.

But Nangong Zhe easily avoided it.

Lin Qiao was not annoyed either.

In front of these fanatical fans of Nangongzhe, she didn't expect to beat Nangongzhe into anything.

He snatched the invitation from Nangong Zhe.

She said coldly, "Nangong Zhe, I have received the invitation letter, and I will go to the dance too."

"It's you, if you are sick, go and treat it!"

"Don't bother me here!"

Lin Qiao finished speaking.

With the wind under his feet, he ran away quickly.

At the same place, Nangong Zhe looked at the back of her leaving, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

A kind of fans around him were still worthless for him just now!
Angry Lin Qiao didn't know what to do!

After seeing this rare smile.

Forgot everything in an instant, only seeing the flourishing beauty of her own school grass!

After leaving the school gate.

Lin Qiao just remembered that something happened in Australia.

Lao Gao took the rest of the Lu family to reinforce Lu Boyan.

There are only a group of maids and her left at home.

And she can only take a taxi back by herself in the past few days.

This point of partial students is also the peak time for get off work and school.

This car is really hard to beat!

While waiting for the car to take a break, Nangongzhe walked over again.

"Are you going back together?"

"I remember you said that our two families are in the same direction."

Lin Qiao raised her lips and sneered silently!
It wasn't her who said that.

But the original owner!

As everyone knows, their two families are in two opposite directions.

The original master learned how to drive, and he said this intentionally for the convenience of sending Nangongzhe home.

I don't want to bother with this nerve anymore.

She simply didn't get a taxi, so Lin Qiao turned around and left.

She can't believe it!
She walks while waiting for the bus, so she can always catch it!
 These chapters are excessive and will be a bit slow to heat up, but there are still some explosive points.Good night, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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