Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 335 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 335 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (22)

The manager said this to Tang Xinyi.

She immediately lowered her head in shame.

"Manager, I, I, I really didn't mean to..."


Lin Qiao sneered when he heard it.

Really... so stupid!

However, now that she is a bad person, she will not sympathize with her!
It exploded instantly!

"What is not intentional, I think you are intentional!"

"I got out of your way, but you keep coming together against me and spilling the wine all over my skirt!"

In the transfer station.

The system was stunned.

[Host, is this not the first time you have done something like this? 】

[Pengci can be so confident? 】

A slight smile slid across the corner of Lin Qiao's mouth.

"Hey hey, this is called ability!"

"At any rate, we've also acted as female supporting roles. If every plane didn't die early, it would be a matter of time before we win the Oscar for Best Actress~]

The system has a speechless face.

[You say you are fat, are you still panting? 】

Lin Qiao stared from a distance.

"Dead system, where to cool off, where to cool off!"

She withdrew her thoughts.

He stared at Tang Xinyi on the opposite side with great interest.

What Lin Qiao is doing now.

It's just to complete the task and re-enact the plot in the original book.

It's just that there is no detailed description in the original book about this plot.

Now, she was very curious.

Tang Xinyi, the heroine of this plane, encountered such a thing, how would she treat it?

She paused.

Acted very angry.

Take a sharp breath.

Only then did he barely suppress the anger in his chest.

He turned to look at the manager.

"You are the manager here! My skirt has been stained by her, tell me, what should I do about it?"

The manager has recognized Lin Qiao's identity.

A place like a hotel.

Although it's not really a mixed bag, big figures in all aspects must know something.

The Lu family is naturally no exception.

Immediately apologized to Lin Qiao with a very flattering attitude.

At the same time, he didn't forget to turn around and scold Tang Xinyi angrily!
"How do you do it!"

"Isn't it just serving some wine on a plate, this little thing can't be done!"

Tang Xinyi lowered her head.

There seemed to be tears in his eyes.

After being scolded by the manager, she felt more and more wronged.

Obviously, obviously Lin Qiao bumped into it himself!

Her lips twitched a few times, and finally she mustered up the courage to defend herself.

"Manager, I'm not talking nonsense!"

"I saw it very clearly just now. She bumped into it by herself. I have already humbled her!"

Lin Qiao's face was sullen.

Contempt flashed in his eyes.

"So, you mean to say..."

Her voice was cold.

Because of her height advantage, she lowered her head and looked down at Tang Xinyi.

"Did I deliberately trouble you?"

Tang Xinyi raised her head.

Those wet eyes were full of horror and surprise.

If Lin Qiao was a man, maybe she would really be tempted at this moment.

After all, Tang Xinyi's face is not bad.

Unfortunately, she is a woman.

Not interested in the same kind!
He looked away after only one glance.

"Manager, it seems that your ability to handle affairs is very weak!"

The manager is a man.

Hearing the word ability, he couldn't help but think of something.

Immediately also angry!

A slap on Tang Xinyi's face.

"Bitch, look at the good deeds you have done, why are you still standing there, why don't you apologize to Miss Lu!"

Tang Xinyi covered her cheeks.

His eyes were full of disbelief and anger!

next second.

The disbelief in her eyes has turned into deep surprise!
And the manager who was still arrogant just now was kicked out with a whoosh like a bulging fat pig balloon.

 There is another chapter before twelve o'clock. Babies who can't wait can read it tomorrow, but it must be before nine o'clock, because after nine o'clock, it will start to enter the charging mode. PS: Because of the setting of the plot, Beibei put the position of "on third base" in the later chapters. (Hehehe, you guys should understand what it means to go to third base, right? Cough cough, don’t ask me if you don’t understand, Bei Bei doesn’t know either~)

(End of this chapter)

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