Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 339 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me so much

Chapter 339 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me so much (26)

The girl continued to walk towards their position.

Getting closer.

Only to find that the skin on her body is even better.

As white as milk, it looks like it will reflect light when viewed under the light.

Under the cover of a silver-white mask.

Only a pair of vermilion lips and a delicate and clean chin were exposed.

The chestnut and slightly curly wavy hair is uniformly pulled to one side.

A white and pink earlobe was exposed.

The long tassel earrings sway and come to life as you walk.

Compared to the elf princess that Cheng Xue disguised just now.

She looked more like a legendary elf.

Ignorant of the world, full of charm, I want to yearn and want to find out.

It also makes people want to know what kind of mysterious face is hidden behind that silver-white mask?
The girl didn't seem to be aware of the gazes of these people at all.

He stopped some distance away from Qin Haoyu.

He yawned lazily.

"System, do I have flowers on my face?"

【No! 】

"Then do I have a mole on my face?"

The system has a speechless face.

[There is wool!Host, have you forgotten that you are still wearing a mask? 】

Lin Qiao shrugged lightly.

"I haven't forgotten this, but I'm just curious. They all looked at me all of a sudden? Is my charm already so great?"

[So many of the previous questions are not important, the important thing is the last sentence! 】

Lin Qiao raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you are smart once!"


This person has been pissed to death, please burn the paper if something happens!
In fact, it was not unreasonable for these people to focus on Lin Qiao all of a sudden.

Because of what happened to Qin Haoyu and Cheng Xue just now.

The few remaining people whose identities had not been guessed laughed out loud, or showed other telltale signs.

Immediately it was discovered by the people around and it was exposed!

Yes, now the entire venue.

Only Lin Qiao was still wearing a mask.

Under such a strong contrast, it's simply... It's hard not to pay attention!

Soon, the attention of some of these people was diverted.

I saw the opposite of Lin Qiao.

A girl wearing a silver mask also came out.

She is wearing a long pink Lolita dress.

Delicate lace lingers around the dress, round and round.

Like clouds floating around the mountains.

Layers upon layers, fairy air lingers.

Coupled with the princess bun on the girl's head, the whole temperament is immediately improved.


Without comparison, there is no harm.

If Lin Qiao's appearance just now can be called amazing.

That is in everyone's mind.

This Lolita girl is like the white moonlight in her heart.

Can't shake it off!

Lin Qiao was not surprised by this.

According to the plot, this Lolita dress should have been reserved for Tang Xinyi.

She is the heroine of this plane.

It is also reasonable to wear the brilliance.


There has been no news of the success of the mission from the system.

Therefore, Lin Qiao appeared here with a new change of clothes, just to check and accept his own achievements.

the other end of the crowd.

Another person who has not been revealed yet came out.

He disguised himself as a 'cowboy'.

The eyes hidden behind the cowboy hat tightly fell on the Lolita girl in front.

The look in his eyes is getting more and more excited!
is her!It's really her!
He suddenly became excited, passed through the crowd, and ran all the way to the Lolita girl.

He is fast.

Even if the hat was blown off during the run, he never cared.


When we arrived in front of the Lolita girl.

He suddenly stopped talking.

His eyes fell on the bright red nails of the Lolita girl.

He grabbed her shoulders excitedly and lowered his voice, "You are not her, where did you get this skirt?"

(End of this chapter)

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