Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 344 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me so much

Chapter 344 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me so much (31)

As soon as her words fell to the ground.

It succeeded in astonishing most of the people present.

Never thought.

She really has a deep affection for Nangong Zhe.

After being injured so many times, he will continue to choose him.

different from outsiders.

Lin Qiao to Nan Gongzhe.

It's never been deeply in love, but as always, I can't like it.

She was just a little jealous of Qi Yan.

Although the system did not tell her the specific identity of Qi Yan.

There is no specific description about him in the original book.

But Lin Qiao is more willing to trust his intuition!
Eyes are the windows to the heart.

Only he is dark inside.

His eyes are so penetrating!

And she chose Nangong Zhe because she hoped that Qi Yan could put away her petty thoughts.

After all, the snobbery of the Lu family and the Nangong family combined.

In this city, it can be regarded as a strong alliance.

Although Qin Haoyu's family can also be feared, but his character is too impulsive and will cause bad things!
not to mention.

She had clearly rejected Qin Haoyu in full view just now.

Thinking of him when there is a need at this time will do him even more harm!
"System, why do I feel like I'm becoming a virgin?"

The system silently picked its nostrils.

[You just found out! 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, yes, this person is old, so naturally he has more worries! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."


I really want to beat this honest brat to death!

inside the venue.

Hearing what Lin Qiao said on his own initiative.

Qin Haoyu lowered his head.

Once again, he didn't say a word, just stood there in a daze.

His face was stunned.

Could it be that everything she did during this period was to catch up with Nangong Zhe smoothly?

In contrast.

Nangongzhe was flattered this time.

However, deep in his heart, there was still a trace of disgust.

It seems that she is nothing more than that!
Lin Qiao didn't know what Nangong Zhe was thinking at the moment.

She just wanted to leave quickly.

But just as she turned around, someone patted her on the shoulder.

She turned her head subconsciously, and saw Qi Yan standing in front of her holding two glasses of cocktails of different colors.

"Lu Li, although you rejected my invitation to dance, can you do me a favor.

I have a slight choice difficulty, I don't know which cup to choose? "

The so-called selective difficulty is often entangled in who should choose one of the two.

At this time, the opinions of outsiders can indeed help them find out the answers deep in their hearts faster.


Lin Qiao is not interested in such things.

"Sorry! Teacher Qi, I don't know much about wine."

After she finished speaking, she smiled politely.

After turning around, his expression turned cold.

His eyes were dark and very cold!
After leaving the venue holding Nangong Zhe's arm, there was wind under his feet, and he walked faster and faster!

Nangong Zhe was still a little puzzled.

Seeing the seriousness on her face, she didn't ask any more questions after asking several times without answering.

In fact, it was as early as the moment Qi Yan appeared with a cocktail.

The system reminded her.

Don't touch those two cups!
You can't even drink the wine inside!
Because these were manipulated by the other party.

He didn't know how Qi Yan did this in an instant.

But it also confirmed her conjecture more and more.

This man is very dangerous!
She can't stay here any longer, she must leave immediately!

And this time.

The sound of the system sounded again.

[Host, you are miserable, we have been recruited! 】

What do you mean?
Lin Qiao asked subconsciously.

But instantly felt his head sink, and the whole person quickly passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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