Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 346 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 346 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (33)

Indeed, death is but a moment.

But Lin Qiao didn't want to die.

In addition to their own reasons.

She also knows that death can't solve anything.

It's just one more jar and one more mutilated corpse in this room.

She tried to open her eyes wide, trying to twist her body.

But, all this is in vain!

How could she get rid of the medicine that Qi Yan personally prescribed?

"Want to resist?"

There was a cool smile on the corner of Qi Yan's mouth.

There are more and more playfulness and aversion to cold in the eyes.

"It's a pity, you can't break free."

His fingers caressed Lin Qiao's tender cheeks.

Holding the scalpel in his hand, he gently scratched the skirt on her body bit by bit.

There was a slight stab.

The only remaining piece of extremely thin underwear was also cut by him with a knife.

Revealing the snow-white skin inside.

Of course, there are also two extremely plump peaches.

The tip of the scalpel tapped on it, and soon it bounced off automatically.


His laughter is like a bamboo being shaken by the wind in a rainy night.

Shaking creakingly.

Every sound is very ugly!
Lin Qiao was filled with disgust, but he really couldn't resist.

And Qi Yan's fingers had already rested on her smooth lower abdomen, and the tip of the knife kept circling around it.

"It's such a pity, this skin combined with my powerful genes will give birth to a beautiful offspring, are you right, Xiao Li'er?"

Lin Qiao, "..."

Her only moving eye looked up involuntarily.

Silently rolled his eyes.

Who gave him face, just such a change, still want her to give him a baby?


Go die!
[Ahem, host, although the facts are true, to avoid being exposed, don't get too excited now...]

Lin Qiao, "..."

Not excited?
Can she not be excited?

After she woke up, let the system buy her a divine power package.

But this time, the system actually kindly saved her money.

The good name is that there will be reinforcements coming to save her, let her hold on for a while.

She didn't know how long the system said for a while.

All she knew was that Qi Yan had already stripped her little girl off!
She watched with her own eyes that Qi Yan bent down holding a metal object, and the cold metal spread from her thigh all the way up.

"Dead system, when will the reinforcements arrive!"

Lin Qiao's eyes widened instantly.

The spirit is highly tense!

The strong disgust and anger are all gathered in the eyes.

Qi Yan better pray that she never has the chance to be free again, otherwise...

In the transfer station.

The system is stunned.

[Host, please look at the six o'clock direction! 】

After listening to the system, Lin Qiao still hasn't recalled it.

Then I heard the door of the surrounding basement being blasted open with a bang.

The iron sheet above the gate was bounced off.

Sharp as a blade!

It hit the wall opposite the gate and fell down again.

Smash the glass jars soaking the corpses with a loud crash.

The formalin liquid mixed with the blood from the corpse flowed out from the gap in the jar.

Immediately, the ground was flooded with a foul-smelling liquid.

Lin Qiao opened his eyes.

Finding himself unharmed, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And over there where the basement door is.

There was an overlapping black shadow gradually approaching her.

A black suit jacket fell from the sky, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

when opened again.

Finding Lu Boyan next to her, his face was livid!
(End of this chapter)

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