Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 349 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 349 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (36)

There is an old saying called.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?
Lin Qiao believed this sentence.

She thinks, isn't she just a man?

Although she had never actually fought before.

But when she was in the soul body, Wuxin watched a lot.

So, she simulated it on Lu Boyan according to the memory in her mind.

Sitting on him, intending to directly attack the overlord!

Anyway, she was so hot that she was dying, so she couldn't care so much!
Left and right are all grown men and women.

Don't count that much!

But the reality is, no matter how teasing she is.

Lu Boyan didn't respond at all.

And gradually.

The coolness on his body was like a bone.

On the contrary, Lin Qiao was not as hot as before, and his rationality was gradually being pulled back.

Gradually retreat from Lu Boyan.

She was really in a hurry just now.

She didn't care about anything, just sat on Lu Boyan's body and teased him!

Now that she came back to her senses, she simply... wanted to die!
"Where are you going?"

Lu Boyan's cold voice sounded in front of her.

She was so surprised that she looked embarrassed.

"That... I, I want to go out and get some air!"

"Are you sure you want to go out in this posture?"

Lu Boyan's hand was stuck on her waist.

It also drew her attention back.

She just noticed.

Because of her crazy behavior just now, her clothes have completely taken off!
It's completely, one, one, no, nothing in front of him!
Skin as white and smooth as milk.

At this moment, it turned red like a cooked shrimp.

Lin Qiao hurriedly grabbed the clothes on the ground to cover herself, and slipped away when the wind picked up her feet.

Not to mention whether Lu Boyan will let her go or not.

She couldn't leave without her current physical strength alone.

As soon as he got off the ground, Lu Boyan grabbed his wrist and fell back into his embrace.

"Run what?"

His cool breath sprayed around her again.

But Lin Qiao, who had regained his sanity a little, also understood.

Lu Boyan is not someone she can mess with casually!

Little by little, she opened Lu Boyan's fingers.

But before it was fully pulled away, Lu Boyan clenched it tightly again.

She was so angry that she couldn't do it, and at the same time comforted her coldly.

"Lu Boyan, you know, we are brother and sister, we can't be together again!"

"I know."

There was a hint of playfulness in Lu Boyan's beautiful peach eyes.

"But I also know that we are not brothers and sisters!"

He grabbed her hand.

On his unconscious lap.

"At the beginning, you made me turn into such a ghost. Now, shouldn't you pay me back?"


How does he want her to repay?

Lin Qiao shook off Lu Boyan's hand, broke free from his embrace, turned around and left!
"What are you going to do?"

Behind him, Lu Boyan's face was as cold as frost.

But with his back turned to him, Lin Qiao couldn't feel it at all.

"Of course I'm looking for a man who can 'do' big things with me!"

"you dare!"

"What dare I dare not..."

Lin Qiao hadn't finished speaking yet.

He just felt his body lighten, and his whole body was thrown high, and then thrown onto the spacious big bed in the hotel.

A tall black shadow loomed in front of her.

on top of her.

Lin Qiao's eyes widened, terrified, but more shocking!

"Lu Boyan, aren't you disabled?"

Lu Boyan kissed her delicate lips with an ambiguous breath, "Soon, you will know whether I am disabled or not!"

Lin Qiao pushed and shoved him to escape.

The more sober she was, the more she knew that there should be no relationship between them.

But it was too late.

She only heard the top of her head, Lu Boyan told her word by word.

"You said, tonight, I'm yours!"


(End of this chapter)

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