Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 364 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 364 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (52)

Everyone followed Nangong Zhe's gaze.

Then I saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy sitting in a wheelchair, heading towards the restaurant with the help of a servant.

His skin is very white.

It is so white that it is almost transparent.

The white shirt on his body was also very white, which made him look even whiter.

But, if you look carefully, you will find it.

The boy's white shirt was dusty, and there seemed to be some unscattered footprints.

There was something unusual about his face, too.

There was a Band-Aid on the brow bone.

Although most of the positions are hidden under the thin hair of three to seven cents.

But if you look carefully.

People will still be able to see the clues!
Perhaps it was because of this that his beautiful peach eyes were drooping all the time.

The whole person's emotions are also deaf.

Lin Qiao saw him immediately.

She suddenly felt.

Lu Boyan is very suitable for wearing black and white clothes.

When he was in white, he was really like an ordinary boy of seventeen or eighteen.

Fragile yet somewhat cool and unique!
It's heart-warming.

But sometimes it hurts too.

And he in black.

Put on the thick of the night.

Every movement has a maturity and sophistication that does not match his age.

There is even a bit of cruelty!

Make people dread, fear, and hesitate!
But unfortunately, whether it is black or white.

The existence of such two extremes can be integrated extremely harmoniously in him.

As if, originally, they should be one.


Lin Qiao thought of Fa Hai.

One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a devil.

In him, he got a perfect explanation.

And Lu Boyan is simply the true portrayal of the modern version of this sentence!

Lin Qiao's thoughts drifted away.

Lu Zhiguo also saw Lu Boyan, and his face was slightly sullen.

"Come and eat!"


Lu Boyan raised his head and sat down next to Lin Qiao.

And Nangong Zhe, who had been holding back the attack just now, finally couldn't help it this time.

He stood up from his seat abruptly.

"Lu Li, who is he?"

Although he only saw a back and profile in the afternoon.

But he can be sure.

The man he saw at that time must be Lu Boyan in front of him without a doubt!

Lin Qiao gave him a strange look.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

"You haven't answered my question yet, what are you doing at my house?"

She thought she was not familiar with Nangong Zhe.

It's not so good that they can visit each other casually!
He even brought Mrs. Nangong along!

Nangong Zhe choked suddenly.

He also had a temper, insisting on asking what was good or bad.

"Answer me first, who is he?"

This time.

Without waiting for Lin Qiao to speak, Lu Boyan took the initiative to speak.

"Under Lu Boyan, may I ask, what's the matter?"

There was a good-natured smile on his face.

But when he looked at Nangong Zhe alone, a trace of disdain flashed in his pupils.

I heard that his surname is also Lu.

Nangong Zhe originally wondered if he was wrong at the time.

After all, the distance was a bit far back then.

But at this time.

He accidentally saw the disdain and mockery in Lu Boyan's eyes.

Suddenly, his face became very ugly.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he said, "Lu Boyan, right? Are you the poor beggar picked up by Lu Li?"

Years ago.

A beggar picked up by Lu Li became Lu Zhiguo's adoptive son.

He even made him Lu Li's brother.

Became the legitimate young master of the Lu family!
At that time, it can be said that many upper-class people were dumbfounded.

It's just that as time passed, this matter was quickly faded away.

Now, Nangongzhe suddenly remembered.

For a moment, I just felt that I was superior to Lu Boyan.

Lu Boyan raised his head.

A pair of eyes froze in front of Nangongzhe.

"Yes, so what, no... so what?"

Nangongzhe's face was dark and unclear.

Just about to answer.

At the dining table, Lin Qiao suddenly stood up.

"I'm stuffed!"

After she said that, she left the table without looking back.

No one will give half a point of face!
Behind her, Nangong Zhe chased up and blocked her.

"Lu Li, you can't leave for now, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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